13-12-2009, 06:02 AM
Here are some factoids about Georgie boy gathered from the web... including the cobwebs of my mind. Note the Baku oilfields reference about the Nobels. McCloy was their corporate lawyer and their legal representative.
See below...
Notes on Georgie boy found on the web... with elaborations and some deletions...
1. Identified by his wife as being a "Nazi spy" in America. (Worked for Anastase A. Vonsiatky - world vojhd of all "White Russian" spies and saboteurs with headquarters in Harbin, Manchuria. Vonsiatsky was THE Manchurian Candidate in the Condon novel. And Oswald was their "favorite programmed assassin" which is the reason he was chosen as the "perfect patsy" or the "perfect alternative shooter". Whether he fired a shot or not, whether he hit JFK or not, whether he was hypnotized or controlled when he was in the Texas Book Depository or not, just his mere presence in Dallas as a trained former MK/ULTRA assassin, invoked the most "paranoid" of all possible massive cover-ups from every segment of US intelligence agencies and even the US stupidity agencies, too.
2. Befriended Lee Harvey Oswald. Most likely because George was "Oswald's handler" and "Mind Controller" using ManCand training from "Annie" Vonsiatsky. Attended the same ROCOR church where Vonsiatsky got married in New York city and apparently went to the same Sushi restaurants in Harbin, Manchuoko, frequented by Anastease Vonsiatsky who was George's mentor and leader. Often bought Vonsiatsky Borscht, Sushi and a pitcher of "White Russians" to go for their Saturday night War Story Nights with the Boys from Berlin in Harbin. (just kidding) Would sing the Horst Wessel song together until they were hoarse and totally drunk. Gambled frequently with the worthless Czarist Ruble Notes they had both accumulated as if they were going to be invaluable some day. (just cutesy speculation)
3.Employee of Pantepec Oil, owned by the Buckley family. William Buckley, a close friend of CIA man E. Howard Hunt who was both Godfather to Hunt's children and a college classmate of both "THE Manchurian Candidate" from Manchuria, Anastase Vonsiatsky and "head of the American Nazi Party" George Lincoln Rockwell at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Buckley founded the Young Americans for Freedom and later worked with Rockwell on The American Mercury which was mentioned at The Winnipeg Airport Incident. The owner of the American Mercury was Clendenin J. Ryan, who often sponsored both Ulius Amoss' and Carleton Coon's espionage adventures. Robert Emmett Johnson, who has been identified as one of JFK's shooters, was one of their prize pupils and they passed him on to Ray S. Cline who was in the novel The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon along with Buckley, Morris, Oliver and Vonsiatsky himself. A member and political sponsor of YAF was Senator John Tower, a hard line anti-communist, who signed all the waivers to allow Lee Harvey and Marina Oswald to return to America, despite Oswald's "defection." After the Buckley family Mexican oil interests of Pantepec Oil had been nationalized an infamous threesome rode in John J. Pershing's cavalry after Pancho Villa into New Mexico: James "Hugh" Angleton the father of James "Jesus" Ferguson err... rather James "Jesus" Angleton whose mother was Mexican, George "Otis" Draper [G.O.D], Wickliffe Draper's uncle, and none other than a young Charles Willoughby himself. This was the start of a long-standing relationship between the American Military and American business leaders who had their properties nationalized by upstart nations headed by decidedly non-WASP leadership. Brig. Gen. Smedley Butler, "War is a Racket" organized many comparable expeditions until he finally figured it all out and wrote a tell-all manuscript which I personally introduced to the internet community in the 1990's. Later Butler was asked to become the "Man on the White Horse" after a planned FDR coup in the 1930's by American business leaders, which was documented in "The Plot to Seize the White House" which was written by Jules Archer. The design and leadership of this plot had close parallels
to the JFK plots in the late 1950's and the 1960's.
Oswald's passage was "expedited" and aided and abetted by Otto F. Otepka, a rabid former McCarhtyite, and head of the State Department's Office of Security and a close friend of Sarah McClendon who later penetrated C.O.P.A. completely unknown to the leadership of that organization. McClendon was very tight with Willoughby, Hargis, Rorke and Edward "Brainwashing" Hunter who has penetrated the minds of most JFK researchers unknown to them. The concept of Oswald actually being assisted by a rabid McCarthyite in the U.S. Passport office, who would later be "fired" by JFK for leaking classified documents to Congress related to the approval/disapproval of the Walt Whitman Rostow nomination, a favorite of JFK. See: "The Strange Ordeal of Otto Otepka" by Richard Gill which was made into a movie short starring Robert J. Morris and J. Strom Thurmond from The Manchurian Candidate. When this Otepka story was first related to me, it was described in very sinister tones as if "The U.S. Government" had assisted Oswald in getting back into the USA, knowing that Oswald was going to kill JFK, when in fact it was the sinister work of McCarthyites and MacArthurites and Condon's Dirty Dozen, whom I do not consider to ever have been part of my "U.S. Government". Do you consider Morris, Willoughby, Buckley, Cline, Angleton, Otepka, Thurmond, Fellers, Oliver, etc. to be part of your "U.S. Government"? I bet most of you would which shows your true allegiances are to McCarthyites and MacArthurites and pro-Nazis and Fascists and certainly NOT to a Democracy.
4. Affiliated with the Howard Hughes organization. Another person affiliated with Howard Hughes was Robert Maheu, who was a security man for H. L. Hunt as well.
The Hughes role in the JFK hit if any, has never been proven to my satisfaction. Supported Herbert Hoover in their mutual desire to regain their lost family oil fields and the millions of dollars taken by the "Rooskies."
5. Friend of Clint Murchinson in Dallas. Murchinson was connected to Genovese crime family, (like umbilical cord connected, well connected... get it? or otherwise connected) the alleged financier of the American Nazi party of George Lincoln Rockwell (what is the source for this?), a friend of J. Edgar Hoover. Murchison was extremely anti-Kennedy. (Who wasn't in Texas?)
6. Friend of William Grace. Grace's son. J. Peter, worked with former Nazi spymaster Reinhard Gehlen, who was involved in many anti-Communist crusades. (Gee anti-Communist Nazis, what a total and complete surprise! About as rare as anti-Nazi Jews, too. About as rare as a Jew working for a Nazi at The Liberty Lobby! Seriously though, the only real rarity was maybe a Black Klansman or a "liberal" member of The John Birch Society.) Once won an award from the Pope for his donations toward arch-Catholic anti-Communism. One friend of J. Peter was Frederick Flick (involved with I.G. Farben), whose legal representative was Carl Byvoir, who also represented the Howard Hughes organization.
7. de Mohrenschildt's family managed Nobel Oil (Branobel Oil) in Baku, whose legal representative was John McCloy. McCloy was a consultant to I.G. Farben and was on the Warren Commission as well. Both McCloy and Gen. William F. Draper, Jr. opposed the de-Nazification of of Germany according to Christopher Simpson in Splendid Blond Beast.
8. Employee of Humble Oil, run by Prescott Bush, who allegedly had dealings with I.G. Farben and Union Bank. Anything for a buck maybe?
9. de Mohrenschildt's cousin, the Baron Constantine Maydell, worked for the Abwehr under Reinhard Gehlen. (Gee a White Russian Nazi working for a Nazi . More Nazi spies than you can shake a stick at.)
10. Introduced Oswald to Michael and Ruth Paine who were Dallas John Birchers and pro-Nazis first and foremost who had CIA connections as well. Paines had to know leaders of Dallas John Birch Society including those in Condon's Dirty Dozen, Robert Morris, Edwin Walker and Charles Willoughby although this fact has been either lost in the shuffle or deliberately overlooked in favor of less documented possible CIA connections. Michael Paine worked at Bell Aviation under Walter Dornberger, a former Nazi rocket scientist who came to this country during Operation Paperclip. Ruth Paine got Oswald the job at the book depository. (Wow at $3 per hour. She must have had some pull.)
11. Member of the Dallas Council On World Affairs and The Crusade For A Free Europe. Other members include George Bush, Clint Murchinson, H.L. Hunt, and Abraham Zapruder, and Byrd, the owner of the Texas School Book Depository who got Oswald a front row window seat for the entire JFK parade.
12. Married Jeanne LeGon, the former business partner of Abraham Zapruder. (I don't put much credence in the significance of this one.)
13. Worked closely with many of Richard Condon's Dirty Dozen from Manchurian Candidate including immigration lawyers, The Coudert Brothers in New York City who ran the "White Russian" Nazi Rat Lines from Paris to North America. They also promoted "The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion" with Boris Brasol and Adrian Arcand, and with Robert J. Morris of the Rapp-Coudert Committee, later McCarthyism, seeking to pillory or assassinate communist affiliated schoolteachers. Frederic Rene Coudert also ran William F. Buckley's mayoralty campaign in 1965.
See below...
Notes on Georgie boy found on the web... with elaborations and some deletions...
1. Identified by his wife as being a "Nazi spy" in America. (Worked for Anastase A. Vonsiatky - world vojhd of all "White Russian" spies and saboteurs with headquarters in Harbin, Manchuria. Vonsiatsky was THE Manchurian Candidate in the Condon novel. And Oswald was their "favorite programmed assassin" which is the reason he was chosen as the "perfect patsy" or the "perfect alternative shooter". Whether he fired a shot or not, whether he hit JFK or not, whether he was hypnotized or controlled when he was in the Texas Book Depository or not, just his mere presence in Dallas as a trained former MK/ULTRA assassin, invoked the most "paranoid" of all possible massive cover-ups from every segment of US intelligence agencies and even the US stupidity agencies, too.
2. Befriended Lee Harvey Oswald. Most likely because George was "Oswald's handler" and "Mind Controller" using ManCand training from "Annie" Vonsiatsky. Attended the same ROCOR church where Vonsiatsky got married in New York city and apparently went to the same Sushi restaurants in Harbin, Manchuoko, frequented by Anastease Vonsiatsky who was George's mentor and leader. Often bought Vonsiatsky Borscht, Sushi and a pitcher of "White Russians" to go for their Saturday night War Story Nights with the Boys from Berlin in Harbin. (just kidding) Would sing the Horst Wessel song together until they were hoarse and totally drunk. Gambled frequently with the worthless Czarist Ruble Notes they had both accumulated as if they were going to be invaluable some day. (just cutesy speculation)
3.Employee of Pantepec Oil, owned by the Buckley family. William Buckley, a close friend of CIA man E. Howard Hunt who was both Godfather to Hunt's children and a college classmate of both "THE Manchurian Candidate" from Manchuria, Anastase Vonsiatsky and "head of the American Nazi Party" George Lincoln Rockwell at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Buckley founded the Young Americans for Freedom and later worked with Rockwell on The American Mercury which was mentioned at The Winnipeg Airport Incident. The owner of the American Mercury was Clendenin J. Ryan, who often sponsored both Ulius Amoss' and Carleton Coon's espionage adventures. Robert Emmett Johnson, who has been identified as one of JFK's shooters, was one of their prize pupils and they passed him on to Ray S. Cline who was in the novel The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon along with Buckley, Morris, Oliver and Vonsiatsky himself. A member and political sponsor of YAF was Senator John Tower, a hard line anti-communist, who signed all the waivers to allow Lee Harvey and Marina Oswald to return to America, despite Oswald's "defection." After the Buckley family Mexican oil interests of Pantepec Oil had been nationalized an infamous threesome rode in John J. Pershing's cavalry after Pancho Villa into New Mexico: James "Hugh" Angleton the father of James "Jesus" Ferguson err... rather James "Jesus" Angleton whose mother was Mexican, George "Otis" Draper [G.O.D], Wickliffe Draper's uncle, and none other than a young Charles Willoughby himself. This was the start of a long-standing relationship between the American Military and American business leaders who had their properties nationalized by upstart nations headed by decidedly non-WASP leadership. Brig. Gen. Smedley Butler, "War is a Racket" organized many comparable expeditions until he finally figured it all out and wrote a tell-all manuscript which I personally introduced to the internet community in the 1990's. Later Butler was asked to become the "Man on the White Horse" after a planned FDR coup in the 1930's by American business leaders, which was documented in "The Plot to Seize the White House" which was written by Jules Archer. The design and leadership of this plot had close parallels
to the JFK plots in the late 1950's and the 1960's.
Oswald's passage was "expedited" and aided and abetted by Otto F. Otepka, a rabid former McCarhtyite, and head of the State Department's Office of Security and a close friend of Sarah McClendon who later penetrated C.O.P.A. completely unknown to the leadership of that organization. McClendon was very tight with Willoughby, Hargis, Rorke and Edward "Brainwashing" Hunter who has penetrated the minds of most JFK researchers unknown to them. The concept of Oswald actually being assisted by a rabid McCarthyite in the U.S. Passport office, who would later be "fired" by JFK for leaking classified documents to Congress related to the approval/disapproval of the Walt Whitman Rostow nomination, a favorite of JFK. See: "The Strange Ordeal of Otto Otepka" by Richard Gill which was made into a movie short starring Robert J. Morris and J. Strom Thurmond from The Manchurian Candidate. When this Otepka story was first related to me, it was described in very sinister tones as if "The U.S. Government" had assisted Oswald in getting back into the USA, knowing that Oswald was going to kill JFK, when in fact it was the sinister work of McCarthyites and MacArthurites and Condon's Dirty Dozen, whom I do not consider to ever have been part of my "U.S. Government". Do you consider Morris, Willoughby, Buckley, Cline, Angleton, Otepka, Thurmond, Fellers, Oliver, etc. to be part of your "U.S. Government"? I bet most of you would which shows your true allegiances are to McCarthyites and MacArthurites and pro-Nazis and Fascists and certainly NOT to a Democracy.
4. Affiliated with the Howard Hughes organization. Another person affiliated with Howard Hughes was Robert Maheu, who was a security man for H. L. Hunt as well.
The Hughes role in the JFK hit if any, has never been proven to my satisfaction. Supported Herbert Hoover in their mutual desire to regain their lost family oil fields and the millions of dollars taken by the "Rooskies."
5. Friend of Clint Murchinson in Dallas. Murchinson was connected to Genovese crime family, (like umbilical cord connected, well connected... get it? or otherwise connected) the alleged financier of the American Nazi party of George Lincoln Rockwell (what is the source for this?), a friend of J. Edgar Hoover. Murchison was extremely anti-Kennedy. (Who wasn't in Texas?)
6. Friend of William Grace. Grace's son. J. Peter, worked with former Nazi spymaster Reinhard Gehlen, who was involved in many anti-Communist crusades. (Gee anti-Communist Nazis, what a total and complete surprise! About as rare as anti-Nazi Jews, too. About as rare as a Jew working for a Nazi at The Liberty Lobby! Seriously though, the only real rarity was maybe a Black Klansman or a "liberal" member of The John Birch Society.) Once won an award from the Pope for his donations toward arch-Catholic anti-Communism. One friend of J. Peter was Frederick Flick (involved with I.G. Farben), whose legal representative was Carl Byvoir, who also represented the Howard Hughes organization.
7. de Mohrenschildt's family managed Nobel Oil (Branobel Oil) in Baku, whose legal representative was John McCloy. McCloy was a consultant to I.G. Farben and was on the Warren Commission as well. Both McCloy and Gen. William F. Draper, Jr. opposed the de-Nazification of of Germany according to Christopher Simpson in Splendid Blond Beast.
8. Employee of Humble Oil, run by Prescott Bush, who allegedly had dealings with I.G. Farben and Union Bank. Anything for a buck maybe?
9. de Mohrenschildt's cousin, the Baron Constantine Maydell, worked for the Abwehr under Reinhard Gehlen. (Gee a White Russian Nazi working for a Nazi . More Nazi spies than you can shake a stick at.)
10. Introduced Oswald to Michael and Ruth Paine who were Dallas John Birchers and pro-Nazis first and foremost who had CIA connections as well. Paines had to know leaders of Dallas John Birch Society including those in Condon's Dirty Dozen, Robert Morris, Edwin Walker and Charles Willoughby although this fact has been either lost in the shuffle or deliberately overlooked in favor of less documented possible CIA connections. Michael Paine worked at Bell Aviation under Walter Dornberger, a former Nazi rocket scientist who came to this country during Operation Paperclip. Ruth Paine got Oswald the job at the book depository. (Wow at $3 per hour. She must have had some pull.)
11. Member of the Dallas Council On World Affairs and The Crusade For A Free Europe. Other members include George Bush, Clint Murchinson, H.L. Hunt, and Abraham Zapruder, and Byrd, the owner of the Texas School Book Depository who got Oswald a front row window seat for the entire JFK parade.
12. Married Jeanne LeGon, the former business partner of Abraham Zapruder. (I don't put much credence in the significance of this one.)
13. Worked closely with many of Richard Condon's Dirty Dozen from Manchurian Candidate including immigration lawyers, The Coudert Brothers in New York City who ran the "White Russian" Nazi Rat Lines from Paris to North America. They also promoted "The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion" with Boris Brasol and Adrian Arcand, and with Robert J. Morris of the Rapp-Coudert Committee, later McCarthyism, seeking to pillory or assassinate communist affiliated schoolteachers. Frederic Rene Coudert also ran William F. Buckley's mayoralty campaign in 1965.