13-12-2009, 07:07 PM
John Bevilaqua Wrote:What is your take (and anyone else's take for that matter) on these fairly recently uncovered details about the nexus of characters directly involved with the Coudert Brothers Law Firm who also appeared in ManCand by Condon and in the JFK Assn conundrum years later?
As Sgt Schulz would say, "I know nothink" but I'll give you an impressionistic gloss if you like, Jan and David might know about this and be able to really comment on it.
Quote:1) Robert J. Morris on the Rapp-Coudert Committees cutting his eye teeth for his later efforts with Joe McCarthy's Investigative Committee. Whittaker Chambers gives almost all the credit to Morris in the NY Times obit for the success of McCarthyism in fact.
Wild Bill Donovan and Dulles were intent on rooting out supposed Communists in the Truman admin left over from FDR. The anti-FDR faction ties in with the Smedley Butler coup stuff of course.
Quote:Boris Brasol, who arranged the translation and distribution of The Protocols and was once on the Czar's secret police intelligence staff?
I like the Dreyfuss Affair explanation for the origins of the Protocols because it a) makes sense b) ties in with other French stuff on the Priory of Sion and falsifications thereof.
Quote:4) Anastase Vonsiatsky who rode the Coudert Brothers White Russian Nazi Rat Line gravy train from a Paris Knights Hospitaller hospital bed right into Manhattan? Georgie boy may have done the same thing as well and hundreds of others like minded White Russians too. Czar's Gold buys ticket to ride into US for Nazi SKOM-bags.
Geo. von Mohrenschildt worked for some New Jersey Nazi news propaganda outfit for a while, was it Movietone News? Those little clips they used to play before movies at the cinema.
Quote:The role of the deM family with running the Baku oil fields in Russia whose corporate attorney was John McCloy at the time and George's interaction with the Nobel dynamite manufacturing and Nobel Prize awarding family. Nobleman ennobled by Nobel is just a fascinating concept.
Possible, in a sense. Christine knighted or baronized the family in 1650 though, and Baku oil fields were in Bolshevik hands by the time George studied petroleum geology, I'm almost positive.
Quote:By the way William F. Buckley, Sr., James "Hugh" Angleton and a young Charles Willoughby all rode in Pershing's Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa along with Robert McCormick and many other Skull and Bonesmen with Nazi and Brahmin or Eugenic nascent predilections.
The real Pancho Villa or is this an allusion to some Osborne shooting school stuff? George in his senate testimony says he started a "Bohemian Club" in Dallas along the lines of the one started by Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce, in his words. That's the Bohemian Grove in an earlier incarnation. Bierce of course was lost in Mexico after joining up with Pancho Villa.
Quote:The bullet that pierced Goebel's breast
Can not be found in all the West;
Good reason, it is speeding here
To stretch McKinley on his bier.
--Ambrose Bierce, 1900
Wm. Hearst made a big deal out of Bierce's forecasting the McKinley assassination of 1901. Prior knowledge or somesuch charge.
Quote:McCormick was with the America First Committee with GLK Smith and much later the owner of the Chicago Tribune syndicate. And Villa's plus Cochise's (was it)...
Geronimo I think.
Quote:David, I would assume you probably buy into my Birchers as lynchpins thesis more than most, correct? Can you buy into the Ray S. Cline as John Yerkes Iselin analogy to any extent? I think Helen is crossing over to our side on the Bircher theme, and maybe on the ManCand themes slowly but surely. What say you Helen Reyes? (an obviousLY deliberately contorted anagram for Rey Lenses, Eh? or The King's Glasses, huh?. <grin>)
Hmm my name as code... Greek Monarch I suppose. Not one of the Generals in the junta anyway. I don't see birchers as major sponsors, and still haven't read or seen Manchurian Candidate although Frank Sinatra's involvement in pulling the film is a little odd.
Quote:What is your vocation Helen, just curious?
House mom/homemaker. I've done some shoddy journalism in the past. I've been variously called a demon from hell, Anti-Christ, KGB agent, Mossad agent, neo-Nazi, sadist and fascist, but if I had to choose I'd just call myself seeker after truth. Thanks for asking.