14-12-2009, 11:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 14-12-2009, 12:21 PM by John Bevilaqua.)
Magda Hassan Wrote:Peter Lemkin Wrote:John, One thought. Certainly the Soviet Union would have kept a very close watch on this crowd and there would be many secret files on those within it from the KGB, GRU, etc. While those files are still not very easy to get a hold of, on occasion people have. As Russia is not so palsy-walsy with the USA these days, and IMO increasingly less so, it may be possible to explore what Russia has on all this. It has always been my bet that most of the secret agencies [British, French, Israeli, Russian, others] had a very good idea of what went down in Dallas, but for their own reasons kept mostly quiet. [French being a notable exception - Russians being too complex to go into here.] Just perhaps, if your line of research is on target that Russia would have the mother load. They of course were the target of the false defector and patsy Oswald, as well.
In the last year I had a lunch with a member of the central committee of the communist party of one of the many axis of evil nations who shall remain nameless for now but he said that when he was last in the Kremlin archives several years ago, a place he has been to often, the place was crawling with Americans and most of them probably not there for the archiving. He doubted there would be too much left of any significance. I think I agree with him.
I agree with you Magda. As I recall, shortly after JFK was killed the Russians correctly blamed the right wingers in the USA for the deed as did just about every other intelligent and observant American. Rep. Henry Gonzalez from Texas pointed the finger at the right and most of the news or governmental sources I was personally in touch with including the Editor of the Miami News, Bill Baggs, one of the leaders of The Bay of Pigs invasion who was my Chemistry teacher, my uncle Charles W. Yost, who was undersecretary to Goldberg at the United Nations, members of the Miami Police Department Intelligence division, and many, many others, all correctly blamed a combination of the anti-Castro Cuban exiles, The John Birch Society, YAF and/or the KKK working in consort.
There was even a book by a person named Vladimir Nikitin, called The Ultras in the USA, which was translated from the Russian in the 1970's which phonetically named a person spelled Rich Loschli, who was obviously Ricard Lauchli of The Minutemen. If that was the best they could do then for a specific list of suspects, I really do not see how they could have possibly penetrated the inner circles of the Wickliffe Draper and Anastase Vonsiatsky crowds.
Vonsiatsky was burned once by a Russian Priest names Alexei Pelypenko and it got him 5 years in the Federal Pen then for violations of The Espionage Act of 1917. I think it is just idle dreamers and naive amateurs who still believe that there is something remaining, hiding in some deep hidden archive which will reveal the identities of the conspirators. Like some sort of "smoking document" or whatever. Dream on. The investigative methodologies employed by those like James Richards, Dick Russell, Mae Brussel and Bill Turner as well as myself seem to produce the most accurate results. You have to talk with real people, and take their evidence with a very jaundiced eye and then put it together with others who can offer REAL first person evidentiary tidbits.
Or you have to use my technique of telephone based ruses and scams in order to get them to tell you things they would never otherwise reveal to you or to anyone else. Then you look at who were the designated scapegoaters and the persons with confirmed foreknowledge and put the pieces all together in a logical fashion. When people like Carl Oglesby, Bill Turner, Dick Russell, Jack Ruby, Jules Archer, Joseph Milteer, Mae Brussel and even James Richards can confirm even one small lynchpin tidbit or critical nugget of information, then you take it as Gospel and move on.
The amateurs and dilettantes also forget that maybe 75% of all of the conspiratorial conversations were done in a Foreign Language between trusted associates, like either Spanish for the Cubans, Ukrainian for the White Russians, maybe French Canadian for the likes of Patrick Walsh and Ron Gostick, German for some of the Nazis, etc. And the dilettantes also forget that if people like Draper pulled of the Sacco and Vanzetti scam, the Alger Hiss ruse, McCarthyism, The Hollywood Ten scam with GLK Smith and several other similar scams without leaving a trail, then they certainly would never be stupid enough to leave incriminating evidence lying around. So when certain people say things like "IF your research WAS accurate THEN there would be hard copy evidence supporting your claims." with the obvious inference that "SINCE there is no evidence THEN your lines of research must be bogus." This usually comes for the anarchistic's approach to research in the JFK conundrum. Well since the ENTIRE U.S. Government is responsible, then we have to get a peek into every piece of information available. Typical trick of the right wingers, the anarchists and others who just want a peek into secret archives in order to learn how to bring every agency and everyone in the legitimate U.S. Gov down.
I have already weeded out and exposed about a dozen of these designated Protectorate specialists, all of whom were associated with real, live special interest groups behind the JFK conspiracy including Whineslow, Whimpey, Rahn, Ford, Diaz, Buell, Mack, Kelly, Gittinger, Terry Dolan, etc. and there are still some more to come.
So my advice to "Mr. Nanothermite in the World Trade Center" is to keep digging for more Nanothermite and some more real JFK nuggets and to post your stupid rifle for sale on the web to see if you get any bites. When you find the actual Nanothermite with a legitimate chain of custody, then you will become a real, legitimate investigator, otherwise you are just dealing in vapid and translucent imagery like BadgeMan, Black Dog Man, the flash of light seen in the limousine, or the alleged light flash coming out of the tank at Waco Ridge. Those people are the true Wackos and Small Potatoes and the sign of a true anti-American Anarchist of which there are plenty in the JFK Conundrum.
Who were the designated scapegoaters? Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith, Willis A. Carto, Frank Hanighen at Human Events, C. D. Jackson at Life, Robert J. Morris, Dr. Revilo Oliver, Billy James Hargis, etc., etc. I even did several pieces on Scapegoaters as Conspirators, years ago. Oddly enough, the evidence gathered over the years confirms each and every one of the active Scapegoaters as Conspirators.
And I never even used to think of Smith and Hargis as conspirators, just as obfuscators and scapegoaters. Now Smith is at the top of my suspects heap and when I finally found out that Hargis was in gahoots with Hunter, Willoughby, Rorke, McClendon and others he jumped 20 steps on the ladder.
Even those who continue to defend and protect McClendon, Prouty, Lane, Gibson, etc. and some of the other C.O.P.A. presenters in the late 20th Century are now on my list as deliberate obfuscators, debillitators and obstructionists if they engage in graffiti tagging, especially if they are self declared friends of my enemies. They know who they are, too. Imagine a so called leader of C.O.P.A. being a designated plant, an obfuscator, a debillitator and an obstructionist, just like Gordon Hall.
And more recently I have reached the conclusion that most of the Guns and Gore crowd are either creating deliberate webs of confusion or they are naive, but well-intentioned people who just don't know when to quit or to give up. OCD and all that stuff.