17-12-2009, 08:01 PM
John Bevilaqua Wrote:And since no one wants to guess where Teddy Kennedy was when Neal Armstrong stepped on the moon, I will give you a little hint. He was busy double dipping, taking a little swim and soaking wet and shivering at the exact same time. He was supposed to be dead, but he woke up just in time to save his own life. Nazi Rocket Scientists triumph in THEIR Moon Landing Program, NOT JFK's and Teddy Kennedy drowns off Martha's Vineyard were supposed to be the headlines if the Nazis had any say in it. Teddy was in the front seat and Mary Jo was in the back seat. Hmmmm..... Both unconscious and comatose, but only Teddy woke up.
Well, you asked about the day after the moon landing, when Jo was being buried at Plymouth Church in Pennsylvania. You didn't understand my post. A log named Jo. Like the "cans" Hitler left on the Polish-German frontier.