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At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds
Helen Reyes Wrote:john, would you agree that the kellogg book review you posted contradicts an earlier source you posted regarding british manoevres against the whites in the baltic republics? kellogg says british played favorites with one white faction, the earlier source said they favored the bolsheviks. also, "baltic germans" really means prussians, there were too few estonian, latvian, lithuanian germans to really matter (leaving aside memel/klaipeda and all those french-english-german-lithuanian intrigues, we can just count it as part of historical east prussia; and intentionally forgetting that germany proper and the danzig corridor border the baltic sea aka ostsee). east prussians, a la prusskova. and isn't prussic acid aka zyklon b the same thing as potassium cyanide? I need a refresher course in chemistry maybe, but i'm sure someone here knows. rosenberg was an odd one, more russian than german, and actually jewish according to just about everyone who looked his genealogy up. judenforschung ohne juden, yeah right.

You know just because I post something does not mean that I have a complete understanding of the contents, its implications, where it fits into the History of the World Part II and the level or lack thereof, of its alleged complete and pristine veracity. Like I said I am just a computer jock with a nice little historical work in progress, trying to make all the pieces fit into some sort of logically comprehensive work which will survive me. A history buff or a history expert I am NOT. I am just someone who has been thrust against my will, I might add by a stroke of geographical proximity, right into the middle of the JFK conundrum and morass since about the age of 16 and in my spare time, I chip away at it, slowly but surely. I don't know Baltic or Schmaltic from Slapstick, or Flapjacks from Slapshot, apparently since I just put George de Mohrenschildt as the Nobel's petroleum geologist in Baku instead of his father and his uncle. But you point seems to be well taken though it has no direct bearing on my studies right now as far as I can tell. If it does, please educate me.

Kellogg just confirms what I have always felt... that Anastase Vonsiatsky was in close touch with some of the major White emigre Nazis and the originators of the philosophy of Nazism who were behind the rise to power of Hitler, from Rosenberg, to Erich von Ludendorff, to Boris Brasol, to even include Dietrich Eckart himself. Yes Rosenberg was considered a Russian by birth I believe and Jewish, too. And Vonsiatsky was put in touch with their American counterparts as well as perhaps the main contact point between these US based and European based emigres. Vonsiatsky was their White Knight on a White Horse and their only hope to defeat the Bolsheviks and he had a 50 year plan to make that all happen from maybe the mid 1920's until the mid-1970's. He was about 12 years late, but what the heck he died before it all happened. Gag him with a spoon.

And you are right about ZyklonB and Potassium Cyanide (KCn) in the Stashinsky Gun. I did NOT KNOW THAT!
Wow! He used it in 1957 and 1959 on both Lev Rebet and on Stephan Bandera, too. Boy were the White Russians ripped about all that. Even Pat Walsh and Ron Gostick wrote memorial pieces about Bandera from OUN/B and they discussed Andriij "Andros" Melnyk of OUN/M at the Winnipeg Airport Incident, too.

Messages In This Thread
At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - by John Bevilaqua - 17-12-2009, 10:45 PM

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