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Debunking the Grassy snow job and proving film alteration
16) Nurse Patricia B. "Trish" Hutton (Gustafson):
a) 21 H 216: report of activities on 11/22/63---“Mr. Kennedy was bleeding pro-fusely from a wound in the back of his head…A doctor asked me to place a pressure dressing on the head wound. This was no use, however, because of the massive opening on the back of the head.”;

b) other WC references: 6 H 46-47, 146, 151;21 H 215, 242;
c) 1/8/83 interview by David Lifton (“BE”, p. 706)---“The large throat wound shown in the photographs was not the tracheotomy incision that she saw in the emergency room on November 22,1963 (“It doesn’t look like any that I’ve
28 Part 1: Parkland Hospital

4 No. 2 © Copyright 2006 Vincent M. Palamara
taken part in, let me put it that way.”) and the head wound was at the back, not as shown in the pictures. “I was standing behind him when I was put-ting pressure on the head,” she said, “and it was right in front of me. It wasn’t around the side and up on top.” Shown the large hole on the forward right hand side depicted in the x-rays, she exclaimed: “No way!”;
d) “High Treason”, p.43 and 459-460 (“The Boston Globe”, 6/21/81 [see also "Killing The Truth", pages 652 and 702])---“She was asked to put a pressure bandage on the head wound. “I tried to do so but there was really nothing to put a pressure bandage on. It was too massive. So he told me just to leave it be.”She said the large wound was at “the back of the head.” “Definitely in the back?” she was asked. “Yes.” She strongly rejects the official picture. “; “She said the wound was low on the head, and about the size of a fist.”;
[Image: WallPaint441.jpg]

e) 9/1/98 letter to Vince Palamara---"Because I have not discussed those two specific points publicly [size of head wound/ where it was located] I will have to leave it that way. If you read my E. Room statement from the Warren Commission it will indicate the wound was very large and I am sory but I can't elaborate further. I do hope the public and you keep on with your research." [emphasis added; she HAS discussed these points publicly(see above), and her WC report goes against offi-cial history!];
f) 9/98 letter to Vince Palamara (in 'response' to my follow-up letter where I attempted to get her to at least endorse her prior statements)---"Sorry I only answered your 1rst letter to let you know I had received it-but I can't go into any more details-Sincerely, Trish Gustafson" [!];
g) “Murder In Dealey Plaza” by James Fetzer (2000), pages 60, 199

Messages In This Thread
Debunking the Grassy snow job and proving film alteration - by Robert Hanson - 04-12-2010, 02:16 AM

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