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Debunking the Grassy snow job and proving film alteration
31) Surgeon David Stewart:
a) 12/11/81 letter to Livingstone (“High Treason”, pp. 51-52 , “High Treason 2”, p. 107, and "Killing The Truth", p. 652)---“there was never any contro-versy concerning the wounds between the doctors in attendance. I was with them either seperately or in groups on many occasions over a long period of time…Concerning [the official photo of the back of the head], there is no way the wound described to me by Dr. Perry and others could be the wound shown in the picture. The massive destructive wound could not remotely be pulled together well enough to give a normal contour to the head that is pre-sent in this picture.”;
b) “New Lebanon, Tennessee, Democrat”, 3/30/67 ,
c) 4/10/67 “The Joe Dolan Show”, KNEW radio, Oakland, CA and
d) “Post Mortem”, pp. 60-61---Dolan said he was particularly concernmed with the “statement about the shot” that killed JFK “coming from the front.” Dr. Stewart said, “Yes, sir. This was the finding of all the physicians who were in attendance. There was a small wound in the left front of the President’s head and there was a quite massive wound of exit at the right backside of the head and it was felt by all of the physicians at the time to be a wound of en-try which went in the front.”;
41 Part 1: Parkland Hospital
4 No. 2 © Copyright 2006 Vincent M. Palamara
e) "Probable Cause Australia", Issue #3: Lifton article---Dr. Perry told Stewart not long after that November weekend that "I left the [neck] wound invio-late.";
f) “Murder In Dealey Plaza” by James Fetzer (2000), pages 249, 252, 297
He seems to indicate a left forehead entrance even though the right forehead is what's in evidence. If a person looks at the front they could say the right is the left but in any case, the forehead is the only location to achieve the right rear exit in this case.
[Image: WallPaint305.jpg]
The right temple was either a mistake by saying right temple instead of right forehead or it was disinfo from Kilduff's press conference.
[Image: WallPaint435.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Debunking the Grassy snow job and proving film alteration - by Robert Hanson - 04-12-2010, 02:25 AM

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