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The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue
Jack White Wrote:Then we must disagree. The plot essentially was DOMESTIC, but had international aspects because the MAJOR SPONSORS, as you
call them, had INTERNATIONALIST TIES in banking, thinking, militarism,
manufacturing, natural worldism.

If you name THE NEW WORLD ORDER as your principal sponsor,
we might be getting somewhere. But the conspirators were
domestic enemies of JFK. If you concentrate on founding of the
UN and those who advocated it, then you are on the right track.
GLOBALISM and a NEW WORLD ORDER were the principal tenets
of the sponsors and conspirators.


Good Morning,

Agreed on the agree-to-disagree conclusion. Ain't I agreeable?

When George Michael wrote of the "treasonous cabal whose masters were above Cold War differences," he indeed was referencing (in "masters") those for whom nationalism and conflicting political (and for that matter religious) ideologies were merely means to keep the great unwashed at each others' throats. They were -- and are -- a de facto "world government" unto themselves.

At some point, as global communications and travel developed, these forces may have coalesced in an at least semi-formal way. But I do not see them as covertly promoting what we've come to refer to as a "Globalist" or "One World" system -- movements which to me are publicly disseminated cartoons.

The forces of which I speak depend upon conflict between and among nations and races and political and religious ideologies for their continuing control over vastly superior numbers.

Overt large scale dictatorial systems fail. Covert control matrixes masked by illusions of democracy prosper.

As for "want[ing] an organized chain of command" -- It is inconceivable to me that a conspiracy of the complexity and potential for grave failure of the JFK plot could have existed without the tight organizational control that is effected by command structures.

The choreography of the conspiracy was complex, challenging for its choreographer(s) and dancers. It was run with ... wait for it ... military precision and discipline.

Was it flawless throughout its levels of execution? Hardly. But close enough for jazz, baby.

Again, you must consider the inherent risks to the Sponsors posed by certain unavoidable aspects of their plan. The Cold War was a sophistic construct -- indulge me here for a moment -- designed as a global control mechanism in which tensions between overtly competing superpower-led ideologies had to be kept just below the boiling point.

The overwhelmingly vast majority of the Facilitators of the Cold War construct bought into it hook, line, and sinker. An attack on the leader of one faction -- especially an attack that, for the purposes of the conspiracy behind it, would be attributed to False Sponsors in the "enemy" camps -- created the very real risk of prompting a knee-jerk response against the False Sponsors that could escalate out of control.

Hence the needs for conspirator control of military and civilian communications and the isolation from command structures of non-participating civilian and military leadership during the immediate post-attack period.

The Cubans and their allegedly monolithic Soviet masters had been fingered as (False) Sponsors. The impulse for retaliation could not be allowed to manifest.

Control of these plot elements was critical to the physical survival of the Sponsors -- and the rest of us -- and the continuation of the Cold War construct.

How else could this be accomplished absent a clearly defined and ruthlessly applied "chain of command"?

How else could the rabidly anti-Communist Facilitators -- from Curtis LeMay to Little Havana's gusanos -- be held off other than by promises of greater glory and rewards and threats of liquidation if they did not play along?

Who could have made such promises and threats with authority?



Messages In This Thread
The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - by Charles Drago - 21-01-2011, 12:10 PM

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