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The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue
Jim...I read every word, so I do not understand your derogatory comment.

You have written an EXCELLENT summation of facts regarding many of
of the plot.

That is not the subject of this thread! The subject is SPONSORS. The
Mr. BIG or BIGs who "ORDERED" the assassination!

Thanks for the very good timeline of some of the plotters. Now who
was the SPONSOR who gave them their orders? Then you will be ON


Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Here is my long, step by step version:

"Oswald returns from Russia to the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Local CIA station chief J. Walton Moore asks George DeMohrenschildt to befriend him. The Baron and his wife begin to file derogatory reports on Oswald with military intelligence. (Russell, p. 456) DeMohrenschildt introduces the Marxist Oswald to the conservative White Russian community. But more importantly he introduces the Oswalds to Ruth and Michael Paine.

The Oswalds move to New Orleans in April of 1963. Oswald meets up with his old CAP leader David Ferrie. Ferrie introduces him to Guy Banister. David Phillips and James McCord are running an anti-FPCC campaign for the CIA. The FBI is running one also. (John Newman, Oswald and the CIA, p. 243) Oswald gears up to be part of it from Banister's office. But he stupidly places Banister's office address on one of the pamphlets given him by Banister.

Since Oswald is not really a Marxist but an agent provocateur, his FPCC activities end up discrediting that committee. First, Oswald is arrested after an altercation with another CIA operative, Carlos Bringuier of the DRE-which according to Howard Hunt, is also under the wing of Phillips. And further, in a radio debate with Ed Butler and Bringuier, Oswald is also unmasked as a former defector to the Soviet Union. Because of his little street theater antics, there are photos and even films, a court record, and a recorded debate about him now.

This assignment complete, Oswald is next seen in the Clinton-Jackson area about ninety minutes north of New Orleans. Told to continue his Marxist smear tactics against CORE, he is also advised by Ferrie and Clay Shaw to put in an application at the Jackson State hospital. This part of the plot goes awry since no one anticipated the size of the voter registration drive.

After this, Ruth Paine comes down from visiting her CIA employed sister outside of Langley and picks up Marina. This will separate the Oswalds at the time of the assassination. Oswald then leaves New Orleans on a strange trip to Mexico City.

Oswald, or an imposter, visits both the Cuban and Soviet consulates in Mexico City. He makes an indelible impression by trying to get visas to both Russia and Cuba. But he is totally unprepared with his paperwork to do either. He creates an image of a dissatisfied, almost neurotic malcontent. But although the CIA says this is Oswald, Anne Goodpasture deliberately sends a picture of a man who is clearly not him to CIA HQ. Further, on at least one of the audiotapes recorded at the Cuban consulate, the FBI confirms Oswald's voice is impersonated. Since this would expose the conspiracy, the tapes disappear. Further, no photo of Oswald going into either consulate is ever produced. Finally, Oswald's files on this trip are segregated at CIA HQ so that only James Angleton has complete control over them.

Oswald returns to the Dallas-Fort worth area. He rents a room away from his wife who is now living with the Paines. Oswald starts looking for a job. A good job offer comes in as a cargo handler at a local airport. Ruth Paine does not tell him about this call. (James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable, p. 172) Instead, through friends of hers, she helps him get a lower paying position at the Texas School Book Depository.

On the day of the assassination, Oswald drives to work with Wesley Frazier. Oswald reportedly said he carried a lunch bag to work that day. But Frazier says it was a much longer bag. Yet, the man who first saw Oswald enter the TSBD, Jack Dougherty, recalled Oswald with no such long bag. (WC Vol. 6, p. 377) No one else saw Oswald carrying it either. (Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After the Fact, p. 58)

Kennedy is murdered at 12:30 PM. Oswald is almost undoubtedly on the first floor at the time. Although Policeman Marion Baker later states that he confronted Oswald at the second floor soda machine, he wrote an affidavit on 11/22/63 with no mention of Oswald. He said he stopped a man in a brown jacket on the third or fourth floor. (Numbers 8 and 9, Frazier's dubious testimony about the bag, and Baker's first day report, will be discussed in Part 6 , where I measure Bugliosi's glowing review of the performance of the Dallas Police.)

Thinking there will be no more work that day, Oswald leaves the scene. He goes home, picks up his handgun and walks to the Texas Theater. He sneaks in without paying. Someone sees him do this, and the police are called. Oswald is apprehended.

That afternoon, the back-story about Oswald in Russia and his FPCC campaign in New Orleans cascades through the media, and the portrait of a disaffected Marxist is painted in the pubic mind. That night, Jack Martin taunts Guy Banister about the things that happened in his office that summer with Oswald. Banister explodes and pistol-whips him. (Davy, p. 1) That evening, at Bethesda, the military severely curtails the autopsy so that no one will ever know the true circumstances of how Kennedy was killed. Also, the FBI switches the bullet found at Parkland Hospital to fit the second rifle found at the TSBD, a Mannlicher Carcano.

On November 23rd, not realizing his small role in the plot, Shaw/Bertrand calls Dean Andrews to go to Dallas to defend Oswald. Also on that day, the CIA sends information to LBJ that Oswald was meeting in Mexico City with the head of KGB assassination plots in the Western Hemisphere. This information freezes any real investigation of Oswald since it may lead to World War III. That night, Oswald tries to make a phone call to Raleigh, North Carolina to a man named John Hurt, a former military intelligence officer. The call is deliberately not put through by the Secret Service. The next day, Jack Ruby murders Oswald.

On 11/24 David Ferrie begins to look for any connection between himself and Oswald: library cards or CAP pictures depicting the two. On this day, Johnson calls his first meeting on Vietnam. He makes it clear he is reversing Kennedy's policy. His aim is to win the war. (John Newman, JFK and Vietnam, p. 442)

Frightened by Johnson's warning to Earl Warren about World War III, the Commission does not do any real investigation. Ruth and Michael Paine, along with an intimidated Marina Oswald, become the chief witnesses against Oswald. It is Ruth who eventually produces the Imperial Reflex camera allegedly used to take photos of the Walker house and the backyard photos of Oswald by Marina. This camera was not found by the Dallas Police in either of their two searches of the Paine residence. And none of the cameras they did find that day could have taken the photos. Further, the Imperial is a camera that Marina did not know how to operate. Ruth and Michael also helped make Oswald's Minox spy camera disappear, by claiming it was theirs. It was Ruth Paine who first found a book with a note by Oswald (without his fingerprints on it) describing what Marina should do if he gets in trouble with the law. Ruth surfaced this on November 30th, one day after the first report that Oswald may have been involved in the Walker shooting.

This plot outline is pretty much demonstrable today. And it is not that difficult to comprehend. Which is why Bugliosi does everything he can to obfuscate it."

From the end of part 5 b of my Bugliosi piece. I guess you didn't read it Jack.

Messages In This Thread
The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - by Jack White - 22-01-2011, 04:34 AM

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