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The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue
Jack White Wrote:This is the most important thing said so far in this thread:

Conspiracy at this level and on this scale does not involve a secret central planner with occult rituals who executes top-down, command-and-control operations.

No planner??? Then the "thinker" who wrote this material must enlighten us: How did the complex, convoluted, multi-faceted, and multi-discipline JFK conspiracy come into being? How were its elements controlled and executed? Was it all just fortuitous coincidence for the individuals who from this point forward I shall derisively identify as the Congruents?

Also, this paragraph reveals utter confusion on its author(s)' part in terms of distinctions between Sponsors and Facilitators. He or she clearly has no working model for the assassination conspiracy.

And who the hell is talking about "occult rituals"? Not me, my friend.

This is classic straw man material. A feint. A dodge. Pay no attention to the fool behind the curtain.

It doesn't pass the laugh test.

Jack White Wrote:Instead, Justin Raimondo puts it best when he commented on the penetrating work of Murray Rothbard: "Here there is no single agency, no omnipotent central committee that issues directives, but a multiplicity of interest groups and factions whose goals are generally congruent. In this milieu, there are familial, social, and economic connections, as well as ideological complicity, and none is better than Rothbard at ferreting out and unraveling these biographical details. Taken together, the author's small and studied brushstrokes paint a portrait of a ruling class whose ruthlessness is surpassed only by its brazen disloyalty to the nation."5 Congruent interests is the key phrase rather than conspiracy.

So let me get this straight: The Congruents' anti-Kennedy interests magically coalesced in Dealey Plaza? The Congruents' don't talk to each other? The Congruents exist in isolation?

Also, what sort of mind would find value in the false "interests" and "conspiracy" comparison? OF COURSE the JFK Sponsors shared motives. But unless they conspired to attack JFK, we are left with what ... multiple lone Facilitators and Mechanics finding there way to Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963?

And what sort of mind would attempt to find within a general discussion of the nature of the Power Elite (my term) direct relevance to the JFK conspiracy?

I'll answer that for you: A mind that measures the value of a hypothesis in direct proportion to the number of its citations. Hey, if it's published, it must be true. And if I cite the publication, I must be very well read and very smart and completely correct in my assumptions.

This is pathetic.

Whoever constructed the quote you so admire was simply cherry-picking segments from diverse texts to defend a model of the assassination that is, to be kind, devoid of logic and starved of data and reasoning.

Jack White Wrote:Recognition of this world of powerful "congruent interests" opens up our understanding of the assassination of President Kennedy as well as of 9/11. We have no better suspect for who wielded the glue to bind together congruent interests than the eastern banking establishment's senior partner, the Rockefellers.[/SIZE][/B]

Ahh, the Congruents again. But wait! Haven't we rejected "conspiracy" in the JFK case? If so, then how would this gifted commentator define the act of "binding together" [redundant; it is the construction of a kid whose dog ate the homework and who thus desperately conflates quantity of words with quality of thought] the Congruents into an action to eliminate JFK?

Utter balderdash, Jack.

From its opening straw man premise, to its myriad internal contradictions and distinctions without differences, to its fatally flawed intellectual underpinnings and absence of academic rigor revealed in its glaring failure of focus, this statement would earn an "F" in a freshman Critical Thinking course.

Unless it was being taught by Ken Rahn.

Jack, I love you and respect you. But you're buying a bucket of steam.


Messages In This Thread
The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - by Charles Drago - 23-01-2011, 03:48 PM

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