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The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue
One way I think to look at this is to use as a model other CIA coups. If you read that marvelous book Bitter Fruit, or study things like the 1953 overthrow of Mossaadegh, or what David Phillips' called the Agency's masterpiece, the overthrow of Sukarno in 1965, or the murder of Allende in 1973--reportedly done by an agent of Phillips, you get an inside view of how covert operations work and how they originate.

The more we look at the JFK murder, I think even LBJ advocates have to understand that it has all the earmarks of a covert op--and a first class one. As Victor Marchetti said once, it had to be an intelligence operation, because it was such a great one. I mean just look at one aspect of it: the use of Hal Hendrix to get the cover story out about Oswald. And that happened within 2 hours of the murder.

Or look at the use of the meeting that never happened: Oswald with Kostikov in Mexico City. This was a twofer, it got to LBJ and he used it to intimidate the hell out of Warren. And once Warren was emasculated, this allowed McCloy, Dulles, and Ford, what I call the troika to take over--and did they ever. Now this last, as John Newman proves, was planned in advance by Jim Angleton, with help from Phillips.

The way that say the Arbenz coup began, was as Jack said, a flux of congruent interests. Corporate interests from United Fruit began to talk to the Dulles brothers. They hired lawyers to lobby the White House. This then allowed Allen Dulles to call in his planning committee, and they put together the blueprint. At this stage, Phillips and Hunt were just operatives. They slowly worked their way up the daisy chain until by the Bay of Pigs, they were at the management level.

Now if we look at what happened to Allende, its much the same thing. You had a congruence of interests from the business world, Rockefeller and McCone linking up with the White House, Kissinger and Nixon. (Recall the great line by Henry: I don't see why we have to sit back and let a country go communist just because its people voted for it.)

By this time, due to his work on JFK and Indonesia, Helms makes Phillips one of the major architects of the plot: see that valuable book by Freed and Landis, Death in Washington. At this same time, Helms' who has to know of their work on JFK, is using Hunt as his infiltrator in the White House, along with his personal "black operator" Jim McCord, who according to Jm Wave supervisor Marty Casey, actually did wet jobs for Helms. So when Allende is being overthrown, Helms is also at work on ousting Nixon.

So yes, there seems to be a congruence of interests that begins the overthrow plots. But once the decision is made, it is the people who have great experience in these things, the black operators, who are then tasked with carrying them out. With help of course from the Power Elite with the media part of the cover story.

By the way, I think this is much more valuable than arguing with David Lifton about his body alteration theory on Spartacus.

Messages In This Thread
The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - by Jim DiEugenio - 23-01-2011, 06:58 PM

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