18-02-2011, 08:02 PM
Douglass writes that Kennedy was surrounded by Doctor Strangelove generals who were operating under a First Strike paradigm. They had figured out that nuclear war was inevitable with the Soviets so the best advantage for them was to be in control of it by launching first and taking advantage of a window of nuclear superiority that would close around 1964.
Douglass says Khrushchev's son Sergie said his father decided to install missiles in Cuba after hearing Kennedy tell some Washington DC media sources that the US would consider a first strike scenario. Sergie said this worried his father and made him paranoid Kennedy was telegraphing an intention of carrying out his threat.
The context of this however was Kennedy being immersed in nuclear timeclock meetings with generals constantly pushing him on this. Like some other mistakes Kennedy made, he made the mistake of voicing what he was constantly hearing at the time to the media, since it was an ongoing topic. However, his message was taken out of context. What he meant was if the Soviets had acted on their Berlin tank stand-off the previous year and invaded Europe Kennedy would not exclude a pre-emptive nuclear attack.
Because of this, and his knowledge of CIA's alpha raids on Cuba, Khrushchev decided to equal the US nuclear facilities placed close to Russia in nearby countries like Turkey and Italy.
Other than this, Douglass makes it more than clear Kennedy was in the process of an unprecedented back-channel overture toward detente with Khrushchev that was the real reason the missile crisis was resolved.
What should be noted is that all military surrounding Kennedy wanted to invade Cuba. If Kennedy had allowed them they would have stepped on a prickling booby trap of 160 armed and ready Soviet nuclear missiles they did not know at the time were ready and able for launch. What I'm saying is those arrogant Strangelovian US generals, so full of their power, came that close to incinerating the planet Earth and possibly putting the human race to extinction.
John Kennedy is the single person who stopped them from doing that.
Douglass says Khrushchev's son Sergie said his father decided to install missiles in Cuba after hearing Kennedy tell some Washington DC media sources that the US would consider a first strike scenario. Sergie said this worried his father and made him paranoid Kennedy was telegraphing an intention of carrying out his threat.
The context of this however was Kennedy being immersed in nuclear timeclock meetings with generals constantly pushing him on this. Like some other mistakes Kennedy made, he made the mistake of voicing what he was constantly hearing at the time to the media, since it was an ongoing topic. However, his message was taken out of context. What he meant was if the Soviets had acted on their Berlin tank stand-off the previous year and invaded Europe Kennedy would not exclude a pre-emptive nuclear attack.
Because of this, and his knowledge of CIA's alpha raids on Cuba, Khrushchev decided to equal the US nuclear facilities placed close to Russia in nearby countries like Turkey and Italy.
Other than this, Douglass makes it more than clear Kennedy was in the process of an unprecedented back-channel overture toward detente with Khrushchev that was the real reason the missile crisis was resolved.
What should be noted is that all military surrounding Kennedy wanted to invade Cuba. If Kennedy had allowed them they would have stepped on a prickling booby trap of 160 armed and ready Soviet nuclear missiles they did not know at the time were ready and able for launch. What I'm saying is those arrogant Strangelovian US generals, so full of their power, came that close to incinerating the planet Earth and possibly putting the human race to extinction.
John Kennedy is the single person who stopped them from doing that.