01-04-2011, 02:47 PM
Seamus Coogan Wrote:Bernice Moore Wrote:seamus; quote;''Good one Ron. Her story 'hangs around' like a bad smell. When you spoke to her was she taking a dump by any chance? Hmmmm the smell certainly stuck in your clothes! (and your the one accusing myself of bad smells) When you get John Hanky on your show (which I urge you to do) ask him about his comments regarding Miss Brown as a hooker. But beware even the worst researcher in JFK history Hanky himself said 'If Hunt says LBJ did it, it's reason enough to think he didn't'. This means your officially even worse than he is.:thumbsdown:
Oh Ron is it me or were you and Lifton banned from the Lancer forum? Oh yeah and please tell everyone about the chances of you guys doing a Lancer conference ever again while your at it. Full credit too Lancer for finally ridding themselves of you both.
Shame; In the first place Madeleine Brown is dead, and cannot speak for herself, do you make it a habit of speaking ill of dead witnesses,
In the second place you have no idea what went down on the lancer forum or at any conference, you were not present for either sounds like you are still into gossip...:gossip:....grow up please...b
Hey Bernice. It's nice to know that Jim F has some support.
I heard nothing of you nor any gossip from Lancer. I heard it straight from those involved with the forum simply put that Jim Fetzer and Lifton were banned from it.
What difference should it make what conference I went too? If Jim Fetzer was at it I wouldn't bother going. Simple as that.
In fact I suggest you do the growing up here and if you don't want me talk ill about dead witnesses (of which Madeliene Brown was hardly one) then you better stop discussing Dave Ferrie, Clay Shaw and all manner and matter of individuals. If that's of course the rules you wanna play by.
She put her self up for public scrutiny (as we all do) and she got slapped from all directions.
It happens!
You'll also note that Ron was the first person to discuss matters of fecal matter coming from an anus by the way. Not me. Your highly selective and dare I say blinded approach too this matter is of greater concern than any purported dishonour to Miss Brown. Whom despite your melodramatic prose I actually had respect for her as a human being but have little respect for her worth in the field of JFK research.
Bernice like Jim Di says do you really think Phil Nelson is on a par with Jim Douglas? Note Douglas never bought the party story!
I think you like to try to over dramatize your importance seamus, what i would like to point out to you, is how you are and have in the past are dragging the Lancer forum and it's adm, into this type of crap that you post here on another forum, debra has been very ill, and i know she would certainly not appreciate you keeping relating gossip learned there from whomevers, so they are and can use you to throw it here and create a broo haw, stir the fires by giving you what they think is amunition against dr.jim and or others, it is soooooooooo old, and you have are and do, while they sit back and laugh both at you and whomever you throw it at, they are using you,and this forum also, whch i really object to to do so, stop listening to their crap and get you and your reputation what's left away from them, talk about vendetta's, some must really have had their noses out of joint to hang on to imagined terrible slights of the past that they simply cannot grow out of, that is known as shit disturbing, and you have done it before here and continue, you do not seem to realize you smear the lancer name each time you do so, you should break your contact with the gossip mongers there, who keep filling you in, with the so calleds, that repeat and build up what may have happened years ago, which i know debra has tried to put in the past and carry on and has made an effort to do so, but gossipy little school boys like you make yourself appear to be, just keep dragging her back, that's why the grow up, continues to stick to you, and yet you have had so much to say about morrow and his gossip, you two appear to be conned by the same type of shite in your naivete, you are hurting your reputation and lancer's by doing so, keep it up, and it will only sink you deeper, only children or teenie boppers repeat gossip,in school yards, adults are not interested,let alone believe, you choose, it's your neck........as far as the books are concerned, i believe i have said in the past to each their own, the world of jfk research is not going to end, because two or three differ in their opnions of a certain book,or books, the majority could care less, they only care about what they get out of such..the continuing broo haws over such only do one thing imo, they waste resources, not to say people should not post their opinions, but the how many times must they repeat, comes into it, nor do they need imo to take each part of said book apart and continue to post and stress each of their points, once is enough,people can read there is no need imo for continuing repetition, over and over to the point of nauseum, nor each other, so people differ, get over it, and get back to carrying on the good fight, and using their incredible knowledge where it belongs instead of AGAINST EACH OTHER, CTRS ARE AT TIMES THEIR OWN WORSE ENEMIES, NEVER MIND THE DAVID VON PEINS..... sorry for the caps, excuse please...So seamus imo stop proving you are nothing but a pawn being used by some, to spread their gossip and and get back to your studies and research, and do some good instead of continuing to try to hinder...simply let them know if they have anything to say to do so by posting here in their own names, step up to the mike on their own, wanna bet they do not ???and stop allowing them to use yours to throw anymore old tired worn out gossipy mongering old mud.that i know debra would not appreciate nor the adm there, think for yourself and show it in the future....b:kraka: