19-04-2011, 07:54 AM
A.J. Blocker Wrote:Vasilios,
I think theres a litle bit to much reliable evidence that the real Oswald did go to Mexico in 1963.
So if the real Oswald went he had a reason! Or was under instruction.
I also believe Angelton rushed to Win Scott's widow to retrieve a photogragh/photogragh's showing the real Oswald going into one or both of the consulates in Mexico City! Whether he was alone or in the company of another party in these photo's is the real secret!
Hi A.J.
Many would disagree that he did go, and they refer to the bus ticket mix-up, the description of Oswald as short, 5'6", blond, by Azcue, Duran and others. Even if he did go to Mexico, it is not certain that he visited the Cuban consulate.
But i do not exclude the possibility that he only visited the Soviet embassy and he was impersonated in his Cuban consulate visits. Another possibility is that he was in Mexico for another reason and he did not visit any embassy.
I guess that is something that will never find out, it will remain a mystery.