07-05-2011, 06:20 PM
If Oswald accidentally dropped his wallet at the Tippit murder scene he did so after walking over to execute Tippit, since the wallet was found next to the pool of blood. The way the scene worked was the shooter shot Tippit from the passenger side and then walked around the back of the patrol car and came around the other side and shot Tippit in the head. If the wallet was dropped it was dropped during the head shot. The way the scene works out, it would be highly unlikely Oswald would miss dropping his wallet with the other hand right next to Tippit's body. This location for any dropped wallet would conform more to a set-up than wallet that was dropped by accident. For if it was dropped by accident it would be laying right there in the open for Oswald to see. Not only that it would have to be in the other hand and seen falling right there as he shot Tippit. This scenario doesn't make sense for an accidentally-dropped wallet, but does for a set-up.