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Chris Matthews Crappy book on JFK
Chris Matthews presents as a foaming chatterbox powered by gin and Benzedrine talking over guests of all persuasions while gushing of the thrill going up his leg being on the street where Barry lives.

We have seen Matthews dancing the full Cass Sunstein at:

When he slams down his Strawman Troika Thesis beginning with the following telling excerpt:


Let me finish tonight with the paranoids of American politics.
These are the people who believe the world is conspiring against them. It's a fearful, insane world of everyone out to get you, everyone relentlessly meeting in secret to destroy your world, your hopes, and your dreams.
Is there any logic to it? You've got to be kidding me.
It is a demented view of the world that holds no logic for the basic reason that fear of the unknown requires no logic. Thinking isn't necessary. The fear alone does the work for you.
I give you the trio of conspiracy theories.
One is that the people in power in this country killed Jack Kennedy. The CIA, the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover, the Vice President, Lyndon Johnson, the Joint Chiefs, oh, throw in the Dallas Police, even the Irish mafia who worked for the late president. They were all in this, all in the plot to send his car down the same street where L. Harvey Oswald waited a few floors up with his rifle, where he'd had his job for weeks - long before the motorcade route had been planned. This is grand conspiracy, the best kind! - where everyone was in it together so that they continue a horribly unpopular war in Vietnam.


Matthews is a jackass, but his treatment of Jack shows he not only doesn't know Jackhe doesn't want you or anyone to know Jack.

DiEugenio vs Matthews, as always the battle of wits between one wielding a rapier and one lacking any is not balanced, but telling all the same.

Five items:

One: Matthews is a denier of Kennedy's opposition to making Vietnam a U.S. wara major reason the latter was assassinated;

Two: Matthews denies that Kennedy was the premier anti-Cold Warrioranother reason he was killedI mean, détente with Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev? Come on! This is why our friend from army intelligence said Kennedy was "very dangerous," why Elmer Moore the SS beeyatch for the Commission called him "a traitor"he was throwing the Great Game!

Three: Matthews ignores what Kennedy grasped and even Dulles pretended to deny, that the Bay of Pigs was a CIA plan to embarrass and demonize Kennedyand it worked: all Cubans and military men henceforth thought of Kennedy as that (expletive deleted) traitor;

Four: Kennedy-Castro talks were successfulanother reason he was killed (and Mark Lane told us Lisa Howard's death added to making it personal for him), but Matthews ignores this;

Five: Ignoring NSAM 263 and the related strategy for its success conceals a major reason he was killedand this, Ladies and Gentlemen, is Matthews' mission.

He's not just doing Robin Williams on crack playing Cable Liberal Mouth, he's damping down any curiosity in the life and death of a very different president, and the scarring of the nation which cannot heal without cleansing the wound.

The bookends talked: Ike January 17, 1961 warned serious as a heart attack of the Military-Industrial Complex. Truman December 24, 1963 insisted Limit CIA to Intelligence.

The Dulles Brothers' Regime Change R Us continues with Brzezinski-Gates' Iran: Time for a New Approach, a little bit of bossa nova, Arab Spring, we'll figure out the sequel to Iraq-cleaning for the Saudis/Smackistan's Naked Lunch.

Matthews continues in order that cognitive dissonance prevents that terrible wrath Frank Zappa forecast to his concerts:

If you knew how lame your parents are, you'd kill them in their beds.

Messages In This Thread
Chris Matthews Crappy book on JFK - by Phil Dragoo - 05-01-2012, 10:43 AM

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