09-01-2012, 04:49 PM
Here's one of Seamus's major complaints: that I am not "popular" in the Truth movement, that I have undermined JFK research by promoting Zapruder film fakery, and that I have also become convinced that video fakery was involved in New York. The problem is that I have done research on these issues and Seamus Coogan, Lisa Pease, and Jim DiEugenio have not. On Zapruder film fakery, for example, I have done extensive research on this subject since 1996, when I organized the first symposium on the film at Lancer. I also organized the Zapruder Film Conference in Duluth in 2003. I published THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX (2003) and have published many articles about it, including these:
"New Proof of JFK Film Fakery"
"Mary in the Street - Revisited"
"Zapruder JFK Film impeached by Moorman JFK Polaroid"
"US Government Official: JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication"
"The JFK 'Head Shot' Paradox"
"Who's telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film?"
Plus John Costella has a nice tutorial into to Z-film fakery:
and there is a 66-part series about the Duluth conference I organized under
the title, "Zapruder Fakery", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zSghy2TkIY
On the issue of video fakery/planes/no planes, those who want to understand the issues must consider:
Elias Davidsson, "There is no evidence that Muslims committed the crime
of 9/11" http://www.opednews.com/articles/There-i...1-366.html
David Ray Griffin, "Phone Calls from the 9/11 Airliners"
Leslie Raphael, "Jules Naudet's 9/11 Film was Staged"
"New Proof of Video Fakery on 9/11"
"9/11: Speeds Reported For World Trade Center Attack Aircraft Analyzed"
"Inside Job: More Proof of 9/11 Duplicity"
"9/11: An Open Letter to Anthony Lawson about 'Absurdities'"
Killtown on Shanksville,
http://www.nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim fetzer real deal-killtown 2010 Oct.mp3
And Pilots for 9/11 Truth has now discovered that Flights 93 (Shanksville) and 175 (South Tower) were i the air on 9/11, but that Flight 93 was in the vicinity of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Champaign, Illinois, at the time of its alleged crash in Shanksville; while Flight 175 was in the vicinity of Harrisburg and Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, at the time of its alleged crash into the South Tower. See http://pilotsfor911truth.org/ Since the same planes cannot be in two places at the same time, perhaps my critics want to consider how they are going to cope with this new evidence, which provides important proof supporting video fakery and the fabrication of evidence on 9/11. I don't care about popularity, which is not the measure of truth.
Why people like Seamus Coogan, Lisa Pease, or Jim DiEugeio would think they would know as much on subjects such as these as a professional scholar who has published more than 150 articles and 29 books is beyond me. I am thorough and painstaking in my research, where I interviewed 15 students of 9/11 who had studied video fakery/planes/no planes more extensively than had I before I became convinced that it had to have happened on 9/11. If anyone wants to study my work on Zapruder film fakery or videl fakery / planes / no planes, that's fine, but they need to know what they are talking about. To cite blogs and web sites as though those participating were competent, as Seamus Coogan does in this instance, is ridiculous beyond belief. It is shallow, ignorant and disgraceful, which is why I really cannot abide people like him.
So big deal? Your travels have not aided you in anyway I can discern. Bar magnifying an already out of control ego, that dwarfs mine and Jim's. It seems to me that you believe you are the voice of the 9/11 movement. Thus I have to ask 'active' amongst whom? Nearly all of the main 9/11 blogs and forums not to mention it's most noted figures like Dylan Avery, Jason Bermas, Tony Lawson, Steven Jones (which reminds me the only vote that's ever been held about your abilities and where you got unceremoniously voted out) do not consider you or Judyth wood members of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Let's look at some random forums anyhow. Your very popular.
There's tons more out there Jim. Please go and find a pro JFK forum outside your own that would speak about Jim DiEugenio, myself or Lisa Pease as often and as negatively. I think that while trying to make out that myself, Jim and others are jealous of your standing. You miss the point. I think you are in fact jealous of the respect afforded to numerous researchers like Jim and Lisa, which you invariably do not get. The reason why Jim is because you write stuff like this below.
"New Proof of JFK Film Fakery"
"Mary in the Street - Revisited"
"Zapruder JFK Film impeached by Moorman JFK Polaroid"
"US Government Official: JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication"
"The JFK 'Head Shot' Paradox"
"Who's telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film?"
Plus John Costella has a nice tutorial into to Z-film fakery:
and there is a 66-part series about the Duluth conference I organized under
the title, "Zapruder Fakery", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zSghy2TkIY
On the issue of video fakery/planes/no planes, those who want to understand the issues must consider:
Elias Davidsson, "There is no evidence that Muslims committed the crime
of 9/11" http://www.opednews.com/articles/There-i...1-366.html
David Ray Griffin, "Phone Calls from the 9/11 Airliners"
Leslie Raphael, "Jules Naudet's 9/11 Film was Staged"
"New Proof of Video Fakery on 9/11"
"9/11: Speeds Reported For World Trade Center Attack Aircraft Analyzed"
"Inside Job: More Proof of 9/11 Duplicity"
"9/11: An Open Letter to Anthony Lawson about 'Absurdities'"
Killtown on Shanksville,
http://www.nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim fetzer real deal-killtown 2010 Oct.mp3
And Pilots for 9/11 Truth has now discovered that Flights 93 (Shanksville) and 175 (South Tower) were i the air on 9/11, but that Flight 93 was in the vicinity of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Champaign, Illinois, at the time of its alleged crash in Shanksville; while Flight 175 was in the vicinity of Harrisburg and Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, at the time of its alleged crash into the South Tower. See http://pilotsfor911truth.org/ Since the same planes cannot be in two places at the same time, perhaps my critics want to consider how they are going to cope with this new evidence, which provides important proof supporting video fakery and the fabrication of evidence on 9/11. I don't care about popularity, which is not the measure of truth.
Why people like Seamus Coogan, Lisa Pease, or Jim DiEugeio would think they would know as much on subjects such as these as a professional scholar who has published more than 150 articles and 29 books is beyond me. I am thorough and painstaking in my research, where I interviewed 15 students of 9/11 who had studied video fakery/planes/no planes more extensively than had I before I became convinced that it had to have happened on 9/11. If anyone wants to study my work on Zapruder film fakery or videl fakery / planes / no planes, that's fine, but they need to know what they are talking about. To cite blogs and web sites as though those participating were competent, as Seamus Coogan does in this instance, is ridiculous beyond belief. It is shallow, ignorant and disgraceful, which is why I really cannot abide people like him.
So big deal? Your travels have not aided you in anyway I can discern. Bar magnifying an already out of control ego, that dwarfs mine and Jim's. It seems to me that you believe you are the voice of the 9/11 movement. Thus I have to ask 'active' amongst whom? Nearly all of the main 9/11 blogs and forums not to mention it's most noted figures like Dylan Avery, Jason Bermas, Tony Lawson, Steven Jones (which reminds me the only vote that's ever been held about your abilities and where you got unceremoniously voted out) do not consider you or Judyth wood members of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Let's look at some random forums anyhow. Your very popular.
There's tons more out there Jim. Please go and find a pro JFK forum outside your own that would speak about Jim DiEugenio, myself or Lisa Pease as often and as negatively. I think that while trying to make out that myself, Jim and others are jealous of your standing. You miss the point. I think you are in fact jealous of the respect afforded to numerous researchers like Jim and Lisa, which you invariably do not get. The reason why Jim is because you write stuff like this below.