20-01-2012, 08:06 AM
Thanks for your respnse Mr Lemkin, although I'm not quite sure about being new to all this. As stated, I am a student of JFK assassination research, and not a researcher and am dependant upon the research of others. But, I have been studying for awhile now. I have seen photos that indicate that the gentleman had, and used a 2-way radio when or just after the shooting occurred. Considering the US President and Texas Governor had just been shot in that spot, it seems the bulge, whatever it was, should have added to suspicions about both TUM and DCM. They were certainly a lot closer than the gentlemen arrested in the RR car. The video showing what looks like DCM, a few minutes after the shooting, walking on the grass on the south side of Elm going east/southeast is something I recently saw for the 1st time and had not seen any discussion about it. By the way, I wish I felt "new".
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Tosh Plumlee has seen all the films and claims to have been about a hundred yards from DCM that day. I think that many, including extensive work by Wilson show the bulge under the jacket is a communications device and not a weapon. Mr. Trotter you seem rather new to all this....though no harm in that.