22-01-2012, 03:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2012, 04:11 PM by Charles Drago.)
LR Trotter Wrote:Mr Drago,
If I am the LR that you are referring to, I don't recall posting anything that would question the legitimacy of this forum, as I feel as though it is a great place to view, and post, various thoughts regarding the JFK assassination. I don't get involved with 911 discussions, or any other areas of the Deep Politics Forum, and although new to this forum I have studied the JFK assassination for a number of years, but I am somewhat limited to those studies and do no direct or indirect research myself. So if something that I have posted needs attention, I will be glad to review anything I have said as it may have been a disguised, by mistake, question. Over the years, I have from time to time gone by my initials as the mood struck me. But, I am not part of any group and to my knowledge am not aquainted with any other posters, and only recognize a few names from reading about the assassination. But, in any event, this is a great forum and it is my hope that the hard work, and what I consider as success, continues. The leaders and founders of the Deep Politics Forum deserve that success. And, thanks for allowing me to post this note.
Best regards,
Larry Randolph (LR) Trotter
Dear Mr. Trotter,
Thank you for your kind words.
If my remarks on this forum have been bellicose, it is because I and others realize that what we discuss on the JFK pages and elsewhere are not historical abstractions but rather aspects of an ongoing, brutal war.
I mean no offense to you. The "JC Mahoney" entity demonstrated many of the attributes of the agents provocateur who are tasked with penetrating, surveilling, marginalizing, and/or bringing down sites such as DPF. "Mahoney" constructed "his" user name as you present your own; such mimicry is redolent of what I've termed the "doppelganger gambit" -- THE example of which is the so-called two (or more) Oswald phenomena. Most tellingly, the timing of "his" overt attempt to marginalize ALL DPF content (see below) could not be more indicative of hostile intent.
If I have unfairly brought you into this discussion, I beg your pardon. By all means please continue to read and post on DPF. Like all of us -- including myself -- you will see that your work is judged solely on its merits.