22-01-2012, 11:30 PM
Greg Burnham Wrote:JC Mahoney Wrote:Greg Burnham Wrote:JC Mahoney Wrote:I'm an entity!
I certainly miss my former title at JFKresearch Assassinaton Forum: Sgt-At-Arms. My job was smoking out agents provocateur PRIOR to their having played out their hand. Since Rich passed away, I haven't had occasion to exercise my skill in this area...that is, until you came along.
By the way, "ENTITY" is much too lofty a title for you. An "apologist for the bug" is perhaps more accurate.
You really suck at that job.
I think you have officially earned the boot.
One thing you don't suck at is surrounding yourself with other folks who co-sign your delusions. You're the KING of that.
PS - I'm not sure which one of us logged in before and posted 'you really suck at that job.' It was harsh, and that agent will be destroyed. Or re-assigned to cooking chicken nuggets for the kids.
I would've used the more appropriate, lulz earning 'you're doing it wrong.'
Have you considered spending some time alone in a room counting to a million trillion? You'd be of slightly more value to society, albeit less entertaining.
I'm going to have to edit some of these other agents musings, they leaked classified info.