15-02-2012, 12:28 PM
Who had the motive,
What WAS the motive? That IS one of the key questions. Was it to cause fear, extensive damage, humiliation to the USA or the appearance of this, to destroy the entire WTC?
the means
This depends on if you consider the WTC a HUGE entire site demolion project. Perhaps the plot was only to crash plans into the twins... damage them and the those who designed the plane attack had no idea that it would destroy the entire complex
and the opportunity (MMO).
This again presumes an extensive CD. Suppose they attack was just planes even if it wasn't 19 hijackers. Still hijackers could and would be blamed by the USA... convenient excuse for war. Maybe the planes were hijacker by Mosad agents, loaded with thermite or even a full load fuel to ensure extensive burning and NO explosives were placed.
Incredibly, we were told that 19 hijackers pulled this off and for three years I believed it. For me, the hardest part was just to allow the thoughts that someone internal to the US could have done this to invade my head. The hardest part was to state what I could reasonably call knowledge. I do accept the NT thesis as proven subject to falsification.
The why not accept the directed energy weapons until proven false? Why is the some obscure hi tech substance found of admittedly questionable explosive power with no mechanism of how it was used, or evidence of its use and you accept it as evidence of CD until falsified? Ha??????
The documented presence of NO would disprove the governments' case, but it would not prove the Who did it?
Only if the NT could be shown to have caused the collapses. No one has even proposed how this was done.
One cartainly can suspect the military was associated with NT's presence... but again we still haven't demonstrated its USE.
The OCT fibbed about 7 and took years took 7 yrs come up with fib. Engineering and scientific analysis of the visual record points to destruction below the 8th floor which led to a core collapse hollowing out the building and then we see the hollowed out curtain wall and the facade of a building collapse. The core destruction began right after the first plane struck if Barry Jennings account of what was going on in 7 is true. This could have been placed explosive inside the Con Ed substation or it could have been the sub station itself which exploded from a voltage spikes caused by the plane and then 20,000 gallons of diesell poured down from the 7th floor tanks burning all day weakening the transfer trusses until the core which they supported collapsed down. Sure they could have placed bombs in the substation to go off at 9:48. 7 took 7 hrs for it to *let go"... there were no bombs going off JUST prior to its dropping. There were explosions heard by Jennings and others early in the AM. The sub station was totally destroyed and the tanks emptied. There was smoke emerging from the north lower floors of 7 and fires come out there. There were huge intake grilled to ventilate all the machinery, power station, and HVAC equipment there.
How about IF the authorities were aware of the explosions in the sub station and it was their responsibility to protect the public and were exercising their franchise to keep people out of harm's way. As such they would issues comments to the press and so forth to let people know. This happened when a building was on fire this past year adjacent to the metro north rail in Harlem. The entire rail traffic on going north out of Grand Central was stopped and there were advisories issued to the press and public.
Chandler's theories about NT are complete fantasy. Explosives can't create powerful energetic blasts without extemely load percussive noise. Perhaps the mischief was quiet incendiaries.
The sounds heard just prior the the actual downward motion of the curtain wall WAS the collapse the the floors inside the bottom of the building. They likely WERE collapse down onto the sub station... at first in massive slabs... BOOM BOOM.. one after the other until the drop accelerations and the sound merged into a roar and then the curtain wall with nothing behind it collapsed rather silently... compared to what came just before.
I don't subscribe to the foreign terrorist plot... There's lot's wrong with that theory. But I the case for CD has not been made and so we don't know what happened. We do know that a lot of people such as David Chandler are seeing what they want to see, hearing what they want to hear and cherry picking what they think is evidence of CD... and even that is often misinterpreted.
We know NIST produced what amounts to a cover up. We don't know who or what they were covering up. Why? They were told to support the policies which were already in place or had been decided even before 9/11.
Second, I am not presuming a crime. We say it happening on TV. Who did it?
Who had the motive,
What WAS the motive? That IS one of the key questions. Was it to cause fear, extensive damage, humiliation to the USA or the appearance of this, to destroy the entire WTC?
the means
This depends on if you consider the WTC a HUGE entire site demolion project. Perhaps the plot was only to crash plans into the twins... damage them and the those who designed the plane attack had no idea that it would destroy the entire complex
and the opportunity (MMO).
This again presumes an extensive CD. Suppose they attack was just planes even if it wasn't 19 hijackers. Still hijackers could and would be blamed by the USA... convenient excuse for war. Maybe the planes were hijacker by Mosad agents, loaded with thermite or even a full load fuel to ensure extensive burning and NO explosives were placed.
Incredibly, we were told that 19 hijackers pulled this off and for three years I believed it. For me, the hardest part was just to allow the thoughts that someone internal to the US could have done this to invade my head. The hardest part was to state what I could reasonably call knowledge. I do accept the NT thesis as proven subject to falsification.
The why not accept the directed energy weapons until proven false? Why is the some obscure hi tech substance found of admittedly questionable explosive power with no mechanism of how it was used, or evidence of its use and you accept it as evidence of CD until falsified? Ha??????
The documented presence of NO would disprove the governments' case, but it would not prove the Who did it?
Only if the NT could be shown to have caused the collapses. No one has even proposed how this was done.
But the prime suspects would be developed around MMO. Obviously, my prime suspects would have included a powerful cabal of para-military and intelligence assets with bureaucratic cover.
One cartainly can suspect the military was associated with NT's presence... but again we still haven't demonstrated its USE.
Third, now on to WTC7. Even though it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, you say maybe its just a squirrel. With the video I posted I claim is proof that explosives were planted before 9/11. (This presumes that nobody could and would have wired up the buildings to implode in that short amount of time under those conditions. After all, WTC6 was taken down weeks later. What would the hurry be with WTC7?)
The OCT fibbed about 7 and took years took 7 yrs come up with fib. Engineering and scientific analysis of the visual record points to destruction below the 8th floor which led to a core collapse hollowing out the building and then we see the hollowed out curtain wall and the facade of a building collapse. The core destruction began right after the first plane struck if Barry Jennings account of what was going on in 7 is true. This could have been placed explosive inside the Con Ed substation or it could have been the sub station itself which exploded from a voltage spikes caused by the plane and then 20,000 gallons of diesell poured down from the 7th floor tanks burning all day weakening the transfer trusses until the core which they supported collapsed down. Sure they could have placed bombs in the substation to go off at 9:48. 7 took 7 hrs for it to *let go"... there were no bombs going off JUST prior to its dropping. There were explosions heard by Jennings and others early in the AM. The sub station was totally destroyed and the tanks emptied. There was smoke emerging from the north lower floors of 7 and fires come out there. There were huge intake grilled to ventilate all the machinery, power station, and HVAC equipment there.
Finally, whether explosives were used is the starting point to solving the crime. If explosives were used, the 4 pilots and the 15 muscle guys are minor figures if not just props for the Grand Narrative. Is the video a "fingerprint?" Yes, but not the fingerprint of a foreign terrorist plot. It is a fingerprint of someone else; someone closer to home.
How about IF the authorities were aware of the explosions in the sub station and it was their responsibility to protect the public and were exercising their franchise to keep people out of harm's way. As such they would issues comments to the press and so forth to let people know. This happened when a building was on fire this past year adjacent to the metro north rail in Harlem. The entire rail traffic on going north out of Grand Central was stopped and there were advisories issued to the press and public.
Chandler's theories about NT are complete fantasy. Explosives can't create powerful energetic blasts without extemely load percussive noise. Perhaps the mischief was quiet incendiaries.
The sounds heard just prior the the actual downward motion of the curtain wall WAS the collapse the the floors inside the bottom of the building. They likely WERE collapse down onto the sub station... at first in massive slabs... BOOM BOOM.. one after the other until the drop accelerations and the sound merged into a roar and then the curtain wall with nothing behind it collapsed rather silently... compared to what came just before.
I don't subscribe to the foreign terrorist plot... There's lot's wrong with that theory. But I the case for CD has not been made and so we don't know what happened. We do know that a lot of people such as David Chandler are seeing what they want to see, hearing what they want to hear and cherry picking what they think is evidence of CD... and even that is often misinterpreted.
We know NIST produced what amounts to a cover up. We don't know who or what they were covering up. Why? They were told to support the policies which were already in place or had been decided even before 9/11.