20-03-2012, 03:59 AM
When I want the definitive word on the JFK assassination I will absolutely turn to a retired CIA officer and an FBI informant.
This brilliant new revelation on the eve of the 50[SUP]th[/SUP] anniversary of the coup asks, "Did Fidel want Kennedy dead? Yes. He feared Kennedy. And he knew Kennedy was gunning for him."
Not according to James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.
JFK was pursuing demarche with Castro using Attwood, Jean Daniel, Lisa Howard.
On the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Daniel spent six hours with Castro. Daniel was with Castro having lunch when the shooting was reported. Three times Castro said, "This is bad news."
To Lisa Howard, Castro said JFK was courageous to have Attwood and Howard call the aides in Havana. There was to be an important meeting. A key speech by Kennedy written by Sorenson, though sabotaged by CIA, expressed to Castro that normalization could be attained if the Soviet hand was absent.
The day after the assassination Castro gave a 12,445-word speech expressing his rejection of the Oswald-did-it frame, and repeatedly referring to reactionary elements of the government, specifically FBI and CIA.
This smacks of the Mexico City machinations for which CIA twice instructed Mexican intelligence to arrest Sylvia Duran.
The Phillips lie concerning the tape was revealed as six of Hoover's agents heard the tape and knew it to be an imposter, as was the subject in the photos.
And still the disinformation flows from the Langley sewage plant.
This brilliant new revelation on the eve of the 50[SUP]th[/SUP] anniversary of the coup asks, "Did Fidel want Kennedy dead? Yes. He feared Kennedy. And he knew Kennedy was gunning for him."
Not according to James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.
JFK was pursuing demarche with Castro using Attwood, Jean Daniel, Lisa Howard.
On the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Daniel spent six hours with Castro. Daniel was with Castro having lunch when the shooting was reported. Three times Castro said, "This is bad news."
To Lisa Howard, Castro said JFK was courageous to have Attwood and Howard call the aides in Havana. There was to be an important meeting. A key speech by Kennedy written by Sorenson, though sabotaged by CIA, expressed to Castro that normalization could be attained if the Soviet hand was absent.
The day after the assassination Castro gave a 12,445-word speech expressing his rejection of the Oswald-did-it frame, and repeatedly referring to reactionary elements of the government, specifically FBI and CIA.
This smacks of the Mexico City machinations for which CIA twice instructed Mexican intelligence to arrest Sylvia Duran.
The Phillips lie concerning the tape was revealed as six of Hoover's agents heard the tape and knew it to be an imposter, as was the subject in the photos.
And still the disinformation flows from the Langley sewage plant.