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Fidel Castro may have known of Oswald plot to kill JFK, ex-CIA officer claims
[URL=""]JFKCountercoup2: Aspillaga at Lourdes?
Aspillaga at Lourdes?

The original cover story for the Dealey Plaza Operation was a Northwoods type plan to blame the assassination on Castro and the Cubans, and the fact that this cover story is still being promoted by the same people today is clear evidence the intelligence network that killed President Kennedy is still functioning today.

If the Cuban government had anything to do with the assassination then the US government was complied in covering up the fact, but it is much more clear that those who attempt to blame Castro for the assassination are closer to the culprits themselves.

About the Author - BRIAN LATELL began tracking Cuba for the CIA in the early 1960s. Today, as Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Cuban and Cuban American Studies at the University of Miami, [BK Notes: aka JMWAVE] he continues as one of the most distinguished and frequently quoted experts. For a quarter century he taught Cuba and Latin America as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University. A former National Intelligence Officer for Latin America and Director of the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence, he has written for the Washington Post, Miami Herald, Wall Street Journal, Time, and many other American and international publications. His After Fidel has been published in eight languages.

Since he is the resident University of Miami scholar on Cuban and JFK assassination matters, I publicly ask him to please tell us about any records there are at the University archives about the Conference of Cuban Journalist that was held there over a six week period during the summer of 1963, and whythere is no information about this conference available at all?

In addition, beside these plugs from other previously exposed CIA assets, I'd also like to call attention to the fact that Lattell's primary source - Aspillaga, may be able to lead us to a Cuban/Soviet copy of the Air Force One radio transmission tapes that our government has apparently lost.

At, Jeff Morley wrote: "Latell's mostintriguing contribution is the testimony of Florentino Aspillaga, a careerGeneral Directorate of Intelligence officer who defected to the [/FONT]United States[/FONT] in 1987. Latell interviewed him extensively in 2007and 2008, and found him unusually credible on the workings of the Cubansecurity forces. Aspillaga told Latell that on [/FONT]Nov. 22, 1963[/FONT], he was manning a Cuban radio monitoring station thatusually focused on [/FONT]Miami[/FONT] or Langley. His bosses, he said, made an unusualrequest that day: monitor the airwaves in [/FONT]Texas[/FONT]. Soon came the shocking news that JFK had been killedin [/FONT]Dallas[/FONT]."[/FONT]

"Castro knew," Aspillaga is quoted as saying. "They knew Kennedy would bekilled."
If Castro knew JFK would be killed, he could have learned of the plot from theanti-Castro groups that his G2 had penetrated, but knowing JFK was visitingTexas and asking COMIT agents to focus on Texas is not expressing foreknowledgeof the assassination, only that JFK was there. So Aspillaga's conclusion isoff, and intentionally misinterpreted by the CIAdisinformation agent Latell, but it is important nonetheless in that itindicates they were intentionally targeting the Texascommunications, as we are just beginning to study in depth today.

I'd like to know did Aspillaga work at the Cuban radio communications facilityat Lourdes?
If Castro learned of the assassination from radio communications, and he hadinstructed his radio operators to listen specifically to Texasbroadcasts, perhaps the Cubans have a copy of the Air Force One radiotransmissions that our government has apparently lost.

If Latell's primary source Aspillaga did work at a Cuban radio base stationthat attempted to intercept American radio communications, then he probablyworked at Lourdes radiocommunications intercept center, which was set up by the Soviets and used thestate-of-the-art equipment the Russians had developed.

I had previously considered the idea that this Cuban facility listened in andprobably recorded the Air Force One radio communications, and wondered if itwas feasible to ask the Cubans for their copy of the AF1 radio communicationsthey taped. Towards that end I exchanged emails with Dave Emery, an Americanradio communications specialist who had written a research article on the Cubanradio intercept station at Lourdes.

I told Emery about the missing Air Force One radio transmission tapes and askedhim if the NSA or the Cubans at Lourdeswould likely have a copy.

He responded: I find it rather surprising, even amazing, that the NSA wouldadmit to having ever had a copy of that traffic. I believe they no doubt did(have it), but there I quite a bit of sensitivity to a US government agencyintercepting high level US traffic, and it is not clear to me under whatoperational directive they ran such a Mystic Star monitoring operation.

Back then it would have actually taken an operator or two dialing infrequencies on the R-390As and recording everything on tape and I am mostintrigued if you got them to admit to having assigned such to Mystic Star inNovember 1963.

One supposes that once the news of the assassination became known within NSA(ASA/AFSS/NSG etc.) monitoring facilities some of the operators looked for theMystic Star traffic and listened to it (military discipline aside, I am surethere were people curious enough to break the rules under the circumstances).And given that the intercept positions had tape gear, probably there were tapesmade on the QT. But for anyone to admit to their existence is quite anothermatter.

I do know that continuous Crown patches on the AF-1 primary and secondary hifrequencies were almost certainly recorded by WHCA at the White House comcenter and probably also at Andrews com center Mystic Star operators.

It seems inconceivable that these tapes weren't carefully saved, and probablyplayed over by insiders many times. Of course considering the variousconspiracy theories (and remotely possible also the presence of a realconspiracy) it follows that these tapes may have been edited or deliberatelydestroyed, or locked up under seal for another 50 years or whatever.

I have almost total certainty that WHCA and or the 89th SAMcom operators had such tapes from the actual radios used to communicate withthe plane I would not consider it even remotely conceivable they weren'troutinely taping the lines.

While I know that I unlikely, I've considered the possibly that theCubans/Russians picked it up and may have intercepted the traffic. Whether thiswas done from Cubaat Lourdes or from the SovietEmbassy in Washington (or both)is less clear. Frankly considering what sometimes was said over Mystic Star inthe clear in that era, it seems beyond doubt that the Soviets would have foundit worthwhile to assign operators to routinely monitor the traffic and almostcertainly record what they intercepted on tape for later translation, playingfor leadership and whatever. The recent Mitroysin Archive book specificallymentions Soviet monitoring of VIPcommunications from aircraft, including such monitoring from the Sovietdiplomatic facilities in the DC and NY areas.

And whilst the Russians were sometimes slow on the uptake and the Mitroshinstuff mentions the Kissinger era, I find it rather hard to believe that theydidn't know about and follow Mysitc Star practically from its inception.

Messages In This Thread
Fidel Castro may have known of Oswald plot to kill JFK, ex-CIA officer claims - by Bill Kelly - 24-03-2012, 02:46 AM

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