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Another mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin....details fuzzy

Sikh Temple Massacre: CNN Cites David Gletty, the SPLC, and the ADL in ONE Article

Posted on August 7, 2012 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
UPDATE: In an interview, David Gletty admits to watching "young girls" get raped (gang raped?), people being murdered, and taking illicit drugs while doing nothing to stop any of it while he was working as an informant for the FBI. He claims he allowed all of this to take place because his "mission" would have been jeopardized had he whipped out his gun and done something to stop it. Then he remarkably states that they only moved on the gang once they were talking about taking down drug dealers in the area. He claimed the FBI told him "OK, before any public gets hurt, let's go ahead and throw down on them."
Really? What about the raped "young girls" and other murdered people? Are they not the public?
He then goes on to admit that he was living with his mother during his entire stint as an FBI informant infiltrating the Nazis. His mother?

Talk about propaganda…
CNN has a new article in which they make the claim that there are more than a thousand hate groups active in the United States which have the potential to conduct the next Sikh temple massacre. In order to prove this, CNN relies on three main sources:
  1. a guy who was a fake skin-head turned "investigator" for the FBI- David Gletty
  2. a "not-for-profit" organization run by one of the most racist hatemongers in America (and whose funding depends on there being a large group of racist hatemongers in America) SPLC
  3. and an organization that has been determined to be pursuing "Nazi gun control laws in America" by the gun rights group Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) ADL
Let's just overlook for a moment the obvious financial conflicts of interest organizations like the ADL and the SPLC have in any discussion on this subject, and for that matter the "investigator" who also stands to increase his revenue stream as well.
And let's also forget the SPLC's last "victory" against "racist hate groups", the Hutaree 9 militia group. Remember what happened to them? They got set up and entrapped by the JTTF and the FBI. Holder came out saying of the case against them it was…
"an insidious plan by anti-government extremists." … and we have dealt "a severe blow to a dangerous organization that today stands accused of conspiring to levy war against the United States" Eric Holder on the Hutaree militia
Guess what? Turns out after a year in custody, these guys were let off… the entire case thrown out of court because the judge thought it was bullshit, that they hadn't planned to attack anyone, let alone police officers…
"Members of a Christian militia accused of plotting an antigovernment uprising were acquitted on sedition and conspiracy charges on Tuesday by a federal judge who said prosecutors had failed to prove that the group had concrete plans to attack anyone." New York Times
Key to this frame up job was yet another FBI "informant" whose testimony about what they supposedly said, appears to have just pure fabrication. That lying undercover informant's name was Thomas Piatek.
Fast forward to CNN's article on the "1000″ active hate groups in America….
"I know they're out there. I try not to alarm the public too much, but it's something that really needs to be taken a hold of now because more and more we see facts coming out that this is happening more often and more often, and it's not going to stop anytime soon," said David Gletty, who worked as an undercover informant on extremist groups for the FBI. CNN
David Gletty is a self-described FBI snitch who infiltrated a scraggly band of neo-Nazis in Orlando a while ago. He helped organize a march or two and ranted and lied about various things he did in his past. Watch this video which shows Gletty in his "prime" back then and tell me if you believe a word he said. Watching the other "speakers" one wonders if the ENTIRE group wasn't FBI informants sitting around an echo-chamber like the fake "truthers" do at various fake truth movement websites (yes, that is you Jon Gold).
"As I was coming out of the store paying for gas, two niggers tried robbing me with broken bottles, they couldn't afford knives or whatever…" David Gletty
What Gletty was most famous for was setting up marches in and around predominantly black neighborhoods in order to foster racial tensions where previously there had been next to none. Look at these photos. The first you can see Gletty walking behind the guys on the left who are holding a Nazi flag. In the second, you can see Gletty preparing a group of "nazis" for another march. Notice something about the men in the second photo? Do they ALL look like they are fresh out of the military on their first psyop assignment?
[Image: gletty-rally.jpg?w=231&h=300]
[Image: gletty-rally-2.jpg?w=300&h=174]
It's interesting and not unsurprising to note that local politicians railed against the notion that the feds would come in and put on this "Nazi march" show in their communities especially when you consider the majority of the "nazi" participants seemed to be on the government payroll.
Of course, the ADL took a different view of it…
Others applauded the FBI's infiltration of the neo-Nazis."It's one of the largest extremist groups in the country, and Gletty was one of the most visible individuals in the National Socialist Movement," said Andy Rosenkranz, state regional director for the Anti-Defamation League. "Generally, the FBI and the JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force) in Florida does an excellent job." Jones Report
Gletty was proud of his "work" infiltrating the groups back then, he says. But soon enough his acting skills left him exposed and he had to quit pretending to be racist and staging fake marches in order to create the illusion of a growing menace to society.He then took on a different role, that of roving FBI "investigator" of various militia groups in the rural areas of America. Below is a video of David Gletty proudly boasting of all his good work running around and getting videos of American citizens out in the woods camping or hiking or just hanging out on their porches.He claims they are all dangerous militia groups plotting to overthrow the government. Personally I just see some hikers and friends hanging out in nature. I guess you see what you want to see, huh David?Gletty talks about how he broke into some of their vehicles while they were camping and how he bugged them and reported their license plates so they could be traced later by the feds.
Then in a remarkable statement of total hypocrisy, he chastised the racists for wishing to violate people's civil liberties in America as if what he was doing wasn't just that.
You really have to see this idiot's video to believe it. It reminds me of what was happening in Afghanistan when the Bush regime put out a bounty on Taliban supporters and everyone and their mother were snatching people off the street and selling them to the Americans for cash. Because that is what Gletty was doing: creating boogeymen where there were none for financial gain.
"If you think the work that I did was distasteful, then you are not a true American and I call you out…. what have you done for America except bitch. If all you are doing is bitch, then you are not causing anything great to happen" David Gletty
embedded video:

David Gletty would be laughable if he wasn't so completely sociopathic and featured on CNN. The guy is a treasure trove of misplaced hostility and inferiority complexes. And he's armed and apparently has friends in high places like the FBI, the JTTF, the SPLC, the ADL, and of course the MSM.
In that video, this guy, featured in a CNN article as an "expert", admits to breaking into people's vehicles without a warrant, just to "see what they have in there"
That's against the law folks. That's called breaking and entering.
He then claims a group of three guys who are obviously just campers, are militia suspects and he is going to "question them without them knowing it" I guess that means he's going to use his super sleuth powers of infiltration to get them to talk. Well, apparently that failed pretty quickly because he claims they "got suspicious" so he reported them to the local police for not buying into his bullshit racist rant. He claims that the cops, because of what he reports to them, will "pick them up from there. We did out part"
He then finds some kids out in the woods and of course, they're what he called "tree huggers" or "eco-terrorists". He called them in too I suppose…
And you wonder how the terrorist watch list in America got so long? I wonder if he gets paid by the day or by the snitch he simply makes up out of thin air.
Are you fucking kidding me?
And remember, this is the guy supported by the ADL and featured in a CNN article about what happened at the Sikh Temple.
You gotta watch the video. His "training" exercise at the end of the video is one of the funniest things I have seen in a while.
I guess there's a lot of money to be made in setting up and demonizing U.S. citizens these days.
So there you have it: CNN citing a group that fucked up horribly on the Hutaree militia frame-up, a group that supports Nazi disarmament legislature, and a guy who staged fake neo-Nazi rallies in black communities to cause racial tension in Florida and who regularly commits serious felonies in order to justify his government paycheck.
That's "news" in this day and age.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Messages In This Thread
Another mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin....details fuzzy - by Ed Jewett - 09-08-2012, 03:27 AM

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