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Another mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin....details fuzzy

Monday, August 6, 2012

Do All These Recent Shooters Have a Common Denominator ?

Why are all these cases connected?

[Image: Fort+Hood+Shooter.jpg]

Fort Hood soldier ordered to erase video of shootings --In US civilian courts, destruction of evidence can be a crime. 15 Oct 2010 A US soldier who captured a deadly 2009 rampage at Fort Hood with his cell phone camera testified Friday that he was ordered to erase the video by his commanders. The video could have provided key evidence at the trial of Major Nidal Hasan, a US Army psychiatrist who faces 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder. Lead defense attorney John Galligan asked witness Private Lance Aviles if he had taken a video of the shooting with his cell phone and if he deleted the footage at the instruction of his superiors. "Yes, sir," Aviles replied.
Obama administration subpoenaed in Fort Hood probe 19 Apr 2010 Two U.S. lawmakers subpoenaed the Obama administration on Monday for information sought in a congressional probe of last year's shooting rampage [false flag] at Fort Hood, Texas, that left 13 soldiers dead and an Army psychiatrist charged with murder. Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, an independent [sociopath], and Susan Collins, the panel's top Republican, took the action after the departments of Justice and Defense failed to provide the materials by Monday's deadline.
'Three people are involved. That, by definition, means it is a conspiracy.'
  • Imam Tied to Fort Hood Shooter "Killed" in Yemen Raid
  • Army refuses to identify Hasan prosecutors, chases away journalists
  • Who (actually) shot Maj. Hasan?

  • WaPo: Hasan did not formally ask to leave military, Army official says --Any formal request... to separate early would have been submitted to the Department of the Army.
  • NYT: Major Hasan's behavior in the months and weeks leading up to the shooting bespeaks a troubled man full of contradictions.He lived frugally in a run-down apartment, yet spent more than $1,100 on the pistol the authorities said he used in the shootings.
  • CNN: Over one hundred shots were fired in the attack. (Logic dictates that 'over one hundred shots' were not fired by a single individual, surrounded by military personnel and special police forces.)
  • CNN: FBI was investigating Major Nidal Hasan six months ago.
  • Curiouser and Curiouser: -Video surfaces of alleged shooter, Major Nidal Hasan, attending Homeland Security Task Force conference --Major Hasan's name appears on page 29 of The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute's 'Thinking AnewSecurity Priorities for the Next Administration' --Proceedings Report of the HSPI Presidential Transition Task Force - April 2008 - January 2009. The report is dated 19 May 2009.
  • Numerous media accounts: Major Hasan's neighbors, medical trainers, colleagues, friends, cousin, uncle, grandfather-- even the store owner to where he bought his food -- all heap praise on Major Hasan's temperament. This appears to be psy-ops, six ways to Sunday. --LRP
  • The alleged shooter received his medical degree from the military's Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., in 2001 and is a graduate of Virginia Tech. Early on Thursday, he showed no signs of worry or stress when he stopped at 7-Eleven for his daily breakfast of hash browns, said Jeannie Strickland, the store's manager. "He came in (Thursday) morning just like normal," she said, "nothing weird, nothing out of the ordinary."
The Aledged Aurora, Colorado Batman Shooter - James Holmes

[Image: batman+shooter.jpg]


1. James Holmes had no job, was earning unemployment but was able to purchase close to 10k in weapons, explosives, and tactical equipment, and this all happened within 2 months. The chances that Holmes could afford to finance this on his own is highly unlikely. Someone helped finance this attack, follow the money and we will find the masterminds.

2. The testimony of 2 key eye witnesses totally contradicts the official story of there being one shooter, with no accomplice in the attack. One witness testified that the tear gas canisters came from both sides of the theatre, a second witness testified that before the movie began he saw someone sit down in the front row, and shortly after sitting down his phone rang and instead of walking into the main lobby to take the call, he walked over to the emergency exit to the right side of the theatre opened the door and looked to be signaling someone outside the theatre. Shortly after the shooter made entrance through the emergency exit and commenced his attack.

3. Evidence photos - Evidence photos have surfaced of a gas mask outside of the emergency exit of theatre 8, police reported that when they arrested the shooter in the white Hyundai outside of theatre 9 he was wearing a gas mask, that would make 2 gas masks that were recovered. Also photos show the AR-15 propped up against the wall opposite of the fire exit door of theatre 9, police radio communications reported that night that the rifle was found inside the theatre, and even if the the AR-15 was discarded outside the theatre do you think the gunman was going to take the time to set the weapon down ? The Hyundai - why was the window missing? I thought he put up no resistance as he was being taken into custody ?

4. Radio communications from the night of the attack -

*First report of suspects was two men fleeing the theatres both wearing back packs, what happened to these two suspects??

*Reports of three people dragging an unknown individual into a non descript vehicle and speeding off

*the majority of injured and witnesses were not given access to ambulances, they were to be transported by other vehicles to the high school. WHY?

* Police radio that one of the shooters may be wearing blue and plaid shirt

*Magazine and AR-15 dropped in theatre

5. Pool of eye witnesses - It was reported that the theatre had over 300 people in it, there have been less than 10 eye witnesses with a only a few taking most of the spotlight ie. Jennifer Seeger. The KEY eye witnesses seem to have very well rehearsed testimony but have not given much sense to whether there testimony is actually plausible - Jennifer Seeger has consistently given a description of the shooter, that miraculously matches James Holmes to a T, even though she has told reporters that she was face down in the aisle, and surrounded by tear gas/gas obstructing her view. Seeger also described the gas canisters down to the colour, personally I believe this was an impossibility in that scenario. She also mentioned that hot shell casings were hitting her in the forehead as the gunman was spraying the theatre, how is this possible? she was on her front was she not? Another point that should be noted is that for a event that involved 300 people, there has been a surprisingly low amount of postings on youtube, facebook, and Twitter. No one who was involved in this event is talking about it, beyond that small group of witnesses that have been talking to national media outlets.

6. Holmes booby trapped apartment - How are we to believe that a 24 yr old, former jewish camp counselor, gaming nerd, science rock star, Neuroscience PHD had the skill set to set up a system of explosive devices and booby traps that would have the FBI bewildered for almost two days?? How are we to believe that ?? There is no way this maze of death was the work of one neuroscience student. It's BS.

7. Rumours of Holmes's Neuroscience program being funded by DARPA - Neursoscience + DARPA + MKULTRA the perfect marriage

8. Anti-gun agenda - Didn't anyone notice how quick public officials were ready to talk to the media about antigun legislation ? Bloomberg publically called out Obama and Romney to do something about the lack of gun control in the US, excellent timing seeing as the UN has legislation on the table to ban small arms globally.

9. The fact that Holmes allegedly bought the guns legally, to me this is the biggest smoking gun that this attack is being used as sounding board for the anti gun/disarmament agenda, think about it...most intelligent people who were planning an attack like this would do everything they could to stay off of the radar, buying the guns legally doesn't allow one to do that. What they are trying to do is demonize the legal gun owner, saying hey Holmes wasn't a criminal he was a normal guy who went crazy, and due to his ability to legally buy these firearms he was able to pull off these attacks.

10. The roomates - The initial reports were than Holmes was living with two other people, but once people started asking who these roommates were, the story had changed to no roommates that he lived by himself. The roommate story had to change because everyone was asking the same thing, if Holmes had roommates where are they ? Are they in the apartment with all of those explosive materials? It makes no sense!!! I don't think there were any explosives in Holmes residence, I think that they were buying time to construct this BS story.

and last but not least...

***Most important to note about James Holmes, however, is that his father, Robert Holmes, was said to have been scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on the largest bank fraud scandal in world history that is currently unfolding and threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system. Robert Holmes, whose "blueblood" family links go back to the Mayflower, is known throughout the global banking community as being the creator of one of the most sophisticated computer algorithms ever developed and is credited with developing predictive models for financial services; credit and fraud risk models, first and third party application fraud models and internet/online banking fraud models.

Educated at the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University, Robert Holmes is currently the senior lead scientist with the American credit score company FICO, which was formally known as Fair, Isaac and Company, and which every American citizen is beholden to should they need to borrow money.

More on this angle here.

Wade Michael Page - The Aledged Milwaukee, Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooter

[Image: 361567-wade-michael-dade.jpg]

From Cryptogon

Page Served in U.S. Army Psychological Operations Unit
Via: CBS News:
CBS News reports that Page enlisted in the Army in April 1992 and was given a less-than-honorable discharge in October 1998. He was last stationed in Fort Bragg, N.C., serving in the psychological operations unit.

Wade Michael Page
Via: CBS:
The suspect in a shooting that left six people dead at a Sikh temple in suburban Milwaukee on Sunday has been identified as Wade Michael Page.
Authorities confirmed to CBS News on Monday that Page was the suspect in the shooting. He was killed outside the temple in a shootout with police officers after the rampage that left terrified congregants hiding in closets and others texting friends outside for help.
Multiple sources tell CBS News that Page was a former member of the U.S. military, but he was no longer serving actively. It was not immediately clear under what circumstances Page left the military.
Officials had previously described the suspect as a heavy-set, 40-year-old Caucasian with numerous tattoos.
Sources tell CBS News some unspecified evidence suggests race or ethnicity may have played a role in the violence, but no links to extremist groups have been confirmed.
Local police called the attack an act of domestic terrorism, but other sources tell CBS News correspondent Bon Orr it may be more accurate to refer to "an investigation into a possible hate crime."
Neither the local nor the federal sources provided further details or suggested a possible motive, including whether the suspect specifically targeted the Sikh temple.
CBS News correspondent Ben Tracy reports Page is only believed to have lived at the residence for two weeks, according to neighbors.

Let's not forget our wonderful politicians have the UN Arms Treaty to push on the American People. They never let a crisis go to waste.

Things just don't add up folks....too many coincidences and I don't believe in coincidences.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Posted by NewAmericaNow at 9:56 AM [Image: icon18_email.gif]

Labels: fort hood Texas shooter batman shooter sikh temple shooter aurora Colorado Milwaukee Wisconsin Mind Control conspiracy UN arms treaty

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Messages In This Thread
Another mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin....details fuzzy - by Ed Jewett - 13-08-2012, 08:46 PM

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