29-11-2012, 05:56 AM
Charles Drago has not shown that we have anything wrong--not one thing! It is astounding to me how he reigns here as though he were the arbiter of truth and falsity in matters JFK. Astounding and disgusting. If he could show that we have something wrong, he would do it. But he can't, so he pontificates. He has played his hand and revealed he has no interest in logic or evidence--and appears to be the major suppressor of significant advances in research on the DPF. It's a bloody pity, but he lost his way long ago and remains utterly lost.
Charles Drago Wrote:[B]In presenting this garbage and endorsing it as fact, Professor James Fetzer has revealed himself to be an accessory-after-the-fact to the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
All of Fetzer's previous assassination-related work, regardless of its intrinsic value, now is revealed to be the by-product of the sheep-dipping operation designed to establish his faux bona fides as a true seeker of truth and justice.
Professor James Fetzer, you now you are shunned by the community into which, mole-like, you so deviously burrowed -- the community of honorable men and women who seek the truth regarding the assassination of President Kennedy and who struggle valiantly to use that truth to effect justice for a murdered man and an enslaved people.
Professor James Fetzer, you have brought everlasting shame to your name, and the damage you have done in the company of the agents provocateur known collectively as "Ralph Cinque" will take years to overcome. But overcome it we shall, and in the process the name Fetzer forever will be mentioned in the same breath as the names of Dulles, Angleton, Specter, Posner, and Bugliosi. I pity your family for the shame you have visited upon it.
Professor James Fetzer, we cast you out![/B]