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TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady?
Somehow I doubt that you've ever received many Christmas cards, Charles.

Those viewing these recent threads may conclude the following:

- Those who disagree with Charles and Monk are mentally unstable.
- Those who disagree with Charles and Monk are disinfo agents.
- Those who disagree with Charles and Monk are referred to by childish names.
- Albert Doyle and Jim Fetzer are arguing with each other as part of an elaborate psyop.
- Albert Doyle is a multiple person "entity," one of whom may be Jim Fetzer.
- Those who disagree with Charles and Monk face the threat of an attack from Monk,
who is portraying himself as a snake in the grass. What that attack will be is unclear.
- Charles and Monk alone possess absolute knowledge of the JFK assassination.
- Charles and Monk will not share this information with the rest of us, deigning only to
utter cryptic one sentence "insider" replies to each other, often in a foreign language.
- JFK researchers are in a war, and it is indispensable that they be able to ridicule others
with offensive terms like "short bus" in order to win the battle.
- Mental retardation is funny. Rape is funny.

And all this has been revealed because Albert Doyle and Mark Stapleton posted favorable
comments about Michael Piper's book, Jim Fetzer insists that the figure in the doorway
is Oswald, and I objected to Charles' sneering "jokes" about the "short bus" and the Special

I beseech the good members of this forum to let Charles and Monk know that they are making
fools of themselves here.

Their conduct on this forum reflects more poorly on the research community than any alleged
"disinfo agent" they may recklessly label.

Messages In This Thread
TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady? - by Mark Stapleton - 28-11-2012, 11:39 AM
TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady? - by Mark Stapleton - 29-11-2012, 09:16 AM
TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady? - by Mark Stapleton - 30-11-2012, 09:09 AM
TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady? - by Mark Stapleton - 01-12-2012, 06:12 AM
TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady? - by Mark Stapleton - 02-12-2012, 12:12 PM
TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady? - by Mark Stapleton - 05-12-2012, 05:39 AM
TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady? - by Mark Stapleton - 06-12-2012, 07:34 AM
TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady? - by Don Jeffries - 08-12-2012, 05:06 PM
TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady? - by Mark Stapleton - 09-12-2012, 11:49 AM

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