13-12-2012, 10:07 PM
My point: The late Bernard Fensterwald taught us that "every intelligence operation has at least two objectives." As an intel op, the Doppelganger Gambit within the JFK conspiracy was meant to support construction of an LN-supporting LHO legend AND ultimately to be discovered so as to create cognitive dissonance and dissension among seasoned investigators (professionals and amateurs).
Nearly 50 years later, the likes of Posner and Bugliosi still pick and choose among the multiple LHOs to support their spurious LN arguments.
Nearly 50 years later, the likes of us (the larger JFK research community; not you and me) still argue over the authenticity and meanings of doppelganger sightings.
My point: The late Bernard Fensterwald taught us that "every intelligence operation has at least two objectives." As an intel op, the Doppelganger Gambit within the JFK conspiracy was meant to support construction of an LN-supporting LHO legend AND ultimately to be discovered so as to create cognitive dissonance and dissension among seasoned investigators (professionals and amateurs).
Nearly 50 years later, the likes of Posner and Bugliosi still pick and choose among the multiple LHOs to support their spurious LN arguments.
Nearly 50 years later, the likes of us (the larger JFK research community; not you and me) still argue over the authenticity and meanings of doppelganger sightings.