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Moderated discussion of Destiny Betrayed 2nd Ed
From Jim DiEugenio's Destiny Betrayed:

Quote: it turned out that Phelan had a very special function for his backers. Most reporters in town to cover the proceedings rented a hotel room. But not Phelan. Phelan rented a house.(16) Why would he do sucha a thing if he was not there to write a story? Becuase his was a much bigger assignment. His job was to put the spin on each day's testimony for the residing press corps, thereby controlling the entire national media reportage on the Shaw trial. How did he do such a thing? He would invite all the reporters over to his rented house at the end of each day. He would then serve them refreshments and snacks. He then would spell out the next day's story on a chalkboard. This is how some of the most interesting and important testimoney rpresented during the proceedings got covrered up by the media. On the day the Zapruder film was shown, Phelan had his work cut out for him. For the repeated showing of the film--depicting Kennedy's body being violently knocked back-- really shook up the press. It appeared Garrison was right, it was a conspiracy. But when they arrived at Phelan's rented house, the reporter pulled a proverbial rabbit out of his hat. He took out his chalboard, raised up his piece of chalk, and he began to outline the dynamics of the socalled 'jet-effect' explanation for the action on the film. That is, if Oswald was firing from behind Kennedy, why does Kennedy's body recoil with tremendous force to the rear of the car? What Phelan and the jet effect proffer is that somehow the spurting of blood and brains served as ta jet that drove Kennedy's head backward with overpowering force.(17) This is how determined Phelan was to keep a lid on what came out of the trial. One can only assume where the reporter got his quick course in physics to dream up such a theory in a matter of hours.

Jim - that's simply outstanding work.

I've yet to see a reliable source for the notorious DCIA Colby claim that "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

If Colby did say it, it was a lie.

A braggadocio.

Here is my own experience of working in MSM.

There are key editors who are witting Mockingbirds, acting as gatekeepers, ensuring that stories which can damage national security are either toned down or pulled.

There are journalists who are witting Mockingbirds, in the direct pay and influence of intelligence organs.

There are journalists who are unwitting Mockingbirds, for instance through relying on a source who, unknown to the reporter, is an intelligence asset.

There are lazy and unconfident journalists, who don't trust their judgement to form interpretations about the flux of fast moving events, and who welcome "authoritative guidance" about the "true nature" of the story. They are gnats swarming to cow shit.

There are journalists who are dedicated to finding out the truth and getting it published, no matter how unpalatable it may be.

After watching Zapruder, any proper journalist should have turned to independent ballistics, trauma and film experts to enable them to report a considered and informed interpretation of this shocking evidence.

Instead, it appears there was a gatekeeper in place, with a pre-prepared scientific theory.

The witting Mockingbirds would have been delighted.

The lazy and unconfident hacks thrilled at being able to file their copy and explain away the distressing evidence of Zapruder.

To coin a phrase: CASE CLOSED.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Messages In This Thread
Moderated discussion of Destiny Betrayed 2nd Ed - by Jan Klimkowski - 18-02-2013, 07:47 PM

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