22-04-2013, 11:26 AM
Horne's Appendix 77 claims the four-page memo "has the smell of blackmail", claims that as elint v. humint is unquestionably a true account of Soviet analysis.
Livingstone likes it as support for his Texas-based plot.
United in blind acceptance of chimera.
Set the table: it's 1966: Johnson has appointed Helms DCI;
The day AFTER the Big Hit Castro did 12,000 words standing on his head and as much as said it smelled like CIA/patsy;
Jackie and Robert had already made it clear they didn't suspect Russians, but domestic players;
Hoover never did make heads nor tails of Mexico City--only that it was CIA lying--and his six FBI agents made liars out of the Phillips crew's claim the tapes were recycled each week.
Horne needs to have the body produced for sterilization (as did Lifton) and Livingstone needs Parliament and the Queen to beg him to intervene in the Naval Treaty.
The Soviets, being realists of the Lenin-Stalin-Brezhnev school don't need to pull an all-nighter on Johnson--they got his number when he came on the scene--
--Hoover only got his tin crown for FIGHTING THE RED MENACE (see also Nixon's 1946 race)--and Venona shows the democracy to be vulnerable to infiltration of spies--see also Garrison, Jim.
Perhaps Horne was being paid by the pound. Editing, condensing, indexing, foot-noting--and remove the untutored "smell of blackmail" comments.
Livingstone receives standing ovations at Nobel ceremonies but has not produced anything memorable.
He and Lifton are very generous with visceral criticism, vying with the slanderous Bugliosi.
Custer told Gunn and Horne a C3/4 with metal fragments was missing; told of the fracturing typical of an entry at the right temple.
To which Sherry Fiester adds the metal spray concentrated there (unrelated to the "rear entry" Pong game of the Three Stooges and Various Pompous Panels).
Backspatter, initial movement toward shooter, all proofs of frontal shot; no pre-autopsy, no drama.
Which is good. The murder of the president supplies all of that; the sacrifice of a subcontinent and a generation and a nation's soul--well, much bigger than one's ego, no?
The problem with the ARRB is that it didn't want to get answers from the autopsy claim of a rear entry wound. Such a board does not want the truth.
Truth would destroy the legitimacy of government, its ability to bluff its subjects into submission.
Livingstone likes it as support for his Texas-based plot.
United in blind acceptance of chimera.
Set the table: it's 1966: Johnson has appointed Helms DCI;
The day AFTER the Big Hit Castro did 12,000 words standing on his head and as much as said it smelled like CIA/patsy;
Jackie and Robert had already made it clear they didn't suspect Russians, but domestic players;
Hoover never did make heads nor tails of Mexico City--only that it was CIA lying--and his six FBI agents made liars out of the Phillips crew's claim the tapes were recycled each week.
Horne needs to have the body produced for sterilization (as did Lifton) and Livingstone needs Parliament and the Queen to beg him to intervene in the Naval Treaty.
The Soviets, being realists of the Lenin-Stalin-Brezhnev school don't need to pull an all-nighter on Johnson--they got his number when he came on the scene--
--Hoover only got his tin crown for FIGHTING THE RED MENACE (see also Nixon's 1946 race)--and Venona shows the democracy to be vulnerable to infiltration of spies--see also Garrison, Jim.
Perhaps Horne was being paid by the pound. Editing, condensing, indexing, foot-noting--and remove the untutored "smell of blackmail" comments.
Livingstone receives standing ovations at Nobel ceremonies but has not produced anything memorable.
He and Lifton are very generous with visceral criticism, vying with the slanderous Bugliosi.
Custer told Gunn and Horne a C3/4 with metal fragments was missing; told of the fracturing typical of an entry at the right temple.
To which Sherry Fiester adds the metal spray concentrated there (unrelated to the "rear entry" Pong game of the Three Stooges and Various Pompous Panels).
Backspatter, initial movement toward shooter, all proofs of frontal shot; no pre-autopsy, no drama.
Which is good. The murder of the president supplies all of that; the sacrifice of a subcontinent and a generation and a nation's soul--well, much bigger than one's ego, no?
The problem with the ARRB is that it didn't want to get answers from the autopsy claim of a rear entry wound. Such a board does not want the truth.
Truth would destroy the legitimacy of government, its ability to bluff its subjects into submission.