23-05-2013, 07:08 AM
Thanks to both of you for adding to my understanding of the basic issues. I read and listened to Rich DellaRosa's account of the "other" film and while I never had the opportunity to interact with him, I always was impressed with his recounting and credibility. I was always interested to see a visual recreation of what he saw in that film verses what the witnesses in DP described verses what the Z Film shows in some sort of comparison to see the level to which they could overlay and display unison and where and if they could not. I've never been sure whether "the limo stop" could actually fit with the frames we do have in the Z film and whether that can be reconciled. Difficult subject that requires much expertise and effort to understand, which is also a handful of "black marbles" in and of itself I suppose. Appreciate you taking time for a newbie. Thanks again.