14-06-2013, 06:14 AM
Don Jeffries Wrote:Regardless of what the Chomksys and other establishment "leftists" would have you believe, JFK WAS different. Looking back over the history of this country, Kennedy was the only President we've ever had who resisted the call to war, who rejected pressures to send American troops into battle somewhere. That gives him a tremendous distinction historically, although no mainstream historian would acknowledge it. Think about it; JFK was the only "peace" President this country has ever had.
From Madison in 1812, to Polk in 1846, to Lincoln in 1861, to McKinley in 1898, to Wilson in 1917, to Roosevelt in 1941, to Truman in 1950, and all Presidents since JFK, none of our executive leaders have EVER turned down the chance to send American troops into conflict. Whether we consider some or all of those wars/conflicts justified, the reality is only Kennedy resisted the overtures to war, and he did it more than once during his 1000 days in office. This was illustrated dramatically in the film Virtual JFK.
Tarnishing the legacy of the Kennedys has become a cottage industry for the msm and the court historians. Defaming his character serves to diminish the significance of his death. I'm glad both Jims have done such great work in clearing up all the willful distortions in the historical record.
Amen to all of this!