14-07-2013, 01:15 AM
Oh yeah and that is just for starters.
After the discovery of the DeMohrsenschildt Version of the BYP, there was a meeting between the couples. I would love to ask what they talked about. Because it has never been solved as to how the heck that photo got there.
If you saw how upset Ruth Paine got when that idiot Spence cross examined her, well, imagine what Hewett would do with her command of the facts?
After the discovery of the DeMohrsenschildt Version of the BYP, there was a meeting between the couples. I would love to ask what they talked about. Because it has never been solved as to how the heck that photo got there.
If you saw how upset Ruth Paine got when that idiot Spence cross examined her, well, imagine what Hewett would do with her command of the facts?