31-08-2013, 11:14 AM
Was Winston Churchill a "kook"? He spoke of a "high cabal".
Gordon, you have an interesting observation
If someone wanted to name the "sponsors", I would recommend they look at the major share holders in the Federal Reserve. There you would find the richest and most powerful families in the country, and most of the world, who controlled the economic and the policy agendas at that time.
We can't go wrong following the money, can we?
I found Guido Giacomo Preparata, Conjuring Hitler, 2005, with the observation of the agency of director of Bank of England 1922-1944 Montagu Norman in conjunction with the "London clubs" (oh and how many German banks were there) in controlling, shaping events on the continent to keep it roiled, keep the world island separated and the sea powers powerful
Dulles & Dulles' clients were the enormously powerful who preferred to remain, like John Beresford Tipton, anonymous.
The CIA and the Pentagon are the sword and shield for this cabal
hence the Jack D Rippers, LeMays, Lemnitzers, Dulleses, and so on would be facilitators
Even that wild and crazy guy Henry Kissinger is a Mr. Fixit rather than a Meester Beeg
David, your Uncovering the Networks shows the guest list at the Trilateral Pool Party
but when I read above "at that time" it's just grinding of gears and fingernails on chalkboard--
The enormously powerful go on and on and on
not as those sneaky shapeshifting reptilians centuries-old in a pantheon of poobahs
but as members of the club responding to the engraved card passed with white glove bearing G. Reaper
only to be replaced by some initiate
The aforementioned mammajammas be bad no boubt adout it
but we're not privy to that High Cabal
Amateurs say Katzenbach cooked up the Commission, but Gibson says Rostow and Acheson
We could ask who told them
For my Federal Reserve Notes, Acheson greenlighted Kim Il-Sung's June 1950 wilding
just as April Glaspie was cued to give Saddam the "regional matter" nod August 1990
Thy Will Be Done shows the resource exploiters used the CIA and Green Berets, financial and diplomatic power, regime change and assassination and pacification of indigenous tribes
In Kruger, Great Heroin Coup, Nixon's DEA founding used CIA smugglers to crush Corsican competition
Scott has USG working AQ like a puppet
A spirit moves through the Kabuki actors but never resides in a mask or an actor
Settling on CIA or Pentagon or Mob or LBJ or Cubans or KGB or some other false sponsor only serves the interest of the sponsors
I like to think if we could get a mike close enough to David Rockefeller we'd extrapolate his drink order into a fairly good approximation of the cast
Is there anyone currently associated with CIA or the Pentagon who can operate a zipper let alone the creation of wealth out of the exploitation of seven billions
Is the current cardplaying placeholder in the White House the Moriarty of the global crime web
Scott's game board of LIFE has counters for oil, arms and drugs; Evica's game pieces are Sponsor, Facilitator, Mechanic; the dice and spinner are in the hands of someone who's got the CFR, the Kremlin, Beijing, and Riyadh on speeddial
Ike gave CD Jackson a job for winning the war and winning the Cold War; now comes Sunstein tasked by another top facilitator to Keep the Lid on
The Archives now has a wonderful stabilized Zapruder film--that's got no turn, no stopping, a bubble gum headwound, superhuman head turns and is choppier than a Teppanyaki chef
Gordon, you have an interesting observation
If someone wanted to name the "sponsors", I would recommend they look at the major share holders in the Federal Reserve. There you would find the richest and most powerful families in the country, and most of the world, who controlled the economic and the policy agendas at that time.
We can't go wrong following the money, can we?
I found Guido Giacomo Preparata, Conjuring Hitler, 2005, with the observation of the agency of director of Bank of England 1922-1944 Montagu Norman in conjunction with the "London clubs" (oh and how many German banks were there) in controlling, shaping events on the continent to keep it roiled, keep the world island separated and the sea powers powerful
Dulles & Dulles' clients were the enormously powerful who preferred to remain, like John Beresford Tipton, anonymous.
The CIA and the Pentagon are the sword and shield for this cabal
hence the Jack D Rippers, LeMays, Lemnitzers, Dulleses, and so on would be facilitators
Even that wild and crazy guy Henry Kissinger is a Mr. Fixit rather than a Meester Beeg
David, your Uncovering the Networks shows the guest list at the Trilateral Pool Party
but when I read above "at that time" it's just grinding of gears and fingernails on chalkboard--
The enormously powerful go on and on and on
not as those sneaky shapeshifting reptilians centuries-old in a pantheon of poobahs
but as members of the club responding to the engraved card passed with white glove bearing G. Reaper
only to be replaced by some initiate
The aforementioned mammajammas be bad no boubt adout it
but we're not privy to that High Cabal
Amateurs say Katzenbach cooked up the Commission, but Gibson says Rostow and Acheson
We could ask who told them
For my Federal Reserve Notes, Acheson greenlighted Kim Il-Sung's June 1950 wilding
just as April Glaspie was cued to give Saddam the "regional matter" nod August 1990
Thy Will Be Done shows the resource exploiters used the CIA and Green Berets, financial and diplomatic power, regime change and assassination and pacification of indigenous tribes
In Kruger, Great Heroin Coup, Nixon's DEA founding used CIA smugglers to crush Corsican competition
Scott has USG working AQ like a puppet
A spirit moves through the Kabuki actors but never resides in a mask or an actor
Settling on CIA or Pentagon or Mob or LBJ or Cubans or KGB or some other false sponsor only serves the interest of the sponsors
I like to think if we could get a mike close enough to David Rockefeller we'd extrapolate his drink order into a fairly good approximation of the cast
Is there anyone currently associated with CIA or the Pentagon who can operate a zipper let alone the creation of wealth out of the exploitation of seven billions
Is the current cardplaying placeholder in the White House the Moriarty of the global crime web
Scott's game board of LIFE has counters for oil, arms and drugs; Evica's game pieces are Sponsor, Facilitator, Mechanic; the dice and spinner are in the hands of someone who's got the CFR, the Kremlin, Beijing, and Riyadh on speeddial
Ike gave CD Jackson a job for winning the war and winning the Cold War; now comes Sunstein tasked by another top facilitator to Keep the Lid on
The Archives now has a wonderful stabilized Zapruder film--that's got no turn, no stopping, a bubble gum headwound, superhuman head turns and is choppier than a Teppanyaki chef