05-09-2013, 07:14 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:Daniel Gallup Wrote:[Should the film ever come to light, and at the time the plotters may have thought this eventuality would never come to pass, the head snap could be explained away, precisely because there was no evidence of ejecta exiting the back of the President's head. Neuromuscular reaction or some other nonsense.
We must consider the possibility -- indeed, in my view the near-certainty -- that the "plotters" insured that the altered Z-film, with all of its waiting-to-be-discovered evidence of tampering was shown publicly in order to stir immediate and lasting controversy, further Balkanize the research community, serve as a prime component in the multi-doppelganger gambit that runs throughout this case, and most importantly prolong debilitating doubt.
Exactly, CD! One more thing to argue about. Lack of unity in the community has served the plotters well.