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The LBJ Connection
Just my uninformed opinion. It seems to me that such high-level organizers as Allen Dulles, Helms, Harvey, the Dallas contingent, etc. (replace "etc." with your faves) would make it a point NOT to include LBJ in it for reasons of deniability. No one can know for sure if, informed about a definite plan "in the working", LBJ might have recoiled from this ultimate act of treason and revealed it to the Kennedys. I know about how much he hated them, and about his legal troubles, but even assassination plot would put everyone in the same class as Benedict Arnold and J.W. Booth if...IF... it was uncovered. Could LBJ be absolutely sure that even with his friend Hoover helping out that such a horrendous thing could be covered up....FOREVER?

No. And why put him in such a position? I believe that in the weeks leading up to 11/22, he was probably approached in a social context such as a Georgetown party by a highly placed individual in the military or intelligence and casually drawn into a conversation over drinks about whether he was ready to step up if "God forbid" something was to happen to JFK. He might sluff this off once as casual party talk, but if it happened TWICE, well, he wasn't an idiot and he would realize that something was "in the wind". With nothing concrete to go on, I can see that he would keep it to risk to him.

OTOH, if the accounts if him and his SS escort bending over a radio during the motorcade, so that no one else could hear what was going on are true, I could be wrong................. .:Blink:

Messages In This Thread
The LBJ Connection - by Richard Coleman - 23-10-2013, 09:12 PM
The LBJ Connection - by R.K. Locke - 23-10-2013, 09:49 PM
The LBJ Connection - by David Josephs - 24-10-2013, 01:30 AM
The LBJ Connection - by Marlene Zenker - 24-10-2013, 03:30 AM
The LBJ Connection - by Tracy Riddle - 24-10-2013, 02:44 PM
The LBJ Connection - by R.K. Locke - 24-10-2013, 07:40 PM
The LBJ Connection - by David Josephs - 24-10-2013, 08:14 PM

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