08-01-2014, 05:52 PM
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Tracy Riddle Wrote:I read the Giancana book back in the early 90s and forgot that White was mentioned in it. I find that book very suspect, and I think the author may have added White's name into the story because of the recent "revelations" by White's son.
I've had people here accuse me of being a disinformation agent, Nick, but you just have to learn to blow it off and ignore it. If people don't agree with you, so what? It happens all the time on JFK forums.
Agreed Tracy.
I will just add if you received a PM accusing you of being an agent, name that person here. I am troubled that someone here would do that.
so now it is my responsibility as a newcomer to rat-out board members of good standing in an effort to extricate myself !?!
This is absurd.
and i should not have to "learn to blow off" personal attacks.
*They should not be tolerated here*
If board members can not respond to the content of the posts in a rational manner,
warn them sternly.
The overtly inflammatory nature of my reply to a personal attack was meant to highlight this and force the moderators to step up. Either both the original insult "this is bullshit", "only a shmuck" (which is a direct personal insult thinly veiled as a generalization) and "spreading an agenda" should all be considered unacceptable forum response behavior (along with my flagrant reply) or we should all just pack up and go home.
Why is this forum, which is supposed to stand up for truth, not only not open to discussing such, but seemingly in support of it's own members quashing it with abusive personal attacks TOTALLY DEVOID of any objective debate?