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True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment
It is somewhat interesting to me that of all the JFK threads on DEEP POLITICS... so few outright discuss the Evica-Drago model:

SPONSORS -- Those with theauthority and motive to sanction the assassination and the connections toengage facilitating agents and systems.

FACILITATORS -- From the "princes" who directly and/or through buffers routinely interacted with and carried out the agendas of the SPONSORS and who created the plot in
all its complexities, through high-level members of facilitating organizations, to mid- to low-level functionaries who performed the heavy lifting.

MECHANICS -- The gunmen and support personnel on-site who carried out the attack.

I'd first like to go back to a comment in the thread about the Chicago Plot. In the WCDs there are numerous FBI reports from Chicago which go out of their way to mention Arthur Vallee and to DENY the existence of other, "detained" shooters... as well as deny that Oswald was alos arrested in early Nov in Chicago... That Abe Bolden was basically castrated for mentioning this and the SS records for these trips are gone... to conclude it was only a ruse - which would serve the purpose of warning the SS seems insufficient to address what happens in Dallas - I see the PRS denying any "evil-doers" in Dallas as a way to CYA for Chicago...


Furthermore, let us not forget TAMPA... and whatever the SS has failed to inform us about prior to that....

The Aborted Tampa Assassination Attempt Less is known about the Tampa attempt. A brief article occurred in the Tampa Tribune on November 23, 1963. It appeared in only one edition of the paper. Two persons were of interest (perhaps as potential patsies): Gilberto Lopez and Miguel Casas Saez. Lopez had a brother who was then studying in Russia; Saez had learned Russian in Cuba from Russian instructors. The CIA received two reports on Saez between the Chicago aborted attempt and the planned Tampa attempt. Lopez was actually a member of the Tampa chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC), and attended meetings. There was a reported meeting between Oswald, Lopez, and a key member of the Tampa FPCC which purportedly took place the weekend before the proposed Tampa attempt, in Tampa. Apparently the rationale for such a meeting was to link Oswald and Lopez. Oswald might have been impersonated by someone else at this meeting. Both Lopez and Saez crossed into Mexico shortly after the assassination, returning to Cuba. Supposedly Oswald was expected to have left for Cuba at the same time. Lopez's wife remained in the US and had not heard from him since November, 1963; they were never divorced.

When we begin to see the FJK assassination in its bigger context - a relatively small piece of a HUGE puzzle designed to increase wealth and control in the guise of socio-economic "assistence" - I think the true nature of SPONSOR becomes more apparent...

Curtis Lemay et al. could not tell the Newspapers of this country what to print... yet the members of the CFR who OWN these communications vehicles could...
and with the help of Operations like Mockingbird... the Facilitators could pick up the ball and run....

Each and every time we trace these Giants back to their roots we find LAWYERS and BANKERS working on the whims of those who, in turn, represent most of the companies that own/run the world economy... including its mass communication vehicles... THESE are the SPONSORS... people so insulated that the movements of thier empires and the orders to do so are rarely if ever connected.

That UNITED FRUIT is involved with RCA, NBC and ultimately GE... who in turn revolve around the Rockefeller "companies" is no real surprise... given the global "wars" these people believed they were involved in...

I agree with CHARLES - Howard Hughes and the CIA being one and the same is imo a huge overstatement... the entire POINT of being a SPONSOR (and imo part of their definition) is that they can never really be known - only inferred.

Just as most if not all the Cuban/Mexico City propaganda leads back to Phillips.. we find the same key players benefitting from JFK's death and the switch to Vietnam....

Tom Scully had it right - it's all about the people connections of the uber rich and their ongoing control of everything they can

The incorporation of the assets of Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America (including David Sarnoff,[SUP][5][/SUP]) the Pan-American Telegraph Company, and those already controlled by the United States Navy led to a new publicly held company formed by General Electric (which owned a controlling interest) on 17 October 1919.[SUP][6][/SUP] The following cooperation among RCA, General Electric, the United Fruit Company, the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, and American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T) brought about innovations in high-power radio technology, and also the founding of the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) in the US.

The first chief executive officer of RCA was Owen D. Young;
David Sarnoff became its general manager. RCA's incorporation papers required that a majority of its stock be held by American citizens. RCA agreed to market the radio equipment manufactured by GE and Westinghouse, and in follow-on agreements, RCA also acquired the radio patents that had been held by Westinghouse and the United Fruit Company

In 1919, at the request of the government, he created the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) to combat the threat of English control over the world's radio communications against America's struggling radio industry. He became its augmentation chairman and served in that position until 1929, helping to establish America's lead in the burgeoning technology of radio, making RCA the largest radio company in the world. (Doenecke)[SUP][5][/SUP] In 1928, he was appointed to the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation under a major reorganization of that institution, serving on that board also up to 1939.

(The Invasion of Cuba: Never the Intention of JFK Hit Sponsors touches on them yet SPONSORS are not fully explored and the following report of my research was not even commented upon in that thread! So I will pick it up here and hopefully get some chatter....)
As I was reading Prouty's JFK & Vietnam book I came across a paragraph which had virtually no follow-up... he mentions a 1st Bank of Boston VP visiting the CIA (Cabell) in 1960 to ask about the future prospects of helicopter use and whether TEXTRON BUYING BELL HELICOPTER was a good idea....:

In July 1960 TEXTRON* buys BELL HELICOPTER after Mr Thompson, a Vice-President at THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of BOSTON meets with members of the CIA to discuss the feasibility of such a purchase.
Rubert C Thompson JR is the TEXTRON CEO (related to the Bank's Thompson??) at the time with one G. William Miller (a lawyer at Cravath, Swain and Moore: John McCloy partner) is President
Another PARTNER Roswell Gilpatrick becomes the #2 man at the Dept of Def under McNamara

*Textron founded by ROYAL LITTLE, nephew of Arthur D Little using his uncle's banking connections at the BANK OF BOSTON for the purpose of disrupting the textile industry of the american north east.

At the time, Bell was almost $100,000,000 in debt and had lost 50% of its revenue between 1953-1959.

TEXTRON had been operating as the first conglomerate with funds provided by the Bank of BOSTON with help and oversight by SUN LIFE of MONTREAL (Sun Alliance Insurance Group of London) - which has direct connections to SPONSOR-level candidates: (Rothschild/Astor/Morgan)

The high-technology branch of Textron operations
began quietly in Massachusetts in 1946 as the
Research and Development Corporation,
a three million
dollar venture-capital firm. It was f
ounded by the Sun
Life Assurance of London through its Boston operative.
Paul F. Clark.
president of the John Hancock Life Insurance
Company and
director of First National of
, the bank whose extraordinary largess built

In early Fall 1960, PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE (a Morgan affiliate) loans TEXTRON $25 million in UNSECURED NOTES with a 6-year grace period on payments.

Using these funds, TEXTRON BUYS BELL HELICOPTER for $32 million - considered a TERRIBLE DEAL at full book value. Between 1961 and 1963 orders for BELL increase 50% - this is BEFORE LBJ reverses JFK's NSAM and escalates the war.


In July 1960 General Cabell (ring a bell?) of the CIA is attempting to get a squadren of attack helicopters being used in LAOS to Vietnam where the CIA has been messing around there since the early 50's. He calls Prouty who tells him that since the NSC has not ordered it, it can't be done unless covertly... and they wouldn't do it since they were not replacing machinery at its destination.

The "Special Group - 5412/12" is called (Dulles is chairman) who approve the covert movement of these helicopters to Vietnam.... and in turn creates a void behind these helicopters that nows needs refilling....

Bell Helicopters and their support in a location ill suited for helicopter warfare costs the US not only billion$$ in parts and purchases, but account for the majority of casualties... 50% of which are NON-BATTLE RELATED - the helicopters simply failed.

Thousand and thousands of BELL HELICOPTERS worth billion$$ to TEXTRON makes their modest $32M investment look as if they could read the future.... that they KNEW there would be a demand... and if I remember correctly there were BELL facilities in Ft Worth along with the TSX facility... thanks to McNamara and friends (read Roswell Gilpatrick, yet another Cravath, Swaine and Moore partner)

TEXTRON goes on to expand vertically and horizontally within the market. While TEXTRON was a "buy it - strip it - sell it" type of company... BELL allowed TEXTRON to enter their next round of acquisitions: defense and machine tool companies. BELL ultimately enters a variety of DEFENSE related industries bought via TEXTRON and with the capital provided and approved at the SPONSOR level of this assassination.

What we get a glimpse of here is the M.I.C.C. revolving door with strings pulled from the CFR/Int'l banker seats in the major financial centers around the world - yet all money roads lead to Rothschild (Morgan and Rockefeller two of the most visual of the Rothschild US expansion and major players in the creation of the CFR and Fed Res Bank)

One must remember that a little profit is not the point, a GOOD return is NOT THE POINT. These SPONSORS wish only to completely dominate their market and maximize their investment - no matter the consequence.

The CIA (and the related MICC) knew in 1960 that Vietnam was not going away... the CIA had created a no win situation in the "conflict" yet a BIG WIN situation for the SPONSORS... the owners of the MICC entities.

With his NSAM designed to bring troops/advisors home by Xmas 1963 and out of Vietnam by 1965... the Sun>Bank of BOSTON>TEXTRON>Bell players stood to lose their investment - which imo was of no concern compared to the loss of guaranteed profits in the billions once the conflict escalated.

Much like the PUT OPTIONS bought just prior to 911... the purchase of BELL would have been a catastophic loss had the war ended and JFK got his agenda going for an end to the Cold War.

This is the tip of the SPONSOR iceberg. Imagine 50 or 100 TEXTRON's funded via Sun and supported via a network of Banks, Insurance/Assurance companies, law firms, media outlets and MIIC players: the Facilitators/False Sponsors who make it APPEAR like business as usual...

Sadly, it was and continues to be. SPONSORS are never touched or really even known, by design.
Yet with entities like TEXTRON and the cast of players around them, the faint outline of the puppet masters begin to be seen...


(the source of the information originated for me in Prouty's book on JFK, CIA and Vietnam which led me to an article written by Lyndon LaRouche about TEXTRON's textile asset-stripping plan.

I then went and researched the different names and entities mentioned to find the connections between LITTLE, Bank of BOSTON, G.W. Miller, Cravath/Swain/Moore, McCloy, SUN Financial of Montreal... etc.

I realize tha LaRouches has some very different POVs on the subject... what I was more interested in were the players, and the understanding that the decision makers for the DoD, the funding BANKS, the LAW FIRMS and the related support companies all eminate from a central location.... The Rothschild/Astor/Morgan and by default Rockefeller dynasties while the actual NAMES of those making the decisions are probably never known, and never will be.


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.jpg   VALLEE - Chicago editor says not truth to 4 men arrested nary-wcdocs-36_0015_0002.jpg (Size: 6.96 KB / Downloads: 5)
.jpg   VALLEE - Chicago editor says not truth to 4 men arrested nary-wcdocs-36_0015_0002.jpg (Size: 191.2 KB / Downloads: 55)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Messages In This Thread
True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - by David Josephs - 12-02-2014, 11:35 PM

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