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Jim Garrison Nominated for "Profile in Courage Award"
DA Jim Garrison, along with some dedicated assistants, forever changed the shading of a lot of gray areas regarding the JFK assassination. Unfortunately, due to sabotage, some of those areas were prevented from becoming black and white.


Why not send my book along, I mean it has over 2,000 footnotes.

So they can't say its not documented.

And it exposes all those canards bandied about by the MSM about Garrison.
Charles has nominated one whose profile was so courageous it required not one, but two, Federal intelligence agencies to devote considerable resources to his sabotage.

In an age swept of heroes, Stone and Costner may rightfully reprise their portrayal so roundly hissed by the power elite, so gratefully welcomed by the disregarded proles.

Lest the patricians claim in Dullesian denial, "Nothing. You've shown me nothing," let them consult Jim DiEugenio's rectified record: the case for Jim Garrison: "Clay Shaw one of ours," CIA concedes. Read, and reading tremble.

Johnny Carson to the contrary notwithstanding, our 35th president was murdered by a conspiracy arising from reactionary elements of government agencies to preserve control, extend profit, prevent exposure and set a bloody example for any future statesman.

Since then, a shadow has fallen over the affairs of government and the carping harpies and shrieking fairies dare any to dispel it.

It will require a galanized spirit eschewing popular acclaim for the approval of history not yet written.

Calling all giants.
Jim Garrison warts and all, was a true hero. I always liked Ogelsby's summation of Garrison as well (I'll try and find one of them at least). One of the coolest things about Garrison was he was always canny about where and how he went wrong. He held no bitter feelings towards the likes of Weisberg, he often stated he had been naive with sources and made crucial errors with regards to advice and staff. However, if we put his bloopers in context, hell, how many would any of us made at that time? He didn't have the benefit of hindsight like we do now.

Thus he unearthed some extremely important stuff, more important than anything any of his detractors had against him (at least from the LN side). When we consider how many public officials were playing pussy at the time. Garrison soars above them all. I think it is a good idea Charles and yes, while I struggle with Mellen's use of sources at times. I think her sentiments (of which you used) are bang on the money.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
I remember in '69, wondering what all the "media" eruption was about. Being 16 and I was not aware of the machinations of the so called "Justice System" as shills to empire, however I was aware good ol' (not my uncle walter) Walter Cronkite and David Brinkley ware lying to me and hometown "Indy Star" newspaper was full of Nixon worshiping fools.

I got busted by my Momma reading the Playboy article of Garrison's interview. I never saw my Playboy again, maybe my Pop did. "Momma I was only reading the articles" (at that moment anyway).
Censored nudity, OK in that context (in my Momma's house) , censored truth, never ever OK.

In 1969, I was not experienced enough in life to know yet of the FBI and CIA and DIA and ONI Spooks derailing Judge Garrison's efforts. Spooks is Spooks. Not all are disloyal I know.

Mr. Drago, I cannot imagine anyone that deserves recognition as demonstrating courage in a more direct fashion than Judge Jim Garrison. I commend your nomination. I hope he can at least be honored by this distinction. A Profile in Courage IN FACT.

How many times have I said (even if to myself), Why can't one judge, just one damn judge OPEN this Case? One judge in the state of Texas, just one? OK how about prosecutors? Just one?
Instead we have a reality TV show called "texas justice"! NOT.

I suspect the other legal personnel know exactly what was done to Judge Garrison, not just we that have a long lived and abiding interest in real Justice for JFK, MLK, and RFK. In short for America.

Authors of works about the Clay Shaw Trial I hold in very high regard are Mssrs. Garrison himself, Bill Davy and Jim DiEugenio. And Ms. Joan Mellen. Not in any order of preference. I cannot leave out Penn Jones Jr. but I almost did.

Jim Garrison is a hero to me. He tried to serve the Republic in deeds. No one else even tried!

OK so we try also.
Heroes? Only 4 for me. But Judge Jim Garrison is one of the four.
We need citizens like him. Not more Herbert Hoover retreaded junk.
Jim Hackett II Wrote:I remember in '69, wondering what all the "media" eruption was about. Being 16 and I was not aware of the machinations of the so called "Justice System" as shills to empire, however I was aware good ol' (not my uncle walter) Walter Cronkite and David Brinkley ware lying to me and hometown "Indy Star" newspaper was full of Nixon worshiping fools.

I got busted by my Momma reading the Playboy article of Garrison's interview. I never saw my Playboy again, maybe my Pop did. "Momma I was only reading the articles" (at that moment anyway).
Censored nudity, OK in that context (in my Momma's house) , censored truth, never ever OK.

In 1969, I was not experienced enough in life to know yet of the FBI and CIA and DIA and ONI Spooks derailing Judge Garrison's efforts. Spooks is Spooks. Not all are disloyal I know.

Mr. Drago, I cannot imagine anyone that deserves recognition as demonstrating courage in a more direct fashion than Judge Jim Garrison. I commend your nomination. I hope he can at least be honored by this distinction. A Profile in Courage IN FACT.

How many times have I said (even if to myself), Why can't one judge, just one damn judge OPEN this Case? One judge in the state of Texas, just one? OK how about prosecutors? Just one?
Instead we have a reality TV show called "texas justice"! NOT.

I suspect the other legal personnel know exactly what was done to Judge Garrison, not just we that have a long lived and abiding interest in real Justice for JFK, MLK, and RFK. In short for America.

Authors of works about the Clay Shaw Trial I hold in very high regard are Mssrs. Garrison himself, Bill Davy and Jim DiEugenio. And Ms. Joan Mellen. Not in any order of preference. I cannot leave out Penn Jones Jr. but I almost did.

Jim Garrison is a hero to me. He tried to serve the Republic in deeds. No one else even tried!

OK so we try also.
Heroes? Only 4 for me. But Judge Jim Garrison is one of the four.
We need citizens like him. Not more Herbert Hoover retreaded junk.

Thank you, Jim.

Let's not kid ourselves: In all likelihood, the Garrison nomination will not achieve our desired result.

But perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps, as has been written, it is indeed better to travel hopefully than to arrive.

Because if we spread the news about the nomination -- and I intend to do so along traditional and non-traditional lines early in January -- we can help prep the battlefields, as they say, for the engagements that surely will take place with increasing ferocity as the 50th anniversary year unfolds.

The ultimate value of the nomination, I submit, may be discerned in its strengths as symbol and as public relations vehicle.

And if you'll allow me to daydream, if for only a moment: Imagine the paradigm-shifting, positive change that would be experienced not only by the American democracy, but also by people and their governments around world, should the Kennedy family, fifty years after the conspirators' greatest victory, stand and join us in vowing, "This far and no farther."

Could there be a greater victory for truth, for justice, and for John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

Thank you, Jim.

Let's not kid ourselves: In all likelihood, the Garrison nomination will not achieve our desired result.

But perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps, as has been written, it is indeed better to travel hopefully than to arrive.

Because if we spread the news about the nomination -- and I intend to do so along traditional and non-traditional lines early in January -- we can help prep the battlefields, as they say, for the engagements that surely will take place with increasing ferocity as the 50th anniversary year unfolds.

The ultimate value of the nomination, I submit, may be discerned in its strengths as symbol and as public relations vehicle.

And if you'll allow me to daydream, if for only a moment: Imagine the paradigm-shifting, positive change that would be experienced not only by the American democracy, but also by people and their governments around world, should the Kennedy family, fifty years after the conspirators' greatest victory, stand and join us in vowing, "This far and no farther."

Could there be a greater victory for truth, for justice, and for John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

Mr. Drago,

Right to the heart of the issue. As usual.
I too doubt Judge Jim Garrison could ever attain this award no matter how appropriate it is.
The point of his not being "allowed" to win this IMHO deserved distinction is well taken and sadly I suspect too d*mn true.

I agree with your view and again commend any effort you undertake to expose the reality.

I can do little but endorse your efforts and all a citizen of the US can do. If I can help I would be happy to do so, I have little money but I do have time.

Didn't Judge Garrison write in "Heritage of Stone" that the Clay Shaw trial even though he didn't secure a conviction, the office of the Prosecutor did get somethings into the public knowledge?

I no longer have that title but I think I recall a passage to that effect. I recall Oliver Stone wrote into the script of his film the scene about winning in the court of public opinion and losing at the trial.

Maybe we as this DPF community can accomplish something along those lines?

I remember too well the 40th anniversary fiascoes of the Media, Peter Jennings and Katie Couric out right lied to the people. Not even good lies, but old lies retreaded. Even PBS rebroadcast their loser "Who was Lee Oswald?"

It is my fear that the global population will be subjected to far worse in this coming anniversary.

As pathetic as the media crap was in 2003, the efforts haven't stopped in this last decade. Disney still spouts crap as truth through the so called Discovery channel. Inside the death car and on and on.
Goebbels would be proud of Rupert Murdock and those other sh**heads of that Empire.
That junk can be broadcast but the so called History Channel won't touch TMWKK, but they will sell you the first 6 episodes. I was fortunate to have recorded the last 3 episodes the only time it was aired here, 2002 I think.

What would Goebbels have given to have the tool of TV?

The powers that be cannot tolerate anyone speaking truth to that power. They are frightened of the truth. Just simple truth threatens them. That is a statement that can stand alone to expose what they are. The consent of the governed should never tolerate secrecy to protect empire.

Bill of Rights? Ask Bob Groden about that one.

Maybe because I was alive and aware in 1963 I cannot ever let John Kennedy's MURDER pass into history as Abraham Lincoln's has. Not so much for Camelot as shimmering chimera but as history of a time better than the present (I think). A better example of what Can Be.

John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Jim Garrison with many others deserve our efforts to right the record in even the tiniest ways we can accomplish. Your nomination of Judge Jim Garrison qualifies as a fine effort no matter the recipient of the award.

I've rambled on long enough.
The important thing about Garrison in this regard is that he actually lost the two jobs he always wanted over this case.

First, back in the fifties he told a friend he wanted to be DA some day.

THen in the sixties, he told a writer his ultimate ambition was to be a senator.

Well, because he was the only DA to ever bring a case about JFK's murder in court, he lost the first position, and any hope of the second.

One definition of the heroic is to sacrifice your own personal well being for a cause.
While the JFK Library does not provide a means to second nominations -- at least none that I could find -- perhaps a letter writing/e-mail campaign in support of the Garrison candidacy would carry a bit of weight.

The voices of Mellen, Davey, DiEugenio, and other published authors who have focused on the Garrison/JFK matter would demand to be heard.

And we can only imagine how endorsements from Oliver Stone and Kevin Costner would grab the public's attention.
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