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CTKA: Review 'The French Connection'.
A few quick thoughts on the French connection (FC) on this very busy Christmas Eve.

ITEM -- In reading Richard Mahoney's Sons and Brothers, a copiously referenced volume, I was struck by the author's matter-of-fact, unsupported-by-citation identification of QJ/WIN:

"[William King] Harvey's inventory of potential killers included two Corsicans holding French passports, Santelli and Garioni, Italians from the Trieste area 'of questionable morality' who were 'willing to use gun ... ready to go to the end,' and a Belgian, Mozes Maschkivitzan, using the code name, QJ/WIN, who was asked to help with recruitment." (pp. 92-93, cloth edition; emphasis added)

This uncharacteristically unsupported information is sandwiched between footnoted passages detailing the method of Patrice Lamumba's execution, Harvey's Berlin tunnel escapade, and U.S. discussions of the pros and cons of saving Lamumba.

The author's father, William P. Mahoney, was United States Ambassador to Ghana during the period when JFK was sympathetic to the rise of African nationalism. My guess is that Richard Mahoney's decision not to identify the source of his information regarding Maschkivitzan, Santelli, and Garioni was prompted by a perceived need to protect his father.

ITEM -- Multiple, mutually exclusive, ostensibly well-informed identifications of QJ/WIN and WI/ROGUE, among other intelligence assets, fit neatly into the well-established use of Doppelgangers to protect intelligence operations.

ITEM -- Henrik Kruger's The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence & International Fascism is of inestimable value to the appreciation of the linking of the FC to JFK's assassination as a patsying operation.

ITEM -- The Team 5/Pakse Base hypothesis continues to resonate for me as, at the very least, a template for understanding how the Mechanics were selected. All the nonsense we have read about the likes of Charles Nicoletti, Johnny Roselli, Jack Ruby, Charles Harrelson, Malcolm Wallace, and their ham-fisted, shoot-them-up-close ilk being among the snipers who killed JFK is demonstrated to be disinformation when we consider a simple fact: only the most accomplished marksmen/hunters of human beings in the world would have been trusted to make the ultimate kill. Once the shooting began, Kennedy could not be allowed to survive. The lives of high-level Facilitators and, perhaps, some of the Sponsors depended upon the operation's success.

ITEM -- Do not throw the FC baby out with the bathwater. To reverse-engineer the JFK plot -- including why and how patsies were chosen and utilized -- is to understand and expose it. At the highest Facilitator level were individuals who had access to ZR/RIFLE and its assets, and who were fully aware of and likely complicit in the machinations detailed by Mahoney and Kruger.

A nuanced understanding of the so-called French Connection to JFK's assassination could not be more valuable to our efforts.
Burnham: "Who was QJ/WIN?"

Hemming: "A Belgian named, Louis Van Hook."



"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Greg Burnham Wrote:Burnham: "Who was QJ/WIN?"

Hemming: "A Belgian named, Louis Van Hook."


I think Albarelli may have come as close as anyone in identifying QJ/WIN.....he names two person that are VERY likely candidates; NOT known names....except they were very well known [and used] by those running the executive action programs. Both were born French, were in the OSS and later were nominally 'American', but lived most anywhere and everywhere. Both went under many, many names. Birth name of one was LaFitte [who was also in many of the same places Oswald - and later Olson and others who just 'suicided' or were murdered - before things 'came down' hard and 'wet']. Or, he may have been QJ/ROUGUE another on the assassin list run out of CIA via Harvey and others. In the book A Terrible Mistake Albarelli lists only a few of the many strange coincidences of LaFitte being at the same place and the same time as persons about to die. To name a few from the book [which he details]: Oswald/JFK, Lamumba, Olson, and quite a large number of others......Olson not the only CIA, nor JFK the only high political person, on the list.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
That Hunt via Saint John on 123 of Bond of Secrecy names "French Gunman Grassy Knoll" opposite the photos of Soutre seems as a mirror, not Nico's in Velvet Underground, but Angleton-Eliot Gerontion wilderness of.

Another deflection via reflection.

Kruger showing Nixon administering the coup d'grace via DEA-CIA indicates JFK allusions are by way of creating false sponsorship for competitors.

Day of the Jack Kennedy no doubt involved mechanics of world-class skills (as opposed to the lurid US goodfellas)

but not the ones named in the literature

Prouty always sounded credible: "stateless" and they were assured safe exit and handsome payment

That Harvey died the year of CD Jackson and Guy Bannister cannot be coincidence


I wondered some time ago, that maybe Angleton who had worked with and knew all about W.K. Harvey, his ZR/RIFLE operations
and his preference to Corsicans to might have used him as a patsy, to force cover up. It does look odd to me that the conspirators
will bring Harvey from Rome in the Summer of 1963 to meet with Rosselli in Florida and charge all expenses to QJ/WIN if i remember well.
Why would he leave behind him trails that will lead back to him.
But it will make more sense to intentionally plan him to do it, so to false sponsor, Harvey ZR/RIFLE,QJ/WIN and the Corsicans.
It seems reckless to do so in a masterful plan to assassinate Kennedy. Angleton pretending to be his friend might have framed him.
Of course i might be wrong and Harvey was part of the plot.
Merry Xmas
A.J. Blocker Wrote:Its amazing for such a grand plan to get Cuba back, that after 50 years the only fucker still alive is Fidel?

After America promised not to invade Cuba and lost Viet Nam Cuba became helpful as a reason for being for CIA in Central America where they focused their efforts under Oliver North. Just like back then Fidel's face is good for selling a lot of right-wing stuff.
Charles Drago Wrote:ITEM -- Do not throw the FC baby out with the bathwater. To reverse-engineer the JFK plot -- including why and how patsies were chosen and utilized -- is to understand and expose it. At the highest Facilitator level were individuals who had access to ZR/RIFLE and its assets, and who were fully aware of and likely complicit in the machinations detailed by Mahoney and Kruger.

A nuanced understanding of the so-called French Connection to JFK's assassination could not be more valuable to our efforts.

Exactly. That's why I mentioned before that the Rose Cheramie incident is important because it accidentally exposed an interface between the French Connection, the European funding network, as well as the Dallas conspirators. It's not an accident that the Cubans who were riding with Cheramie were involved in this drug smuggling. Nor is it an accident that the police could have this smuggling told to them in advance, be waiting for the ship to arrive at the dock, and not catch the smuggler.
In my review folks I clearly state and site the sources and the file numbers. The most important thing as Jan says and I quote him, you cannot disconnect all of this from Gladio. Hence, why European files and court orders from various investigations are very important.

3) Kross insists throughout these chapters, that WIN and ROGUE were Corsicans when all the available evidence in his own book indicates they were from either Luxembourg or Belgium. (He may do this to sustain his Mafia angle.) Researcher Phil Dragoo pointed out to me that one Ludo De Witt (a top-notch journalist and researcher) also backed Mahoney's earlier claims on the subject. Indeed, there is no mystery concerning QJ/WIN's identity as it was unearthed in 1975:
31 Memorandum for the File: Alleged Agency Involvement in the Death of Patrice Lumumba,10 March 1975, pp.12, Box 6, F2, Records of the Central Intelligence Agency
Miscellaneous Files, NA; and Belgian Parliamentary Inquiry, p.130 identifies QJWIN as Moise Maschkivitzan, a Belgian-born convicted swindler who was expelled from Belgium in
1953. Assassination Plots, p.43.

"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
A Record from Mary Ferrell's Database

[TD]QJWIN, ----- -----[/TD]
[TD]CIA Box 5, Folder 5, Doc 02637 (MMF 573); CIA Dispatch dated 24 April 1964; CIA Box 7, Folder 12, Doc 03458 (MMF 81); CIA Box 12, Folder 10, Doc 5857 (Attached to Doc 4048) (MMF 1092-1094); HSCA Vol 4, pp. 141-142, 204-205, 498; HSCA Vol 9, pp. 183, 185; Reasonable Doubt, Hurt, pp. 402, 404; HSCA Reel 14, Box 9, Folder K, L (AMKW 10); HSCA Reel 20, Box 13, Folder I (AMKW 15); QJ/WIN, WI/ROGUE & Project ZR/Rifle, by Peter Kross, Back Channels, Vol 4, No. 1, pp. 5-8; Live By The Sword, Gus Russo, pp. 62-63, 525 note 52 Sons and Brothers, Richard D. Mahoney, pp. 92-93[/TD]
[TD](?) 201-236504 (?) QJ/WIN went by name "Pierre." QJ/WIN was terminated by CIA on 21 April 1964. HSCA reviewed his CIA file. QJ/WIN = Jose Mankel, from Cologne, Germany. Mankel was recruited by WI/ROGUE = David Dzitzichvili. Richard Mahoney says QJ/WIN was Mozes Maschkivitzan from Belgium who was recruited by William King Harvey to kill Lumumba in 1961.[/TD]
Lefitte's first name was Pierre.Read
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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