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A Simple Question as We Prepare for the 50th
I already declared my intention to attend the COPA moment of silence and the COPA conference.

This is not sitting in silence to say "I told you so". WTF? That wouldn't be like me at all.

I have a couple of conditions
1) If the event is remade into a media circus bearing little on Remembrance but on the MSM junk I won't go. I won't play a part in that.

2) If it is going to be a Texas n Feds n Spooks vs the USA citizens --- nightsticks/mace vs noggins/bandana gas masks, I ain't playing non-violence that far.

I won't let myself be struck without striking back when possible. So I ain't the "demonstrator" for that circumstance any more.

I am as non-violent as this world will allow me to be. No more turning the other cheek, I am all out of unsullied cheeks, I was long ago. And I am kind of p*ssed off like many 99% Americans too. I would strike back today.

We chose "change" twice now but I don't see any.

But I may be wrong, it has happened before.
Looking back, there was such a thing.

We saw it at the Nixon Counterinaugural. Rudd and his Maoists in red armbands banging the knocker of Justice.

Wavy Gravy leading the Hogg Farm bus.

A young man with an American flag: I got two brothers in Vietnam. A young man with a sign: F--- you

In Chicago October of that year Rudd and Ayers and the two hundred hounded down by Daley's police army

U.S. forces left '72; collapse of South in '75, to be followed by Cambodia; now, raise your hands if you're wearing Cambodia

Any attempt to unify the majority of citizens rejecting the official coverup is beset by Sunsteinian shills

The player piano rolls out more of the same: the 'sixties' assassinations followed by the pretend investigations of the 'seventies

Blakey and Joannides in the backseat of a Toronado sampling the product

The 'eighties wed Bush and Clinton

The 'nineties began with Desert Enema--because this town needed a new enema, the wall and all having done its fall y'all

Down go the towers

Those wascally box-cutter terrorists--better start not one but two wars

And as we wind down and enter the second coming of the second coming

That murder seems so far away

like the soundtrack song in Two Men in Dallas

When each contrived "mass shooting" uses the same props and special effects

Will the veiled sister pray for the people who won't say


over all the fast and furious Benghazis supplanted by Ruby Ridge and Waco

accepted by an unskeptical public

Gates to Leahy: Senator, all governments lie to each other; it's how business gets done.

Do all citizens lie to themselves to avoid facing the clown with the baracuda teeth
To many citizens do lie to themselves about the clown with the sinister smile.

For career, for job, for family, for an illusion of peace of heart and for a zillion other reasons all phoney as Hitler.

Oh and guilty of wearing Cambodia, its the jeans.

This reminds me of a Patriot Act supporter quoting the fascist line about "if you're not doing anything you shouldn't, then you have nothing to worry about". The person did not realize that this exact point was used by the Nazi Regime in excusing the Enabling Acts. "it will only be applied to non-citizens ...."

That is lying to yourself about the clown with the teeth. It goes on often these days.

Too few are aware of past conduct of that clown as the Wirlitzer drowns out the information in transmission.

While I do not wish to come off as entirely pessimistic ....

the situation created has gotten to the point that we need to completely overhaul the "american" way of life...

--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is
the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers
in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established
should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are
accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably
the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is
their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new
Guards for their future security as read by JFK 7/4/60

Does it not appear to you all that whichever way the river flow and winds and bends ... it ALWAYS winds up flwoing into the Ocean.

When one reads NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY... I feel one has to conclude that the names change, but the PROCESS does not.
(and even many of the names never change)

Until a society is based on Resources and the betterment of the SPECIES and the WORLD we live in... I fail to see how BLAME and TRUTH in the JFK assassination will change anything.

This is not Slavery or Hatred we are trying to remove thru legislation and enforcement... but an entrenched population which day in and out continues to solidify their holdings
Hide them, secure them, make them impenetrable to any form of attack.

There is nothing to SOLVE here Salandria SOLVED it the first weekend, and no one to listen to the solution should we even offer one.

Sadly, imo, this is a system that must fall apart under its own weight of the heavy rich at top and all the underlings holding them up.
This is a worldwide system that requires something other than HUMANS to run the thing. As it's the HUMANS, imo, who are to blame, not the acronyms.

PEOPLE are born into these power structures, into the elite worlds... and PEOPLE are made to believe that there is something called CHANGE that really works.

From the earliest of recorded history, HAVE's were running the HAVE-NOTS.. on a small scale - success and happiness is possible
On a global scale?

I agree with Peter - as usual - yet we've become so "sound bite"'d to death, something that could take 100 years is an ETERNITY
50 years? 10? The "end of lilfe" cycle for the open, democratic society - which is in reality neither - is what I am eluding to at the beginning.

It simply does not matter what its called or where it goes.... Until PEOPLE, RESOURCES, and HUMAN SURVIVAL are placed above money and power
Where decisions are made with the long term benefit of the species in mind.

Of use in 2012 George Michael Evica, A Certain Arrogance, TrineDay Edition with Charles' note. Takeaway: Oh that little Dulles; he, too, thought he was a god, and he chuckled about snubbing Lenin to play tennis with the Buxom Twins. Really?

Thy Will, in which we see the business model: CIA and Green Berets and choppers, oh my.

Preparada's Conjuring: follow the money: from London to Stalingrad to Berlin, and let us paperclip a reminder our fascism is organic.

My interim report is the Ayers who fled Daley's police army would feed the stream which took the mayorship there and went to Caracas to toast La Revolucion Bolivariana having pretended Sirhan was the real rather than the ersatz, the patsy.

That as Bill Clinton and Chelsea's father both promised to find the truth about JFK they chose their third way, to become the empty Plaza.

That Dick and Henry's Excellent Adventure in 1972 was a wild ride on a tracked vehicle unmoved by Tiananmen as it had been by Dealey.

When has there been general enlightenment.

A third has chosen to accept all abuses of the regime, deeming them virtues if it fills their rice bowl.

A third is desperately seeking cgi-coma through universal regimen of zombie-caine in interlocking devices.

A third sees the evil triumphing by its Senate of the Long Knives and its harpies and fairies in dog collars with by-lines.

Gates to Leahy: Senator, all governments lie to each other; it's how business gets done.

Hillary to Congress: What difference does it make.

She's been to Burma for the smack syndicate

To ease the supply side when Smackistan winds down

Be satisfied with bromides and dead-fish handshakes

Or deal with the teeth of the clown

(Replication of modules may vary from following Serving Suggestion)


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First I am convinced I MUST get Mr. Evica's book mentioned. I don't have it.

Second. You Sir have been called a poet, I have to agree, but it is more than any pentameter.
Clear and to the pertinent points with wit and exposure of details some may well have "forgotten".

Thanks a Bunch.

A point you made above is demonstrative of my point. Our Fascism is homegrown, not imported from anywhere else.

Best Regards and keep doing that which you do for our benefit.
Jim Hackett II Wrote:First I am convinced I MUST get Mr. Evica's book mentioned. I don't have it.

Second. You Sir have been called a poet, I have to agree, but it is more than any pentameter.
Clear and to the pertinent points with wit and exposure of details some may well have "forgotten".

Thanks a Bunch.

A point you made above is demonstrative of my point. Our Fascism is homegrown, not imported from anywhere else.

Best Regards and keep doing that which you do for our benefit.

often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation (DJ: read "corporation") and often race (DJ: read "Class") above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (DJ: Again, seems to me that the Rothschilds thru Morgan et al imported political fascism via economic warfare in order to create the CFR which in turn IS the dictatorial leader mentioned)

"HOME grown" ??

Seems to me we imported EVERYTHING from Europe including the men who would use fascist doctrine in business and disguise it as capitalism... that those who had power in the US were placed by European interests and served European masters....

Reading thru this I for one would like to understand how we are using the term FASCISM and how, by example, we see this Fascism manifest itself in the US as being "Home Grown"


January 17, 1961, Dwight Eisenhower who'd beaten National Socialism with the help of CD Jackson warns of a military-industrial complex.

December, 1963, Harry Truman calls from the Washington Post for the Central Intelligence Agency he midwifed to be limited to intelligence.

The Janus of the current political Kabuki with its right mouth cracks Kennedy got what he deserved
while its left mouth taunts what difference does it make, with a curtsey to Chomsky's moral equivalence
twixt the Texan peeing on the roses where the Peacemaker meditated

There is not a word of truth in the treatment of the "event"
in any text

The Texas School Book Depository
is the ministry of propaganda
for the coup-plotting cabal

The people sleep

Soma these days

O'Brien mocked Winston Smith's hope the revolution would come from the proles
but if they care only about lip-synching and fake girlfriends, iphones and videogames
where is the grasp of the long, hard battle against this crown or that crown

Fascism may not be the key f-word
when freedom is at hand

A dangerous idea motivating the murdered president
champion of every people
in postcolonial

There is a transcendant respect for life to be reclaimed
from marketing and legal

Breathing in
David Josephs Wrote:
Jim Hackett II Wrote:First I am convinced I MUST get Mr. Evica's book mentioned. I don't have it.

Second. You Sir have been called a poet, I have to agree, but it is more than any pentameter.
Clear and to the pertinent points with wit and exposure of details some may well have "forgotten".

Thanks a Bunch.

A point you made above is demonstrative of my point. Our Fascism is homegrown, not imported from anywhere else.

Best Regards and keep doing that which you do for our benefit.

often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation (DJ: read "corporation") and often race (DJ: read "Class") above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (DJ: Again, seems to me that the Rothschilds thru Morgan et al imported political fascism via economic warfare in order to create the CFR which in turn IS the dictatorial leader mentioned)

"HOME grown" ??

Seems to me we imported EVERYTHING from Europe including the men who would use fascist doctrine in business and disguise it as capitalism... that those who had power in the US were placed by European interests and served European masters....

Reading thru this I for one would like to understand how we are using the term FASCISM and how, by example, we see this Fascism manifest itself in the US as being "Home Grown"

Not paperclip. LOL.
Dulles could not have imported Gehlen without an implied "approval" of some thing from someone.
That approval wasn't imported from europe or anywhere else.
Fascism found fertile ground here without "imported" crap.
Idiots have come along to prove the point, Dugout Doug MacArthur and Walker and Custer and more
homegrown fascists. Geo. Rockwell.

In any guise Wall Street and the Elite have secretly embraced FASCISM all along. Sorry to burst your "europe did it" bubble, but Governance by dollar, government by corporation or by any other definition Fascism is as american as violence and apple pie and Chevrolet. It has american versions as Gen. Smedley Butler exposed.

You seek to argue. I have no need. The issues are historical fact.
I don't care if you want to argue, I don't play that for meaningless and useless confrontational junk.
Argue with yourself.
The issues are bigger than asking me to define fascism for you.:rofl::rofl:
I thought you did that for yourself above right?

Thanks again
Thanks too. But I don't have the energy or time to give to meaningless confrontational BS.
I really don't care who you like or don't and I never entered a popularity contest, just a truth seeking effort.

History demonstrates that FASCISM existed long before "europe" as a political entity, even before "Babylon" and its banking and trade empire of 2000 bc.
Jim Hackett II Wrote:Idiots have come along to prove the point, Dugout Doug MacArthur and Walker and Custer and more
homegrown fascists. Geo. Rockwell.

A minor disagreement, but nonetheless one worth pointing out.

At the very end, Custer was perceived by the fascists of his time to be a threat sufficient to warrant removal -- and in a manner that would rally overwhelming public support for the eradication of the final obstacles to fascist control of the continental land mass and its natural -- at the very least -- resources.

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