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The Simkin Spectacle
I decided to stay quiet after John Simkin blew a gasket over at EF. I thought, well what is the point? If a guy who is supposed to be a teacher is that unfair in castigating people who cannot answer, then forget it.

But his latest blast at Tom Scully, who cannot answer since he is banned, really is something. And I think needs a reply.

In this one, Simkin uses a post by Martin Hay that is fairly old to revive his supposed reason for banning Scully and myself. Which is due to Albarelli's complaint to him. But here's the problem:

I, and others, like Martin Hay, still cannot find where Tom called Albarelli a liar.

And neither can Albarelli.

Let me delineate 2 points which I do not think many people understand. First, when Peter Janney published his book on the Mary Meyer case, he clearly tried to say that William Mitchell, a witness at the Crump trial and his new suspect, had passed from the face of the earth. He was trying to imply that since Leo Damore's meeting with him--in which Mitchell made all kinds of explosive admissions to nefarious CIA work during a long discussion with the late author--that since then, Mitchell either was retired into some top secret witness protection scheme, or he was offed for opening his mouth. Either way, the man had disappeared into the wind. We would see him no more. Janney had tried desperately to find him. He had moved heaven and earth to do so. But it was no use. The trail was lost somewhere....Mitchell.......... was...........gone.

Tom Scully, working with nothing more than a computer and his skill in using it, suddenly did what Janney and his so called team of researchers could not do. He found the CIA assassin that talked to Damore for hours on end...and then disappeared or was offed.

Except, he was neither offed nor did he disappear. He simply moved to California and was working in the UC system. Tom did all this by something that was neither expensive, nor very difficult. He did it by Google search.

This was quite embarrassing for Janney. After all, he said the guy was Pfft. But he wasn't. So Janney now tried to remove the creme pie from his face. After all, why trust a guy like that? His book had been in the preparation stages for years and years. And he flubbed something that easy? So in laboriously removing the pie from his face he tried to say that:

1. Mitchell had somehow shortened his first name.
2. Mitchell had somehow changed his social security number.
3. Google had changed its search modes. (How he kept a straight face on this last one is a miracle.)

All of this just to try and avoid the conclusion that he had, like others in this field, overstated something that should have been left wide open.

But what made it even worse is that when Tom Scully actually found the guy on Google, Janney would not give Tom the credit for doing what he could not do. Even though it was obvious to anyone that this is precisely what had occurred. (For comparison, in my books and articles, I always try and give recognition to people whose work has helped me. Sometimes, I actually give them too much credit.)

But there was a problem here that neither Janney, nor Albarelli, had faced. (In Hank's case, I don't think he is aware of it.) It's this: In reading Damore's detailed description of "Mitchell the CIA assassin", who he met with and broke bread with, Damore was pretty precise about things--even his age and family situation. And here is the rub: the guy Damore met with cannot be the guy Scully found in California. They clearly do not match. Any anyone can see that if you read Damore's memo in Janney's book and then read Tom's work. In other words, Scully's Mitchell is the historical Mitchell, but he is not Damore's Mitchell, the CIA assassin guy.

This leaves us with an unpleasant quandary. When I wrote my review of Janney's book, among other things, I criticized Janney's unskeptical acceptance of Damore's rendition of this meeting. I was very specific as to why, listing my points. Tom's work now delineates the problem in even greater relief.

Here is my question to Simkin: If you cannot pose these types of questions on a JFK forum, then what is the use or value of the forum? How is the "the education forum" then either a "forum" or "educational"? To me, its neither. Its censorship. Its the opposite of educational. Its making people accept bad and deceptive research as the truth, when its not. And then Mr. Janney had the nerve to call Lisa Pease and myself Nazis. And Simkin let him post that libel on his forum! Never bothering to ask Mr. Janney how Damore's Mitchell could be Scully's Mitchell.

And let me add this: Tom Scully is a class act. Because he has further inside info on Damore and Janney that is relevant, important and unbecoming to both men. Even in the face of Simkin tromping on him when he is not there to defend himself--the equivalent of punching someone with his hands tied--he has not gone the Gary Mack route and posted it by proxy.

Now, as everyone knows, Simkin had a horse in this race. He had been friends with Janney prior to all this. He had promoted his work to David Talbot, who unfortunately used it in his book Brothers. And since Tom had done this sensational work on the Meyer case, Simkin now started taking shots at him backstage. Even though Tom was one of the few mods trying to enforce some of the proper decorum on that forum! I mean we know how useful some of them are over there: the main preoccupation seems to keep non-member Gary Mack a member so he can pm newbies and delude them with his propaganda. Tom actually tried to enforce some rules.

Now at the EF, David Lifton actually did call me a liar and said that I was posting fiction on that board. Unlike with Albarelli, this was a clear cut case of a violation. I waited for one of the mods to do something. To my knowledge: they did not. Too busy protecting Gary Mack. To my knowledge: Simkin did nothing either. So I had to defend myself, since no one else would. I proved what I said was true. And warned him not to do it again.

Now I ask: Is that not a clear double standard?

The sheer and utter hypocrisy of that comparison is one reason I did not say anything about Simkin's decision to expel. Because it was clearly self-serving: Janney was his friend and colleague. Tom and I were not. And that was that. This was clearly reflected in his self indulgent and ill disguised blast at me in his New Regime annoucement: about people thinking John Kennedy was Jesus Christ. Before me, Simkin made all kinds of ignorant and simply wrong pronouncements about JFK's foreign policy beliefs. Like many people in this field, he was not even aware of what the guy had done prior to 1961. So I corrected these at length and defended JFK against the charge he was a Cold Warrior prior to 1962--which is what Janney said he was, even after I went through all this. Simkin says correcting the record with facts and documents is saying Kennedy is Christ. No its not John. Its showing how ignorant and biased you were and how you were misleading people.

I don't think Simkin realized the buzz he would create when he started his New Regime. But the buzz has been going on for several days now. So he tries to defend it by saying that with people like me and Tom gone, now people like Doug Horne will come on and discuss his book. The problem is this: he can't even get that right. Horne's book came out in 2009. I did not log in until a year later. If Horne would not come on at that time, it was not because of me.

But that's OK John, you have people like Trejo and Terri there to question Nixon's hatchet man Roger Stone when his book comes out. That should be plenty "educational".
Well said, Jim. The hypocrisy of it all, and the fact that it was clearly an agenda-driven decision, is the reason I walked away. I asked John repeatedly to show us where you had broken any rules and he couldn't do it. And then today, a week after he suspended my membership, Simkin replies to my questions by admitting "Tom Scully and Jim DiEugenio were not removed from this Forum for any individual breach of Forum rules." Instead he makes a vague reference to "bullying members into not posting" on the forum without providing further explanation or citing a single example.

When it came to Tom Scully, I asked John to show us where Tom had called Albarelli "a liar" which was the very reason he said Tom's account had been deleted. He did not respond until today when he offered this quote:

"Now that Janney is in the business of making claims misleading to the point that they are deliberate lies, Albarelli's continued silence about what Janney has attributed to Albarelli in "Mary's Mosaic" is inexcusable."

Anyone with even the most basic of comprehension skills can see that nowhere in that sentence did Tom call Albarelli a liar as Simkin erroneously claimed he did. That he would attempt to use that quote to prop up his accusations says a lot about Simkin's integrity on this issue IMHO.
I really don't think Simkin understood what awaited him when he began his New Regime.

Its not quite Nixon firing Archibald Cox yet, but its getting there.

I mean, look at who the guy has lost of late: Greg Parker, Lee Farley, Martin Hay, me and Tom S.

Now, it looks like he may lose RCD and Daniel W. Dunn. Those two guys made two absolutely smashing posts there.

Well, with us gone, maybe now Von Pein will get Gary Mack to become a real member.
I don't follow the nonsense that goes on there anymore, not since THIS happened to me over there - as a moderator and 5 year member! It seems there has been another 'Night of the Long Knives' with Simkin, this time, playing all the lead parts. It won't come as much of a surprise to any of the founders of this Forum, who were either kicked out over something similar [if on a different topic] or walked out in sympathy and disgust over those others kicked out and/or mistreated at the time - to form this Forum. Many other members here were or are asylum seekers from the persecution and lack of evenhandedness [even following the Forum's own rules] 'over there'. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. One would think as the historian he claims to be Simkin would know better....but self-blindness is self-blindness and rulers can self-blind. This is not his first 'New Regime' and likely not the last.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I guess the solution would be to let the mods moderate.

And if you have a case to hear, let the mods hear it.

Over here, its more democratic since the people who founded it get to decide among themselves what is to be done. Plus, they are much more selective as to who gets in.

I was not aware of this long history of dissatisfaction with EF, at least not the ins and outs of it. ANd this is just the latest in the line.

Like I said, I was willing to just let it drop. Until Simkin took that unfair shot at someone who cannot defend himself, namely Tom. I hope John does not say anything else about Tom. He shouldn't. As Martin pointed out, Tom was not in the wrong with the rules.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I guess the solution would be to let the mods moderate.

And if you have a case to hear, let the mods hear it.

Over here, its more democratic since the people who founded it get to decide among themselves what is to be done. Plus, they are much more selective as to who gets in.

I was not aware of this long history of dissatisfaction with EF, at least not the ins and outs of it. ANd this is just the latest in the line.

Like I said, I was willing to just let it drop. Until Simkin took that unfair shot at someone who cannot defend himself, namely Tom. I hope John does not say anything else about Tom. He shouldn't. As Martin pointed out, Tom was not in the wrong with the rules.

In my case, I very quickly in the bruh-ha-ha had my account deleted so I couldn't 'speak' or defend myself. Others were posting for me so I could. They were threatened to stop immediately, or the same would happen to them...sound familiar? I had the additional indignity of all of my posts being deleted without my permission. Simkin IS 'the rules'...and used to have this Walker chap to do some of the dirty work. The moderators are used, when expedient; and ignored when expedient. You'll find quite a few other 'dissatisfaction' events over there mentioned in threads here over time. There is a LONG history of the same basic patterns.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I don't understand why anyone will want to post there anyway. A few years back i joined the ED forum and i had written 3-5 posts. Once i realized that the majority of the members there were either clueless and ignorant of the case or spreading disinfo (wittingly or unwitiingly) i gave up on them and i stopped posting altogether. Later i discovered this site, that has higher standards and is frequented by many more knowledgeable researchers so i never went back there. Sometimes i wonder why a respectable researcher like Larry Hancock chooses to post there instead of this forum.
The ONLY thing 'going' for the EF, IMO, is that many more people see it on the internet. Simkin's whole strategy is to make sure it comes up 'on top' on Google and other search engines. That, sadly, is why I think some good people stay there...they get more 'coverage'. It has also lost [or expelled without any good reason] a lot of good people! Yes, many there are not very knowledgeable, or are spreading disinformation, knowingly or not....all too many knowingly [Mockingbird/Sunstein assets]...and Simkin must know many of them are too...or be totally blind. I think he finds the 'debates' generate higher ratings. He hides behind the concept of non-censorship of viewpoint; but as this thread or my case points out he's all about CENSORSHIP of VIEWPOINT, when it suits him.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I prefer this place. I don't have to debate conspiracy with .....
I compliment DPF mods and members.
I like my research a little deeper as my views became over the years.
Also the level of conduct at DPF is better, civility maintained mostly, even when difficult.
Further compliment, eh?
I vote with my digital feet.

My experience with EF wasn't so hateful or agenda driven.
I dropped out of the public digital world for some time.
When I hooked back up I went to EF and all I did was change my email account and
POOF! No login, no shit.
I emailed the boy Simples and never got any reply at all.

Their loss. No anger here. The more I hear of actions like these how can I be angry?
I'm glad.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I guess the solution would be to let the mods moderate.

And if you have a case to hear, let the mods hear it.

Over here, its more democratic since the people who founded it get to decide among themselves what is to be done. Plus, they are much more selective as to who gets in.

I was not aware of this long history of dissatisfaction with EF, at least not the ins and outs of it. ANd this is just the latest in the line.

Like I said, I was willing to just let it drop. Until Simkin took that unfair shot at someone who cannot defend himself, namely Tom. I hope John does not say anything else about Tom. He shouldn't. As Martin pointed out, Tom was not in the wrong with the rules.

As Pete said above Jim, this forum was exclusively formed by escapees of the EF, and the governing rules were written to ensure that the lack of even handedness would not take place here. Decision are made on a majority vote of the founders after (usually) quite extensive discussions, which is one of the primary raison d'etre's of this forum. Fairness and common sense are high on the list of ambitions.

Obviously we, like every one else, suffer our own devils and so from time to time, ructions do occur. But this is simply the human condition in play. Which is we we adopted another guiding principle, namely that all members and founders alike should avoid the temptation of engaging in ad homs and other unpleasantness. Basically you aim to treat other members as you would wish to be treated, irrespective of the level of knowledge of other members, their contrariness etc etc. Differences of opinion and interpretations of facs and events will, and should, occur. But civilized behaviour in the midst of these differences is the order of the day.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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