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The Splintering Frame
To be clear: I do not feel my belief is relevant to anything. And, I would never attempt to convince anyone into my slanted view of perception.

My story is just like any other story. It arrives at a dead end, in the repeated nested loop of self, inside the frame which I have personalized into meaning.

To get back to the initial premise of this thread: I sense the boundaries of my own prison (the frame) and wonder how it came to be and why. Is the program spontaneous, or is there an organized force behind it? Both? And, is it possible to live without this frame, without circumference? Those questions are more meaningful to me than anything about the World Teacher or the Kennedy assassination.
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:When everything is boiled down to its essence, everything has an esoteric/occult core. We just don't usually recognise or know this because our eyes and ears largely remain sealed.

Or in the case of the JFK conspiracy, an "esoteric/occult" core is what ultimately we will discover to be the essence of the Sponsors.

Aye, I suspect that is true.

It's part of the story about the two great opposing forces in conflict.

PS, Am I right in saying that Lyndon Johnson, like most (or many anyway) US Presidents was a 33rd degree Freemason? Am I also right in thinking that Dallas is on, or close by the 33rd parallel? I'm not sure this means anything of real significance, but just wondered if this is one thread of the occult essence of the JFK killing?

Somewhere in my library is a very slim volume published, I believe, in the 70's which goes into significant detail regarding the Masonic significance of Dealey Plaza's location and design. I'll do my best to find it and file a report.

As for LBJ: Reports are mixed regarding his involvement with Freemasons. The most consistent account I've read: LBJ was initiated on October 30, 1937 in Johnson City Lodge No. 561, at Johnson City, Texas, but completed only the Entered Apprentice, or first, of the three Masonic degrees.

That's kind of you Charlie. I shall be away from tomorrow until early-mid September. I will be able to pop in to the forum sometimes, but not often, so there's no rush obviously.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:To be clear: I do not feel my belief is relevant to anything. And, I would never attempt to convince anyone into my slanted view of perception.

My story is just like any other story. It arrives at a dead end, in the repeated nested loop of self, inside the frame which I have personalized into meaning.

To get back to the initial premise of this thread: I sense the boundaries of my own prison (the frame) and wonder how it came to be and why. Is the program spontaneous, or is there an organized force behind it? Both? And, is it possible to live without this frame, without circumference? Those questions are more meaningful to me than anything about the World Teacher or the Kennedy assassination.

Great questions Stan, really meaningful. I share the same sort of imperatives as you, albeit in a slightly different framework.

One of the things about Kristamurti that struck me forcefully, some 40 years ago now, was a statement he made to the effect that he had spent some years studying, and wrapped inside, each of the world's major religions, and having done this concluded that at their deepest point they converged; essentially they became the same. Rather, I think like a dozen different climbing routes up the same mountain. The topography is completely different for each route, dangers occur at different points, and rest camps at others, but ultimately all climbers arrive at the same summit. This always struck me as being immensely important insight.

During the course of my life, from quite a young age, I set out and studied comparative religions plus several different schools of thought and practice, too. I've had several teachers, three fantastic one (all of them women by the way) plus a couple of Guru's too [oddly, all men :-)]. These days I have no time for Guru's. For me it was a phase I had to go through to reach a certain point.

I now know there is only one genuine and enduring teacher, and it is that one that sits in the Self, and has always been there, ever present and patiently waiting for the penny to drop. The penny drops upward. But the road is down, down, down...

So in answer to your question, at least from my perspective anyway, I say yes, there is an organised force. IT though, is not entirely conscious either, and needs us mere mortals to become conscious in order for IT to become more and more conscious. The converse is also true obviously. WE have a vital role to play in the scheme of things.

These are deep, deep matters and you and I, and any others who are interested too, could well discuss this further say, in the Alchemy folder. I won't be able to take part in anything other than a partial way until September, but I would certainly leap at the chance of doing so once I'm back.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The new issue of ForteanTimes

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"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
David, when I was 19 I came across a book by Krishnamurti in my university library, "The Flight of the Eagle." Opening that single book on a cold, dark winter's night, all those years ago now, opened a journey that appears to have no end.

I traveled to Ojai to hear Krishnamurti speak not long after that. The stories I heard of his past matched nothing I understood the current incarnation of him to be saying, and I wanted to understand. I could never put the two together. And, probably still can't. Not completely anyway. I spoke to people who knew him closely. I read every book of his talks I could find, every biography and all the personal accounts of encounters with the man. I've more or less concluded that I will never know what was behind this person, and that it probably doesn't matter much anyway. What is important is the door he pointed to throughout his life.

If I understood your last post correctly, I think our perceptions are more aligned than they are different.

Here's what I think may be going on:

The total, the infinite/immensity, can communicate with the frame currently only through the use of images and form. It is all the current brain can process and understand. There is the use of symbols and the personal to communicate that which is beyond the frame and far from anything remotely personal. But the symbol, the personal, none of it is the "beyond."

These are just pointers, but we tend to get lost in them, assign value to them, because it is all we can understand. The immensity/total can touch form, but form cannot touch it.

We live our lives inside this frame, getting lost inside the content. Your content. My content. We take great pride in these divisions, but the border which holds the content, is the same for all of us. It is our common humanity.

Can the frame empty itself of the content it has accumulated, traveling through time? And, if the frame is empty of content, what is "being?"

I have questions and no answers. I would welcome the opportunity to learn from what you've encountered and seen. Name the spot, and I am there. You're right. This has ventured beyond the murder of President Kennedy and probably belongs in another place.


Keith, I've attached a link to the ForteanTimes Magazine with the article on Blavatsky in case you couldn't access it.
David Guyatt Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:Or in the case of the JFK conspiracy, an "esoteric/occult" core is what ultimately we will discover to be the essence of the Sponsors.

Aye, I suspect that is true.

It's part of the story about the two great opposing forces in conflict.

PS, Am I right in saying that Lyndon Johnson, like most (or many anyway) US Presidents was a 33rd degree Freemason? Am I also right in thinking that Dallas is on, or close by the 33rd parallel? I'm not sure this means anything of real significance, but just wondered if this is one thread of the occult essence of the JFK killing?

Somewhere in my library is a very slim volume published, I believe, in the 70's which goes into significant detail regarding the Masonic significance of Dealey Plaza's location and design. I'll do my best to find it and file a report.

As for LBJ: Reports are mixed regarding his involvement with Freemasons. The most consistent account I've read: LBJ was initiated on October 30, 1937 in Johnson City Lodge No. 561, at Johnson City, Texas, but completed only the Entered Apprentice, or first, of the three Masonic degrees.

That's kind of you Charlie. I shall be away from tomorrow until early-mid September. I will be able to pop in to the forum sometimes, but not often, so there's no rush obviously.

I wish for you to have a peaceful, restorative summer holiday.

In friendship.
Those who know history know that November 22nd is a notorious date to the Freemasons, because it was on that day back in 1307 that Pope Clement issued a papal bull, Pastoralis Praeeminentiae, ordering the arrests of all known Templars in Europe. Of course,the Scottish Rite of Freemasons is an organization began by the exiled Templars.

Exactly 656 years later, the Order avenged its suppression against a Catholic President. The usurper, Lyndon Baines Johnson, initiated into the Order on October 30, 1937 in Johnson City Lodge No. 561, at Johnson City, Texas.

Like the namesake George Bannerman Dealey, my grandfather was a 33d degee Mason. The only occult rite I observed him performing had to do with a high story of an office building in the state capital populated by a rainforest of IBM card fluttering machines, sometime in the 'fifties in the Age of Ike.

In the overview course for the Far East minor it occurred the religions were spokes to a common hum.

Oh but I was so much older then
I'm younger than that now

As in The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan everyone is Number One

Most keep retreating behind the wooden barrier, afraid of the bull of experience

Jim finds Hanks hankering to belong

Bugliosi has his reasons for being a tool for all seasons

When Dulles scoffed "that little Kennedy. . .he thought he was a god"

Of course Dulles owned that private elevator to his clients

Dulles wasn't even the finger pointing to the moon

but rather a finger poking us in the eye

Angleton knew himself to be a world-class liar bound for hell

John F. Kennedy was an opening eye and a cultivated heart


Any jackass can kick down a barn (or shoot a president in an open car)


Can stonewall enlightenment

The Incredible Shrinking Man passed through the radioactive fog and reduced to atomic dimension

When you get to the bottom you go back to the top of the slide

It doesn't matter where you start; just find an edge and enter:

For example, regarding sourcing:

Yamamoto's "sleeping giant"--Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)

A myth

Did FDR foresee Pearl Harbor

Did Acheson greenlight the DPRK invasion by intentionally omitting Korea from the U.S. defense perimeter

Is our perception stage managed by the cabal and its guild of craftsmen

Why, yes, yes it is

The first step is to leave the theater in an orderly fashion

No need for a Bolero riot simply because of the contrived repetition

Putting enlightment as number one on the to do list--

--or, number two, right after

Two Tigers
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:David, when I was 19 I came across a book by Krishnamurti in my university library, "The Flight of the Eagle." Opening that single book on a cold, dark winter's night, all those years ago now, opened a journey that appears to have no end.

I traveled to Ojai to hear Krishnamurti speak not long after that. The stories I heard of his past matched nothing I understood the current incarnation of him to be saying, and I wanted to understand. I could never put the two together. And, probably still can't. Not completely anyway. I spoke to people who knew him closely. I read every book of his talks I could find, every biography and all the personal accounts of encounters with the man. I've more or less concluded that I will never know what was behind this person, and that it probably doesn't matter much anyway. What is important is the door he pointed to throughout his life.

If I understood your last post correctly, I think our perceptions are more aligned than they are different.

Here's what I think may be going on:

The total, the infinite/immensity, can communicate with the frame currently only through the use of images and form. It is all the current brain can process and understand. There is the use of symbols and the personal to communicate that which is beyond the frame and far from anything remotely personal. But the symbol, the personal, none of it is the "beyond."

These are just pointers, but we tend to get lost in them, assign value to them, because it is all we can understand. The immensity/total can touch form, but form cannot touch it.

We live our lives inside this frame, getting lost inside the content. Your content. My content. We take great pride in these divisions, but the border which holds the content, is the same for all of us. It is our common humanity.

Can the frame empty itself of the content it has accumulated, traveling through time? And, if the frame is empty of content, what is "being?"

I have questions and no answers. I would welcome the opportunity to learn from what you've encountered and seen. Name the spot, and I am there. You're right. This has ventured beyond the murder of President Kennedy and probably belongs in another place.


Keith, I've attached a link to the ForteanTimes Magazine with the article on Blavatsky in case you couldn't access it.

Stan, our perceptions are SO much more aligned that at variance. And the differences are only ones of personal experience, I think. We each have had different triggers to initiate our mutual journeys, but in both cases the gun went BANG, and we were off.

The wonderful thing about symbolism, I think, is that it is, indeed, able to communicate meaning from those other dimensions.

Let's talk further in September. I'm looking forward to it.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:Aye, I suspect that is true.

It's part of the story about the two great opposing forces in conflict.

PS, Am I right in saying that Lyndon Johnson, like most (or many anyway) US Presidents was a 33rd degree Freemason? Am I also right in thinking that Dallas is on, or close by the 33rd parallel? I'm not sure this means anything of real significance, but just wondered if this is one thread of the occult essence of the JFK killing?

Somewhere in my library is a very slim volume published, I believe, in the 70's which goes into significant detail regarding the Masonic significance of Dealey Plaza's location and design. I'll do my best to find it and file a report.

As for LBJ: Reports are mixed regarding his involvement with Freemasons. The most consistent account I've read: LBJ was initiated on October 30, 1937 in Johnson City Lodge No. 561, at Johnson City, Texas, but completed only the Entered Apprentice, or first, of the three Masonic degrees.

That's kind of you Charlie. I shall be away from tomorrow until early-mid September. I will be able to pop in to the forum sometimes, but not often, so there's no rush obviously.

I wish for you to have a peaceful, restorative summer holiday.

In friendship.

Thanks Charlie. I appreciate it.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Those who know history know that November 22nd is a notorious date to the Freemasons, because it was on that day back in 1307 that Pope Clement issued a papal bull, Pastoralis Praeeminentiae, ordering the arrests of all known Templars in Europe. Of course,the Scottish Rite of Freemasons is an organization began by the exiled Templars.

Exactly 656 years later, the Order avenged its suppression against a Catholic President. The usurper, Lyndon Baines Johnson, initiated into the Order on October 30, 1937 in Johnson City Lodge No. 561, at Johnson City, Texas.

Like the namesake George Bannerman Dealey, my grandfather was a 33d degee Mason. The only occult rite I observed him performing had to do with a high story of an office building in the state capital populated by a rainforest of IBM card fluttering machines, sometime in the 'fifties in the Age of Ike.

In the overview course for the Far East minor it occurred the religions were spokes to a common hum.

Oh but I was so much older then
I'm younger than that now

As in The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan everyone is Number One

Most keep retreating behind the wooden barrier, afraid of the bull of experience

Jim finds Hanks hankering to belong

Bugliosi has his reasons for being a tool for all seasons

When Dulles scoffed "that little Kennedy. . .he thought he was a god"

Of course Dulles owned that private elevator to his clients

Dulles wasn't even the finger pointing to the moon

but rather a finger poking us in the eye

Angleton knew himself to be a world-class liar bound for hell

John F. Kennedy was an opening eye and a cultivated heart


Any jackass can kick down a barn (or shoot a president in an open car)


Can stonewall enlightenment

The Incredible Shrinking Man passed through the radioactive fog and reduced to atomic dimension

When you get to the bottom you go back to the top of the slide

It doesn't matter where you start; just find an edge and enter:

For example, regarding sourcing:

Yamamoto's "sleeping giant"--Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)

A myth

Did FDR foresee Pearl Harbor

Did Acheson greenlight the DPRK invasion by intentionally omitting Korea from the U.S. defense perimeter

Is our perception stage managed by the cabal and its guild of craftsmen

Why, yes, yes it is

The first step is to leave the theater in an orderly fashion

No need for a Bolero riot simply because of the contrived repetition

Putting enlightment as number one on the to do list--

--or, number two, right after

Two Tigers

I'd completely forgotten about the Templar Knights date being the 22nd November Phil. How intriguing. And, of course, the Templars later got somewhat subsumed into the Freemasons, and Freemasonic teaching drawn very from the Hebrew Qabalah - and the significance of the number 22 in the Qabalah is enormously important for three reasons.

One being that there are 22 letters in the Hewbrew alphabet (each letter has a very meaningful symbolic value), another being that there are 22 "paths" on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and each path is assigned a very fitting Hewbrew letter, and the third being that there are 22 Major Arcana in a tarot deck and thus, one Major card assigned to each path and each letter of the alphabet.

Every western occult system or school is founded upon the Qabalah whether they be schools aimed at developing consciousness or, indeed, those other schools aimed at spreading spite.

I think we might have a ball rolling here...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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