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John McAdams part 1
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:LOL

I forgot that one.

How convenient.

BTW, how much of Harper Lee's money do you think the Pos got?

The author of To Kill a Mockingbird? Or do you mean Travis Linn?

You didn't hear about this?

Lee's former agent scammed her. The woman was about 90 years old in a wheelchair. He got here to sign over her royalty rights to him.

Posner then set up a shell company to funnel the money through.

God, first a serial plagiarist, then this. Bob Loomis, you sure can pick them.

What a worm.
It may seem a little odd that I thank CTKA, the assemblage as opposed to thanking Jim D. instead.
No slight at all. I want to thank all the folks helping CTKA AND JIM D. Not to leave them out.
And naturally thanks Jim DiEugenio too.

I am quite sure most DPF members already know about Marquette "Univ." as oddly connected to even more odd events surrounding Black Ops.
As well as Paul Nolan AKA to me as "John McDingbat and his magical mystery tour web-trap of BS".

There may well be no better effort to be expended than to AGAIN expose
the McAdams and Hollands and Dunkels in fronting for the Enemy efforts to obfuscate things and facts already in evidence,
by slander and just plain ignoring the existence of evidence not supporting the Fable is his (the Enemies) game-plan.
The Reitzes and Ball Peens are swiftly running out of non-disputed evidence with which to mislead the ignorant.
I do not under estimate the effectiveness of their BS.
The Enemy has manufactured and disputed "factoids" and so called evidence in place of CRITICAL THINKING.
Has that not been the template of the Enemy since that dreadful afternoon in 1963?

As Charles Drago said of disinfo invaders:
Whatever these jerks are being paid it is too much,
as puny as their efforts turn out to be it is easy to agree with Charles' view.
Same is true of John McAdams, er Mr. McDingbat.

Listening to Jim and Len Osanic flay McDingbat in the last BOR show was great.

One of the better exposures of this Dingbat CIA asset was a radio show Mr. Greg Burnham did in debate with the enemy's mouthpiece (one of them).
My friend Greg stopped this jerk to stunned non-responsive silence with this one question. A significant one that cut right to the heart of this question.
"Why do You do that which you do?"

Somewhere I have the MP2, (yes 2) files of this "debate".
I won't attach them for two reasons, the first being I would want Greg's permission and
second I am not sure how to attach or if MP2 files can be attached.

Keep Up The GREAT WORK Jim
and I look forward to this newest book exposing the Hanks/Bugliosi BS.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:LOL

I forgot that one.

How convenient.

BTW, how much of Harper Lee's money do you think the Pos got?

The author of To Kill a Mockingbird? Or do you mean Travis Linn?

You didn't hear about this?

Lee's former agent scammed her. The woman was about 90 years old in a wheelchair. He got here to sign over her royalty rights to him.

Posner then set up a shell company to funnel the money through.

God, first a serial plagiarist, then this. Bob Loomis, you sure can pick them.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:LOL

I forgot that one.

How convenient.

BTW, how much of Harper Lee's money do you think the Pos got?

The author of To Kill a Mockingbird? Or do you mean Travis Linn?

You didn't hear about this?

Lee's former agent scammed her. The woman was about 90 years old in a wheelchair. He got here to sign over her royalty rights to him.

Posner then set up a shell company to funnel the money through.

God, first a serial plagiarist, then this. Bob Loomis, you sure can pick them.

Thanks Jim.
I didn't know this either. I doubt many people do given the Mockingbird's selective deafness.
Jeez Louise....
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Thanks Jim for those nice things about CTKA.

Part 2 about McAdams is coming up soon.

I actually think it may be even better.

i would have had it up earlier but doing some last minute stuff on my book.
The old Carly Simon thing about anticipation making me wait comes into play.Dance

It is worth the time for CTKA's efforts as well as your personal work.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:That was six years ago.

I am still waiting for the citation to case law.

Neither Bugliosi nor Alexander, who are both lawyers, produced it.

And if you see what Bugliosi left out about Alexander, sorry, but I don't trust him. In fact, I don't trust either one of them.

Especially when you consider who Alexander was working for.

ANd Bugliosi himself notes the discrepancy. Oswald asked for a respite from questioning. They didn't give it to him.

Where's the tough Texas law Alexander was talking about?

Further, when did they advise him of his right to remain silent? And when did they tell him they would furnish him a lawyer?

If they did not do any of this, and they did not, how was Texas law tougher than Miranda?

Miranda simply made the police tell you your Constitutional rights ghts, but it did not give you those rights. LHO knew his rights and even Capt. Fritz said he seemed to have interrogation training of some kind.

Bottom line--rights were given by the Constitution and the Bill of rights, not by Miranda.

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