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"We both know who is responsible"
Yes, Liebeler couldn't show Walthers his own report. A real lawyer might do that, but Liebeler (I remember reading somewhere) was busy chasing Sylvia Odio and taking her out to dinner.

Phil, the part about the SS telling Marina to stay away from Ruth because she was in the CIA is probably wrong. I've got to find it again, but that's from her Feb 1968 grand jury testimony, and if you read the whole thing it looks like she's confusing the acronyms for the ACLU and the CIA.

Here it is:[URL=""]
Start reading around page 69. Marina says, "I had the impression...the Civil Liberties Union, I don't know...
No because she is...what is CIA?"
And Garrison didn't do anything to clear up the testimony of a Russian girl confused by American acronyms, which doesn't reflect well on him. It's one of those rare moments of weak scholarship in Douglass' book.

I still think Ruth was CIA, but this use of Marina's testimony is misleading.
You know the debate about Ruth's calendar entry for March 20th "Oct 23rd - LHO purchase rifle".

She said she heard the date on TV on the 23rd Nov... and in the old discussions they say she lied because it wasn't broadcast on the 23rd.

Well I've just watched two different YouTube videos with the same TV clip of Jesse Curry annoucing the rifle order being found and the "purchase date" being on the 20th of March.

From 27.55 onwards.

I think this is the night of 23rd November and Ruth could have seen it.

The "Oct 23rd" part is still a bit odd.

There is so much film available now on Youtube it's incredible.

If she made that entry as a result of hearing Curry then perhaps she was trying to figure things out herself.

I think they know more than they have told but I think even they didn't know everything.
John Mooney Wrote:I think they know more than they have told but I think even they didn't know everything.

No one did. No one does. No one ever will.
"No one did. No one does. No one ever will".

Some know a lot more than others though.

The thing is about the calendar entry, I now tend to believe Ruth Paine when she said she heard it on the TV on the 23rd.


Because 20th March was NOT the purchase date, it was the shipping date.

Jesse Curry gave the WRONG purchase date - 20th March - on TV on the evening of 23rd November.

Which makes me think slightly differently about Ruth Paine. I think she was trying to figure something out (unless it was a clever insurance, but then why annotate 23rd OCT?)
Has anyone else noticed the amazing similarities physically of Mr.Paine to Mr. Oswald.

His build, his hairline, his facial size and shape...Oh and one more thing,


Now where have I seen that chin before.....let me think i know its somewhere in the backyard of my mind.

The phone records thing concerns me too, the telephone company records shows the Paines long distance calls and the reverse charge call from Micheal is the only call intercepted and transcribed....Was the phone company instructed to record all area calls being made long distance immediately following the assassination? Or was it just that reverse charge calls were automatically recorded and then transcribed. I think the Paines line was tapped and probably at the request of Mr. Hosty who had visited Marina and Mrs Paine at least twice before at the location. Hosty was probably just trying to glean information as to Lee's whereabouts and actions.
Yes, the line could already have had a tap set up before the 22nd because Oswald was certainly of interest to Hosty (at least).

That IS the only call between Bell Office and Paine home on 22nd / 23rd.

So the "informant" must have been speaking about that call.
I read somewhere else that the tapped call might actually have been Michael Paine talking to Ruth Paine's father Arthur Young (of Bell Helicopters), or to his own father Lyman Paine (leftist activist); so, if true, the mysterious "who" that they are talking about could be Ruth.

Hah, I just listened to Chief Curry saying that they haven't received the ballistics report yet, but that he understands that "it will be favorable." Wonder who made those assurances to him, and when?
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Yes, Liebeler couldn't show Walthers his own report. A real lawyer might do that, but Liebeler (I remember reading somewhere) was busy chasing Sylvia Odio and taking her out to dinner.

Phil, the part about the SS telling Marina to stay away from Ruth because she was in the CIA is probably wrong. I've got to find it again, but that's from her Feb 1968 grand jury testimony, and if you read the whole thing it looks like she's confusing the acronyms for the ACLU and the CIA.

Here it is:[URL=""]
Start reading around page 69. Marina says, "I had the impression...the Civil Liberties Union, I don't know...
No because she is...what is CIA?"
And Garrison didn't do anything to clear up the testimony of a Russian girl confused by American acronyms, which doesn't reflect well on him. It's one of those rare moments of weak scholarship in Douglass' book.

I still think Ruth was CIA, but this use of Marina's testimony is misleading.

Quote:what is CIA?

She's not confused, she's playing dumb. How can you have an uncle in the KGB and not know who the CIA is?
Mariana's uncle was in the MKVD, not the KGB. And if he were a member of the KGB, he may not say a damn word about it to his niece.
Mitchell Severson Wrote:Mariana's uncle was in the MKVD, not the KGB. And if he were a member of the KGB, he may not say a damn word about it to his niece.

"And if he were a member of the KGB, he (may) not say a damn word about it to his niece."

Yes, thank you for that correction, I don't know why I said, KGB when her uncle was a colonel in the MVD -- the Russian Interior Ministry security service. It's amazing how much information family members know about their own family, but will not always divulge it, unless, you know for certain, he would have not said a word to her.

Does anyone know about a Memorandum dated December 12, 1963 from FBI to State Department, concerning a letter intercepted by the Secret Service posted marked Havana Cuba addressed to Lee H. Oswald.

I suppose Lee wasn't in N.O. or Dallas if he was seeking away into Cuba, and I'm willing to bet that Oswald was in Miami during November-January 1962. When my father ran into him, just what was Lee doing in Miami after all? Was it there he would seek permission into Cuba after learning that no anti-Castro group would allow Lee to join?

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