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The 11/22 paris "meeting": Mount rushmore sculpted especially for the left- gatekeepers
Douglass certainly seems to realize this firewall function and how gatekeeping works. Most of the powered has to be used on the left liberals, because they actually took some of capitalisms rhetorical allusions/illusions of a public sphere seriously. If a democratic megaphone is preserved, who knows what "the masses" might hear-all-at-the-same-bat-time-same-bat-channel. Not Netflixed and death by a thousand skypes.

The medium is the message more than ever. I wish Marshal McLuhan were as unnecessary as he is popular right now.

November 16, 2013 at 1:37pm

"This book should be required reading for every American citizen."--Richard Falk, Milbank Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University

More advanced political communications research was based on fire walling the political spectrum i.e. creating gaps and cog dis a key points of the political spectrum, which sparks could not jump, and cause and effects between social movements and political developments might never be seen. My argument is not that JFK or RFK was a "leftist. " Of course they were not. Rather the importance is the final severance of any reciprocal INTER-action between the formal political sphere and social movements.

We have been trained to believe that these interactions were never there. Certainly what is misnamed "McCarthyism" put a serious damper on them. But the years 1961- and 1963 are the most misunderstood by the US left, because this period both was and was not McCarthyism. It was between, in flux, and US history has shown that this is when the megaphones are shot. Compare 1963 and UAW in the March On Washington with 1676 Bacon's Rebellion, 1890s Solid South response to The Populists challenge, and also the 1968 RFK campaign when the RFK was handing the Southern Strategy its ass in flight bag, before he was assassinated.

"In early September, the CIA set in motion yet another assassination plot against Castro, this one meant to serve ultimately as a way to blame Robert Kennedy for the killing of his own brother. The CIA's Castro/RFK scheme utilized its key undercover agent in Cuba, Rolando Cubela, who was known by the code-name AM/LASH. Rolando Cubela was no ordinary agent but a Cuban political figure whom Fidel Castro trusted. Cubela had fought beside Castro in the Cuban Revolution. He then held various posts in the revolutionary government but became disillusioned by Castro's alliance with the Soviet Union. In 1961 he was recruited by the CIA, which nurtured carefully its secret relationship with a Castro associate who also had experience as an assassin. In 1959 Cubela had shot to death Batista's head of military intelligence.[175] Thus, the CIA's Cubela plot was, as Castro assessed it years later, "one that had many possibilities of success because that individual had access to us."[176] On October 29, 1963, Rolando Cubela met at a CIA safe house in Paris with Desmond Fitzgerald, chief ofthe CIA's Special Affairs staff. In one of the CIA's most blatant attempts to destroy both Kennedy brothers, Fitzgerald, using a false name, posed as a U.S. senator representing Attorney General Robert Kennedy.[177] The Church Committee, following the CIA's top-secret Inspector General's Report, discovered that the Deputy Director of Plans, Richard Helms, had "agreed that Fitzgerald should hold himself out as a personal representative of Attorney General Robert Kennedy."[178] As the CIA's own internal report admitted blandly, Helms had also decided "it was not necessary to seek approval from Robert Kennedy for Fitzgerald to speak in his name."[179] The CIA's impersonation worked, convincing Cubela that he had been authorized by the Attorney General's representative to assassinate Castro. Fitzgerald then put in a special order for Cubela of a poison pen device from the CIA's Operations Division of the Office of Medical Services: "a ball-point rigged with a hypodermic needle . . . designed to be so fine that the victim would not notice its insertion."[180] On November 22, according to the Inspector General's Report, "it is likely that at the verymoment President Kennedy was shot, a CIA officer was meeting with a Cuban agent in Paris and giving him an assassination device for use against Castro"[181]acting falsely once again in the name of Attorney General Robert Kennedy. As the Church Committee discovered, Cubela's CIA handler told him that Desmond Fitzgerald, whom Cubela knew as "Robert Kennedy's representative," had helped write the president's speech that was delivered in Miami on November 18. Cubela was informed "that the passage about the small band of conspirators' was meant as a green light for an anti-Castro coup."[182] The CIA, by reversing the meaning of Kennedy's speech to motivate its own hired assassin, created a dogma of disinformation that it would disseminate for decadesthat the Miami speech meant an encouragement to murder, not dialogue. The CIA's further device of hiring Cubela in the name of Robert Kennedy to assassinate Castro laid the foundation for the repeated claim that Castro, to preempt the threat on his own life, ordered JFK's murderand that RFK had therefore triggered his own brother's assassination."

Daughter of Desmond Fitzgerald on Editorial Board of The Nation. Old "Dizzy Fits," as Desmond was nicknamed, was CIA boss who set up the RFK hit Castro rumor by means of the 11/22/63 Paris meeting involving AM LASH and Bill Harvey. DIed of heart attack on tennis court in Summer of First or Second Love, 1967. Did not hear oath.

"In JFK and the Unspeakable Jim Douglass has distilled all the best available research into a very well-documented and convincing portrait of President Kennedy's transforming turn to peace, at the cost of his life. Personally, it has made a very big impact on me. After reading it in Dallas, I was moved for the first time to visit Dealey Plaza. I urge all Americans to read this book and come to their own conclusions about why he died and why -- after fifty years -- it still matters." -- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"With penetrating insight and unswerving integrity, Douglass proves the fundamental truths about JFK's assassination . . . by far the most important book yet written on the subject."--Gaeton Fonzi, former Staff Investigator, US House Select Committee on Assassinations

"An unfamiliar yet thoroughly convincing account of a series of crediotable decisions of John F. Kennedy--at odds with his initial Cold War stance--that earned him the secret distrust and hatred of hard-liners among the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the CIA."--Daniel Ellsberg, author, Secrets: A Memoir of the Vietnam War and the Pentagon Papers

"Douglass writes with moral force, clarity, and the careful attention to detail that will make JFK and the Unspeakable a sourcebook for many years to come, for it provides us with the stubborn facts needed to rebuild a constitutional democracy within the United States."--Marcus Raskin, co-founder, Institute for Policy Studies

"A remarkable story that changed the way I view the world."JAMES BRADLEY, author of Flags of Our Fathers

"Arguably the most important book yet written about a U.S. president … Should be required reading for all high school and college students, and anyone who is a registered voter!"JOHN PERKINS, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman
got this e-mail "You know absolutely nothing about my work"-- Marshal M.
Nathaniel Heidenheimer Wrote:got this e-mail "You know absolutely nothing about my work"-- Marshal M.

Boy, if life were only like this.

Where Angels Tread Lightly, 2015, John M. Newman
State Secret, 2013, Bill Simpich
Oswald and the CIA, 2008 ed., John M. Newman
Deep Politics and DP ll, 2003 ed., Peter Dale Scott
Our Man In Mexico... 2008, Jefferson Morley
Wilderness of Mirrors, 1980, David C. Martin
JFK and Vietnam, 1992, John M. Newman
Enemy of the Truth...2012, Sherry P. Fiester

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