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CNN: Maybe CIA killed JFK. America OK with it?
My prediction, and I posted it here some months ago, is that the 50th anniversary of JFK's murder would be used to introduce the idea that the CIA did it and it saved America be doing it. We are now moving closer to that moment.

CNN has run out some "expert", Dave Perry,"a 70-year-old retired former insurance claims adjuster from Massachusetts, has been digging through JFK assassination records since 1976 to address those skeptics." He's the go to guy who can answer any question. And gosh darn, the idea that the CIA is the one theory he has not been able to discredit, try as he might.

And the closing line in the article: "So, either we already know the truth, Oswald acted alone, or -- worst-case scenario -- we may never know the whole truth, prompting one more question surrounding the killing of JFK: Would America be OK with that?"

This whole article is a rhetorical device to introduce an implausible idea that just might be true and to guide a soulless public to the right answer. "They did it. So what? It was just as well."
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
This isn't the same Dave Perry who was teamed with Reitzes is it?

He offers a Bugliosi level of clownish analysis.
Posted 30 August 2010 - 10:36 PM [EF]
Gary Mack was a good friend and dedicated JFK researcher for the dozen years I knew him.
Then he came under the influence of Dave Perry, who influenced him to change sides in
exchange for employment at the 6FM. How Perry was able to do that I do not know.

- Jack White

It was Dave Perry and 'Gary Mack' [pseudonym] who sat in Jim Marrs' classes on the JFK Assassination and loudly harassed some guest witnesses to the Assassination of telling lies - disturbing the classes and upsetting both the students and witnesses. Dave Perry seems to be the hidden hand behind 'Mack' and his changes in belief on the Assassination. Insurance salesman....Ha!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Posted 30 August 2010 - 10:36 PM [EF]
Gary Mack was a good friend and dedicated JFK researcher for the dozen years I knew him.
Then he came under the influence of Dave Perry, who influenced him to change sides in
exchange for employment at the 6FM. How Perry was able to do that I do not know.

- Jack White

It was Dave Perry and 'Gary Mack' [pseudonym] who sat in Jim Marrs' classes on the JFK Assassination and loudly harassed some guest witnesses to the Assassination of telling lies - disturbing the classes and upsetting both the students and witnesses. Dave Perry seems to be the hidden hand behind 'Mack' and his changes in belief on the Assassination. Insurance salesman....Ha!

Peter, it looks like not only is the "insurance salesman" but also a paid hack, who is now been given a new assignment. It reminds me of sexually violated children being turned themselves into pedophiles.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Skip down to section V to learn about Dave Perry from DiEugenio:

Interesting that FBI agent Farris Rookstool shows up in the Amazon review sections under the moniker "GMan992" posting pro Warren Commission comments:
This story has been picked up by the Chinese press. Following is the original from in Chinese simplified Han, followed by a Google translation.


November 19, 2013
Oswald 那天的行踪详见下列报导: h杀甘迺迪 专家疑中情局下手

November17, 2013 06:10 AM | 22979 次 | 24 [Image: comments-icon.gif] | 11 [Image: thumbs-up-icon.gif] | [Image: email-this.gif] | [Image: print_icon.gif]
[Image: 13846716561504201311170159056_32755.jpg]甘迺迪总统遇刺,倏忽已50年,贾姬(左二)戴著面纱在爱德华甘迺迪和罗勃甘迺迪陪同下出席丧礼,女儿卡洛琳及儿子小约翰站在前排,向父亲灵柩致敬。(美联社)
[Image: 13846716571884201311170159079_32755.jpg]甘迺迪总统1963年11月22日抵达德州达拉斯,甘迺迪就坐在第一辆敞篷车的后座。(美联社)
[Image: 138467166198252013111701590710_32755.jpg]甘迺迪总统(后座右方)被刺后,阴谋论50年来不绝于耳。(美联社)
1963年11月22日,甘迺迪总统在德州达拉斯市遇刺身亡,举世震惊。尽管政府详细调查、举行许多听证,最后公布华伦委员会调查报告,认定兇手奥斯华(LeeHarvey Oswald)单独行凶,但50年来,认为他不是单独行动的阴谋论,从未止息,且多如牛毛。针对此案钻研数十年的专家裴瑞(DavePerry)认为,只有一种理论可能是真的:下手者是中央情报局(CIA)。有线电视新闻网(CNN)指出,现年70岁的裴瑞早年是麻州的保险理赔评估师,现已退休,住在达拉斯地区,他自1976年起即钻研刺甘案的种种疑点,追根究柢,每年10月和11月大约花数百小时时间研究和询问。阴谋论一度指控42个团体涉案,提到的杀手有82人,参与阴谋的人达214个。裴瑞综合整理后认为,有五种说法最盛行。一、当时的副总统詹森干的。二、军事工业集团做的,因为甘迺迪想自越南撤军,影响他们的生意。三、黑帮下手除掉甘迺迪。四、奥斯华独自行凶但得到不明阴谋者的帮助。五、中情局下手做掉甘迺迪。经过研究后,前面四种可能性都被裴瑞排除,他只对中情局下手说法特别有兴趣。他说:「可以想见,甘迺迪对CIA的阴谋诡计已经受够了。他发现,CIA企图杀掉古巴领袖卡斯楚,结果确实如此。因此,有一种理论说,CIA觉得甘迺迪想要把他们解散,因此先下手为强,下令把甘迺迪做掉。」裴瑞指出,专家确定奥斯华行凶前数周到过墨西哥市的苏联大使馆,甚至知道他跟谁谈话,但不知谈话内容。他认为,奥斯华可能名列CIA薪资册,可能是双重间谍。
遇刺50周年甘迺迪热重现|Nov 11, 2013

甘迺迪50年忌日欧巴马将赴墓地致敬|Nov 17, 2013

医师:甘迺迪右侧头盖骨被打掉|Nov 11, 2013

惊悚遇刺故事渗透流行文化|Nov 17, 2013

卡洛琳任大使甘家新焦点|Nov 17, 2013



Expertssuspect the CIA killed Kennedy to start
CompileCenter / Syndicated news, Dallas, 16th -
November17, 2013 06:10 AM | 22979 views | 24 [Image: comments-icon.gif] | 11 [Image: thumbs-up-icon.gif] | [Image: email-this.gif] | [Image: print_icon.gif]

PresidentKennedy was assassinated, mortal has 50 years, Jia Ji (second fromleft) wearing a veil Edward Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy attendedthe funeral, accompanied by his daughter Caroline and son John was inthe front, to pay tribute to his father coffin. (AP)
[Image: 13846716571884201311170159079_32755.jpg]
PresidentKennedy November 22, 1963 arrived in Dallas, Texas, Kennedy sat onthe back seat of a convertible car. (AP)
[Image: 138467166198252013111701590710_32755.jpg]
PresidentJohn F. Kennedy (rear right) after the assassination, conspiracytheories 50 years prevalent.(AP)
November22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas,Texas, shocked the world.Although the government detailedinvestigation, held many hearings, the final investigation reportreleased Warren Commission, identified the murderer Oswald (LeeHarvey Oswald) separate attack, but 50 years ago, that he was notacting alone conspiracy theory has never ceased, and abundance.Fordecades, experts studying the case Perry (Dave Perry) believes thatonly a theory may be true: start by the CIA (CIA).Cable News Network(CNN) that the now 70-year-old Perry's early years Massachusettsinsurance claims appraiser, now retired, living in the Dallas area,since 1976 he is studying various objections raised by the case gillGan, Chasing After all, every year in October and November, about thetime spent hundreds of hours of research and inquiry.Was accused ofconspiracy theory involving 42 groups, 82 people were referred to thekiller, who was involved in the conspiracy 214.Perry consolidateafter that, there are five most prevalent argument.One, the then VicePresident Johnson dry.Second, the military-industrial group to do,because Kennedy would withdraw its troops from Vietnam, affectingtheir business.Third, get rid of the gang start Kennedy.Fourth,Oswald alone, unknown assailants but got help from those who plot.V.Kennedy CIA start out to do.After some research, in front of Perryfour possibilities are ruled out, he is only saying the CIA to starta special interest.He said: "I can see Kennedy on themachinations of the CIA had had enough, he found, CIA attempts tokill Cuban leader Fidel Castro, the result is true, therefore, thereis a theory that, CIA that Kennedy wanted to disband them thereforepre-emptive, Kennedy ordered out to do. "Perry pointed out thatexperts determine Oswald had several weeks before the attack theSoviet Embassy in Mexico City, whom even know he talks, but somehowthe conversation.He believes that Oswald might ranked CIA payrollvolumes, may be a double agent.

Talk about getting lost in the translation.
Lauren Johnson Wrote:My prediction, and I posted it here some months ago, is that the 50th anniversary of JFK's murder would be used to introduce the idea that the CIA did it and it saved America be doing it. We are now moving closer to that moment.

CNN has run out some "expert", Dave Perry,"a 70-year-old retired former insurance claims adjuster from Massachusetts, has been digging through JFK assassination records since 1976 to address those skeptics." He's the go to guy who can answer any question. And gosh darn, the idea that the CIA is the one theory he has not been able to discredit, try as he might.

And the closing line in the article: "So, either we already know the truth, Oswald acted alone, or -- worst-case scenario -- we may never know the whole truth, prompting one more question surrounding the killing of JFK: Would America be OK with that?"

This whole article is a rhetorical device to introduce an implausible idea that just might be true and to guide a soulless public to the right answer. "They did it. So what? It was just as well."

Lauren, you're prediction seems both plausible and sinister. Would you care to elaborate? Why now? Why not wait until 2017, when they release the last classified documents? And wouldn't they rather use some limited hangout, like "some of our boys went rogue, and they helped Oswald do the deed"?
Ivan De Mey Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:My prediction, and I posted it here some months ago, is that the 50th anniversary of JFK's murder would be used to introduce the idea that the CIA did it and it saved America be doing it. We are now moving closer to that moment.

CNN has run out some "expert", Dave Perry,"a 70-year-old retired former insurance claims adjuster from Massachusetts, has been digging through JFK assassination records since 1976 to address those skeptics." He's the go to guy who can answer any question. And gosh darn, the idea that the CIA is the one theory he has not been able to discredit, try as he might.

And the closing line in the article: "So, either we already know the truth, Oswald acted alone, or -- worst-case scenario -- we may never know the whole truth, prompting one more question surrounding the killing of JFK: Would America be OK with that?"

This whole article is a rhetorical device to introduce an implausible idea that just might be true and to guide a soulless public to the right answer. "They did it. So what? It was just as well."

Lauren, you're prediction seems both plausible and sinister. Would you care to elaborate? Why now? Why not wait until 2017, when they release the last classified documents? And wouldn't they rather use some limited hangout, like "some of our boys went rogue, and they helped Oswald do the deed"?

Ivan, indeed this is sinister and it would be the ultimate modified limited hangout. "Although this was not an approved operation from the highest levels of the CIA, some courageous patriots who loved their country saved her from a rogue President, who was going to bargain with evil." You get the idea.

My guess is that this psychic lobotomy of the American collective soul would take years and would be used to justify publicly wet operations on American soil. "We realize now that these brave patriots were visionaries and that we need to honor their legacy. Letting evil live in our midst would be cowardice." I wold imagine this whole thing being "debated" and "discussed" on FOX news. Then NOVA and Frontline would look into it "in depth."
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Clint Hill is on Piers Morgan right now. He said when he got to JFK he could see a large hole in his head and that most of the brain inside was destroyed and gone. He said he knew right then the wounds were fatal so he gave a thumbs down to the follow-up car to let them know.

Historian Brinkley was on the Anderson Cooper Show that preceded Piers Morgan. He more or less said Kennedy's Viet Nam policy contributed to his fate. Gergen chimed in that one man shot 3 bullets from the Depository, Lee Harvey Oswald. Cooper had Posner vs Wecht with the former pimping the magic bullet.

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