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MH 370: Missing Malaysian Airliner
Albert Doyle Wrote:If these pinger signals are real it narrows it down and they should be on it soon. That would wipe a lot of northern route material off the screen.

[size=12]Straits Times, 2014-04-21:

"Malaysian Flight MH370 May Not Be In Southern Indian Ocean, Official Admits"[/SIZE][URL=""]

My money is still on Central Asia, with or without the help of the local authorities. Remember, governments are not monolithic structures. One branch could be helping the investigation while another was involved in the caper.

[size=12]Duncan Steel:

"My redoubtable correspondent LGHamilton, who has turned up all sorts of useful information, noted in a comment the appearance of a new blog post (English automated translation; or, here is the original version in Chinese) by Dr Yaoqiu KUANG which presents ping ring calculations and references this website. It was Dr Kuang who proposed the Beshtash Valley near Talas in Kyrgyzstan as a possible crash location, as I described in an earlier post."[/SIZE]
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Drew: The CNN coverage is mainly speculation and I cannot bear to listen to it. MSM just lies so it is doubtful we will ever learn the truth about this tragedy. I suspect that the plane was remotely controlled as well. But by who and why and where? It clearly did not crash when fuel ran out as cell phones were continuing to ring. Had it crashed on land or water the phones would have been destroyed and gone directly to voice mail with no ringing. So could the people be alive and kept hostage for some reason? I hope for their sake and that of the families. The wait with no credible news has to be agony for the families not knowing. Prayers for them on this Good Friday.


Unlike landline telephones, what you are hearing when you use a cell phone is not the phone at the other end ringing but the network letting you know that it is searching for the other party so you won't hang up. This was debunked weeks ago. That so many people haven't gotten the memo yet says something about how consensus reality is constructed in cyberspace, and doesn't offer much hope for the general enlightenment of the human species any time soon.

"So, they're hearing ringing and they're assuming it's connecting to their loved ones, but it's not. It's the network sending a signal to the phone letting them know it's looking for them."
Steve, this question was put to Duncan:

Thermal satellite is fairly easy technology. If you look at weather satellites they give high-contrast color separation to cloud temperatures that vary by only 125 degrees or so. The heat exhaust off the 777 engine would be hundreds of degrees against a -50 degree background and should be easily within existing technology. Especially when the aircraft was allegedly flying well out of normal flyways in the middle of nowhere. Especially with a 7 hour lead time post-9/11.

To which he replied:

" Sorry, but you show there a total lack of understanding of the physics involved. According your comment a satellite sensor working in the thermal IR (say around 5 micron wavelength) should be able to detect the heat from a lighted cigarette from orbit. Before one can say anything useful one must understand far more about physics than you do. "

Duncan sounds like a bit of a phony to me since jet exhaust is 1600f degrees. His cigarette answer is silly and makes me think he's a bit of a pompous bluffer. If a weather satellite can put extreme color coding contrast on cloud temperature differences of only a few tens of degrees then heat signature detection satellites should be able to identify the 1600 degree exhaust of a jet engine against a -50 degree backdrop. I think our snobby expert just doesn't want to admit he's clueless.
CNN just had Sunstein on talking about crazy conspiracy theories developing with Flight 370. Beneath him was a CNN banner in big block writing saying "North Korea And Aliens Involved" in reference to those conspiracy theories.
Albert Doyle Wrote:CNN just had Sunstein on talking about crazy conspiracy theories developing with Flight 370. Beneath him was a CNN banner in big block writing saying "North Korea And Aliens Involved" in reference to those conspiracy theories.

It's a bit too early to call conspiracy theories "crazy". Most hijackings involve a conspiracy. According to CNN, despite a couple of months of searching, we really don't know anything more than we knew the day after. If there are nations or militaries withholding information from searchers for reasons of national security, that too constitutes a "conspiracy," albeit probably with different objectives from whoever or whatever caused the plane to disappear. The lack of floating debris suggests (if at sea, consistent with reported pings) a relatively gentle landing with the plane sinking largely intact, which I suspect is beyond the piloting skills of an autopilot that has run out of fuel.

If you want to debunk some of the more unusual ideas out there, show us the airplane.
While this patent was dated 2006, I have heard that a similar system was available for at least ~12+ years before that date...... it could go a long way to explaining this mystery, as well as events on 9-11-01

DATE:01/12/06 (December 1, 2006)

Diagrams: Boeing patents anti-terrorism auto-land system for hijacked airliners
By John Croft

Boeing last week received a US patent for a system that, once activated, removes all control from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a predetermined landing location.
The "uninterruptible" autopilot would be activated either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.
Boeing says: "We are constantly studying ways we can enhance the safety, security and effiecency of the world's airline fleet."
"There is a need in the industry for a technique that conclusively prevents unauthorised persons for gaining access to the controls of the vehicle and therefore threatening the safety of the passengers onboard the vehicle, and/or other people in the path of travel of the vehicle, thereby decreasing the amount of destruction individuals onboard the vehicle would be capable of causing," the patent authors write. "In particular, there is a need for a technique that ensures the continuation of the desired path of travel of a vehicle by removing any type of human decision process that may be influenced by the circumstances of the situation, including threats or further violence onboard the vehicle."
According to the patent, existing preventative measures are less than fullproof pilots can decide to open the lockable, bullet-proof cockpit doors and federal air marshals can be overpowered and de-armed. Boeing's alternative has an onboard processor that once activated, disallows pilot inputs and prevents anyone on board from interrupting an emergency landing plan that can be predefined or radioed to the aircraft by airline or government controllers and carried out by the aircraft's guidance and control system. To make it fully independent, the system has its own power supply, independent of the aircraft's circuit breakers. The aircraft remains in automatic mode until after landing, when mechanics or government security operatives are called in to disengage the system.
Boeing envisions several methods of activating the system. Options include manual switches for pilots to hit, or possibly force sensors on the cockpit door that would trip the anti-terror mode if a minimum force threshold were crossed, for instance if someone were trying to break down the door. Another option is a remote link whereby airline or government workers in ground facilities would monitor and aircraft and command the automatic control mode "once it is determined that the security of the air vehicle is in jeopardy." Radio links could also be used to inform ground facilities and nearby aircraft that an aircraft has been placed in the automatic flight mode.
It's unclear if the Boeing work is related to last week's issuance of a $1.9 million US Federal Aviation Administration contract to Raytheon for an Advanced Route Evaluation System (ARES). According to Raytheon, ARES will perform risk analysis on aviation routes to help planners determine the best routes for aircraft to use during emergencies."
Aside from the safety and security aspects of having such a system, Boeing sees it as a preventative measure: "Once the automatic control system provided by the present invention is initiated, no one on board the air vehicle is capable controlling the flight to the air vehicle, such that it would be useless for anyone to threaten violence in order to gain control the air vehicle."


United States Patent: 7142971
granted to the Boeing company, November 28, 2006
System and method for automatically controlling a path of travel of a vehicle
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Which would be great, Pete, if the aircraft was guided to it's predetermined destination and landed safely. The problem I see are the disappeared passengers. On that basis it seems evident to me that they are now, sadly, deceased, as I just can't see them all being kept in seclusion somewhere.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:Which would be great, Pete, if the aircraft was guided to it's predetermined destination and landed safely. The problem I see are the disappeared passengers. On that basis it seems evident to me that they are now, sadly, deceased, as I just can't see them all being kept in seclusion somewhere.

What happens to the passengers is a separate issue from what happens to the planes and if the planes can be subject to locking out the pilot/hijackers or as a drone, without passengers. Also, this system, while 'billed' as to save the aircraft from a hijacker or pilot gone mad [or dead], it can without any modification be used in a hostile manner to take over a craft for other purposes!

I don't see how what may have happened to the passengers rules out outside control of a plane. We have NO idea IMO as to where, how, or why for the Malaysian flight - yet. Yes, there were definitely passengers on that flight - and they are likely not alive any more, but even that we do not really know. Yet.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Remote anti-terrorist systems like this might prevent low-tech passengers from gaining control of the plane but also enables a high tech hacker to access the plane's controls from the safety of his/her living room. Not a good trade off, at least if the hijackers want to survive the experience.

In this case, neither the wreckage or the passengers have re-appeared, so either the plane hit the water very gently and sank almost intact, or it actually landed somewhere and the hijackers have spoofed the satellite and then dropped the black boxes into the ocean.

What is bugging me is, why haven't the smart phone companies released any data they might have concerning gps location of the phones? If I understand it correctly, the phone doesn't have to be in use for those systems o query their locations.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
The "uninterruptible" autopilot would be activated either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.

CIA should be expert at this since it has basically done the same thing to the American government.

I also have a hiccup at the deboarding the passengers in order to be dematerialized in the Fetzer dematerialization machines (forgive the sarcasm). While possible I think it is of the least likely scenarios.

Now a search company says it found spectral analysis evidence of possible Flight 370 wreckage in the Bay Of Bengal.


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