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Incredible Wounds of Governor Connally
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:The exit hole in Connally's coat was nowhere near his lapel, and while the debris from the wound may push the coat outward, how would it cause the lapel to flip outward independently?

5 centimeters is pretty big. I assume it was that size because it pushed an equal chunk of flesh out with it. It would make sense to apply science to the bullet hole in Connally's jacket and determine the diameter of the flesh chunk that didn't penetrate the jacket fabric. The remaining area would constitute a force that had to translate to the jacket since the jacket caught and 'netted' this chunk at bullet speed. This would be more than enough force the shock the jacket and flip the lapel open. I'm surprised nobody realized this. A shockwave force would whip through the jacket and the lapel was at the loose end of that process as it traveled through it.
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:The exit hole in Connally's coat was nowhere near his lapel, and while the debris from the wound may push the coat outward, how would it cause the lapel to flip outward independently?

5 centimeters is pretty big. I assume it was that size because it pushed an equal chunk of flesh out with it. It would make sense to apply science to the bullet hole in Connally's jacket and determine the diameter of the flesh chunk that didn't penetrate the jacket fabric. The remaining area would constitute a force that had to translate to the jacket since the jacket caught and 'netted' this chunk at bullet speed. This would be more than enough force the shock the jacket and flip the lapel open. I'm surprised nobody realized this. A shockwave force would whip through the jacket and the lapel was at the loose end of that process as it traveled through it.

Explain to me, in mechanical terms, how the jacket bulging outward could cause the lapel to flip up. All the jacket did was bulge outward and, if you are saying this occurred between z222 and z226, it is doubtful Connally was even shot at this time.
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
The impact of the 5 centimeter plug at bullet speed would transfer to the jacket fabric that netted it. In the sense that every action requires an equal and opposite reaction this energy would translate to a wave-like dispersal from the bulge outward in a snap. A 5 centimeter plug of flesh propelled at bullet speed is not a bulge it's a blast. This would create a snapping effect through the jacket that would easily flip the lapel open due to its force. Well within the forces we are talking about.

I'm not defending Von Pein. He's a disinformationist who doesn't answer evidence honestly. I'm just objectively showing the lapel flipping out is perfectly within simple science according to the evidence. The accuracy of the Zapruder Film can't be relied upon since Brugioni showed it was altered at the CIA photo lab. CE399 is impossible since it contains no traces of human flesh. The reason they didn't use a more mangled bullet is because that type of bullet would have to enmesh human flesh in the damaged areas.

Albert Doyle Wrote:The impact of the 5 centimeter plug at bullet speed would transfer to the jacket fabric that netted it. In the sense that every action requires an equal and opposite reaction this energy would translate to a wave-like dispersal from the bulge outward in a snap. A 5 centimeter plug of flesh propelled at bullet speed is not a bulge it's a blast. This would create a snapping effect through the jacket that would easily flip the lapel open due to its force. Well within the forces we are talking about.

I'm not defending Von Pein. He's a disinformationist who doesn't answer evidence honestly. I'm just objectively showing the lapel flipping out is perfectly within simple science according to the evidence. The accuracy of the Zapruder Film can't be relied upon since Brugioni showed it was altered at the CIA photo lab. CE399 is impossible since it contains no traces of human flesh. The reason they didn't use a more mangled bullet is because that type of bullet would have to enmesh human flesh in the damaged areas.


For your theory to work, shouldn't the coat material directly under the lapel be seen to be jumping out, as well? From what I can see, the lapel flips out from a perfectly stable non-bulging section of the coat.
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
I know old DVP has been promulgating his jacket flap or bulge idea to try and prove the magic magic bullet theory, however if you look at some pictures from even his own web site

you can see examples of both JFK and Connally sartorially dressed with their jackets firmly fastened. The bullet made a hole in the jacket then carried on to the wrist. That it pushed aside the jacket against the restraint of the button and the tension the suit jacket would be under from his sitting position is even for old DVP clutching at straws. If the jacket lapel moved it's just as likely to be from wind and traveling in an open topped car.

I do wish however someone could explain to me how GC's white Stetson stayed white and did not become a red/white stetson after his wrist was hit.
Alan, you ain't from Texas. There ain't no chance that a Texan would let blood spatter his Stetson.
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Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."

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