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Eurasia: A Geo-political re-alignment
The US Opens New Fronts of Confrontation

September 1st, 2015
By: Yurasumy - PolitRussia -
translated for Fort Russ by J. Arnoldski -

Quote:Only the lazy aren't describing the events which are now happening at the world's "lottery sites." Given that these events were skillfully prepared and have far-reaching consequences, I can't stand aside. But I won't describe them at all from a "usual perspective," but rather through the prism of the global confrontation between the US and the alliance of China and Russia.

On Monday, the whole world was following events on stock markets. The baton for the next collapse of the Chinese stock market was picked up by Asian, European, and then American "sweepstakes." It wouldn't be worth talking about it if not for a strong feeling of artificiality.

What alerted me

The bubble on the Chinese stock market wouldn't have such a global impact if it all that it was was a bubble on the Chinese market.

First, the collapse of the Chinese stock exchange happened at the end of June. In July, the Chinese market weathered the storm much stronger. But the Chinese leadership acted quickly, like clockwork. A huge sum of 3 trillion yuan (about $483 billion) was allocated to prevent panic sales. Many holders, as if they were a team, announced that they were trying to stabilize and not play the market...almost everything calmed down.

Despite the collapse of the Shanghai exchange by 30%, global markets reacted sluggishly and reluctantly. The impression was that the Chinese government had a pre-planned operation in popping the stock bubble which had started to scare the Chinese government in late 2014.

To understand the essence of the problem, it is necessary to look at recent history. The ongoing crisis which began in 2007 came to China much weaker than Russia, Europe, and the US. China's economic growth slowed down, but that's it. Even the collapse in 2009 did not cause a recession. The Chinese government quickly switched the economy towards the domestic market, stimulating it by accelerating the growth of the population's incomes. Between 2007 and 2015, the minimum salary in the country increased by almost 2.5 times. Its annual growth was 11-15%. Throughout industry as a whole, wages increased almost three times. In fact, the global crisis, started by the US in 2007, didn't affect China. On the contrary, it has become stronger in relation to its competitors. And it was necessary to do something about this...

No matter what, the military of potential of Russia has grown during the past several years. Together, the economy of China and the armed forces of Russia have become threat no.1 for the US. Washington has frankly lost in the race for world-leadership with new and old competitors.

The fact that the US deliberately worsens the situation in any given point in the world isn't to say that they can allow themselves to do so. No, it says that they can't afford to allow themselves to wait any longer. The moment awaits when China and Russia will already no longer ask America to move over on the throne. They will simply set up a new one right beside.

They [the US] started to destabilize Russia by aiding conflicts on its borders and creating conditions for confrontation in Europe.

For China, a different scheme was chosen...a bubble on the stock market began to swell out of nowhere in the late summer of 2014. There was a powerful "information assault" in the press advising how to invest profitably in the Chinese stock market and solve for the customer (the US) one big complex task: the withdrawal of money from the real sector of consumption in the country and move them to the virtual stock market. Thus was achieved a comprehensive success: the deceleration of the Chinese economy and pumping a bubble which threatened the country's stability.

It's not necessary to be a rocket scientist in order to predict the consequence that sooner or later the economy will slow down, to be followed by a powerful information strike which would cause a global storm and sweep away all remaining competitors.

In December, it was clear that the US was able to start a chain reaction of growth on Chinese stock markets. It was only a matter of time before the US saw it fit to start a storm. China wisely decided not to wait and took the initiative while Washington wasn't ready. So, the storm didn't happen in July. And this means that the US had no relationship with the July collapse of the Chinese stock market. There was a false start, which threatened the US with the destruction of their strategy. The Chinese leadership, applying a proactive strategy of deflating the stock bubble, in fact returned the situation to its original trajectory. Money went back into the economy and pushed it forward, solving the problem of growth. The US didn't have the right to wait.

And then August followed, and a slightly less severe decline on the Shanghai stock exchange was the result of a global financial tsunami.

On August 18, US markets began to fall (the Chinese ones at this time too, although not so feverishly and critically, but rather quite habitually). August 20 came rapidly, and on August 24, "panic" started throughout the world.

But before this, in July, China accused the West and the US of destabilizing the Chinese economy and began an unprecedented drain of US securities: $106 billion in two weeks, and for July-August alone about $140 billion. In addition, China devalued the yuan by almost 4%.

The prelude was over. Actually, we are back to the usual story. The US is trying to attack, but China is defending itself. And very successfully.

Now, having outlined this version of events, one can apply it to other events that have happened in the past year, and see what happened.

As we remember, the confrontation is between the US and China plus Russia. In 2013, the main blow was delivered to Russia. The most acute phase of the crisis for Moscow was in February-May, 2014. Since the middle of June, it became the clear the main tasks of the US in Ukraine were not quickly accomplished, and it is likely that they will be stuck there for a long time. Russia stubbornly didn't enter into direct military conflict in Donbass and into open confrontation with Europe. On the contrary, Russia tried to seize the initiative, agreeing to talks with Kiev in the Normandy format on June 6, 2015. This has led to the US losing pace and possibly losing the game.

The change of the strategy of destroying main opponents was necessary. In line with this, the US is dragging on the war in Ukraine and shackling problems to Russia's borders while fighting economically with China. The world economy has entered a new phase of acute crisis, as commodity markets are falling after China. The "allies" are deprived of a foothold in the form of a balanced economy and balanced finances. July and August have already cost China 20% of its foreign reserves. Further, the crisis in Russia and China is growing, triggering internal political problems.

The most convenient time of all for a new strike is October-November, 2015. Apparently, at this time, an acute economic crisis is planned. As in 2008.

And in the end there is a sharp reversal of the situation in favor of the United States which, simultaneously with the defeat of one of its main competitors, remains the only safe haven against the background of a super crisis in Eurasia.

This is how it was envisioned. But it seems that China took the lead, and now the initiative is on its side. There are losses, but they are tolerable. A concrete argument appeared to drain US "papers" even more than the Celestial Empire is busying itself with.

The oil trail

Fuel to the fire was added on the oil market. It was necessary to ensure the collapse of Saudi Arabia and Iran at the right according to plan, and the other under the yoke of circumstances. In June, 2014, the US and Europe announced that they decided to lift sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran. This decision, of course, didn't open the oil market to Iran, but allowed Western governments to be the "valve," which at any moment could open another oil-gas valve in the world to lower prices on commodity markets. 2015 was a year of slow growth for Iranian energy exports, and the main attack on the "competitors" is scheduled for January 1, 2016, when Iranian oil will be able to be exported to the EU.

Lately, Saudi Arabia has created a market surplus of oil, ignoring all requests from colleagues of OPEC to agree on a program of reducing production. Now, all of these indications (the war in Ukraine, the artificial inhibition of China, permitting Iran to enter oil and gas markets, the rabid and unreasonable race of the Saudis for oil) fit neatly into a picture of the stages of the US's hybrid war for global hegemony.


What could the consequences be? Actually, nothing unexpected is happening. There is a global war in hybrid form. Opponents are striking each other with blows, feeling weaknesses, and defending themselves against enemy counterattacks.

Russia. It is obvious to me that if events develop in a similar scenario, there will be an attempt to destabilize Russia in autumn (there are many indications of preparations for this). It will likely be unsuccessful (because I see a number of indications of counter-work in this direction), but this should not divert Russia's attention away from such problems beyond its borders: Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Middle East, etc.

By destabilizing, I understand systemic terrorist attacks in an attempt to play the card of national discord.

USA. For Washington, everything is at stake. For them, nothing has changed. They are trying to defend their right to global hegemony and single-handedly robbing the whole world. Because of this, we cannot rely on agreements which will be respected only at times when they are profitable. No one has any illusions on this score. The masks are cast off and the (hybrid) guns are loaded. US actions are heavily influenced by elections, which are just over a year away.

The main problem of the United States now, and here I agree with Brzezinski and Kissinger, is that planning periods are shifted. All the political operations of the White House are produced in terms of 4 and 8 years. No more. This was already the reason for defeat in China (China has already returned to the policy of allying with Russia). If this alliance was joined by Germany, then any short term gains would be outweighed by long-term losses.

Europe. Europe will get another bloodletting in the form of increasing economic decline. The recession of the economy, at the threshold of which we are already standing, is almost a foregone conclusion. How deep it will be is dependent on the vicissitudes of major battles. If Europe "doesn't obey," she is guaranteed internal destabilization.

China. Beijing, as a clever ally, has for a long time been gathering heat in its hands with Russia. It is not its fault that the US first hit Russia. But China did everything in oder to receive maximum benefits. Now the Chinese economic front and possible destabilization on its borders is bit by bit sharpening the participation of the allies in global war. One can definitely admire the way in which China solved the problem of the stock market. Quickly, clearly, and thoroughly. This doesn't mean that China can avoid problems, but that in any case it can weaken their effects.

Ukraine. I understand the smile (it's a backwater, and little depends on Ukraine itself). But it is my homeland and I cannot refrain from considering it. The Ukrainian front against Russia was the major front of the US in 2013 and for the first half of 2014. By the end of last year, it became one of many fronts. If global destabilization occurs, the Ukrainian front threatens to get lost on the list of American problems, with all the consequences for the problems of the country [Ukraine] itself.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:The US Opens New Fronts of Confrontation

September 1st, 2015
By: Yurasumy - PolitRussia -
translated for Fort Russ by J. Arnoldski -

Quote:Europe. Europe will get another bloodletting in the form of increasing economic decline. The recession of the economy, at the threshold of which we are already standing, is almost a foregone conclusion. How deep it will be is dependent on the vicissitudes of major battles. If Europe "doesn't obey," she is guaranteed internal destabilization.

Has Gladio Returned to Europe?

By Wayne Madsen
29 August 2015

Quote:The recent shooting of the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul by two woman who were claimed by Turkish authorities to be members of a far-left terrorist group, the Revolutionary People's Liberation Army-Front (DHKP-C), as well as a suspicious incident on a Thalys high-speed train bound for Paris from Amsterdam, indicate that the false flag operations conducted by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's Cold War-era «stay behind network» known as Gladio may be back in full operation.

The DHKP-C is claimed to have carried out a suicide bombing of the U.S. embassy in Ankara in 2013, an attack that killed a Turkish security guard. In that attack, a website called «The People's Cry», supposedly operated by DHKP-C, claimed that one of its members, Ecevit Sanli, carried out the suicide bombing at the embassy, which killed both Sanli and the Turkish guard. The problem with the overall claim of DHKP-C involvement was a video posted by «The People's Cry» that was discovered by the Israeli Mossad-linked «Search for International Terrorist Entities» or «SITE», a Washington, DC-based group that has been known to distribute to the media dubious videos and communiqués purporting to be from «Al Qaeda», «the Islamic State», and other alleged Islamist terrorist groups.

The alleged resurgence of DHKP-C has provided the Turkish government with cover to pound Kurdish guerrillas in eastern Turkey and instill a siege mentality among Turkish voters as the country heads into another national election that pits the Islamist-oriented government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan against the secular opposition.

Moroccan national Ayoub El Khazzani is accused of boarding a Paris-bound train in Brussels in order to launch a killing spree on passengers. Khazzani, who had in his possession an AK-47 and other weapons in a bag that he said he «found» in a Brussels park, was overpowered by three Americans and a British national. Two of the Americans who helped subdue Khazzani are members of the U.S. military, U.S. Air Force Airman Spencer Stone and Oregon National Guardsman Alek Skarlatos. The British national is Chris Norman, born in Uganda and a resident of southern France.

It is believed that Khazzani, a native of Tetouan, Morocco, like so many alleged Islamist attackers in France, had traveled abroad extensively prior to committing his terrorist attack. Khazzani was a resident of Algeciras and Madrid in Spain until 2014, whereupon he took a job with the French mobile phone company Lycamobile and moved to France. Khazzani reportedly was radicalized at a mosque in Algeciras, across from the British territory of Gibraltar, where British intelligence keeps a very close eye on surrounding Spanish territory, including Algeciras. In June of this year, Khazzani was reportedly fighting alongside Islamic State guerrillas in Syria, later traveled from Antakya, Turkey to Tirana, Albania.

Khazzani's story is almost the same as the one proffered by Mehdi Nemmouche, the Franco-Algerian who is said to have attacked the Jewish Museum of Brussels. Before the Brussels attack, Nemmouche is said to have fought with the Islamic State's forces in Syria and spent some time in Britain. After attacking the Brussels museum, Nemmouche caught an overnight bus to Marseille from Brussels. A customs check discovered Nemmouche's bag with an AK-47, a revolver, and bullets.

Nemmouche claimed after his arrest by French police that he discovered the weapons in a parked car in Brussels and stole them in order to sell them on the black market in Marseille. Khazzani claims that he intended to use the weapons he found in a Brussels park, an AK-47, a Luger pistol, a box cutter, a half-liter of gasoline, and nine magazines of ammunition to rob passengers on the Thalys train in order to buy food because he was penniless and homeless. Both Kazzani and Nemmouche were well-known to French and other European law enforcement agencies as potential threats, yet no action was taken to conduct surveillance of their activities. Before the attack on the train, Khazzani was the subject of a French police «Fiche S» or «S notice that was transmitted to various European law enforcement agencies and requested Khazzani to be placed under police special surveillance. In addition, the Spanish police had Khazzani's DNA on file. Moreover, not only Spanish, but German and Belgian, as well as French intelligence, had fairly complete files on Khazzani prior to the attack on the Thalys train.

Mohamed Merah, the Franco-Algerian who killed seven people in the Toulouse region, including three Jewish school children, in 2012, and Said and Cherif Kouachi, the Franco-Algerian brothers who attacked the offices of «Charlie Hebdo» magazine in January of this year, also had «Fiche S» and other intelligence files collected on them by French authorities.

The Franco-Senegalese-Malian gunman Amedy Coulibaly, who attacked the Hyper-Cacher Jewish supermarket in Paris at the same time the Charlie Hebdo offices were attacked, was also well-known to French police and intelligence. Danish police and intelligence files also turned up the name of the alleged deadly attacker of Copenhagen's Central Synagogue and a Danish film festival, Omar Alhamid Alhussein, a Danish national of Palestinian descent and criminal with a violent record who was released from a Danish prison just two weeks prior to the attack on the synagogue. Danish police shot and killed Alhussein after his alleged twin attacks.

The Thalys train was traveling through the Oignies region in Haute Picardie, France when Khazzani was subdued by the passengers. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve immediately suggested that Khazzani was a member of a radical Islamist group.Cazeneuve also wasted no time in flying to Copenhagen right after the synagogue and film festival attacks. It was Cazeneuve who was reportedly under investigation by 45-year old French Police Commissioner Helric Fredou, the second in command of the French Judicial Police in Limoges, for links with Jeanette Bougrab.

Bougrab was the so-called «girlfriend» of slain «Charlie Hebdo» editor Stephane Charbonnier or «Charb», as he was known to his colleagues. Bougrab claimed to have been Charb's girlfriend and even insinuated that he fathered her daughter. Fredou is said to have committed suicide at the height of his investigation of a link between Bougrab and Cazeneuve. Fredou is said to have shot himself in the head after becoming despondent after meeting the family of one of victims of the French attacks. However, Fredou's family and friends discounted reports that Fredou was depressed. Furthermore, they pointed out that he had cracked open a major lead in the terrorist attacks a move that placed him at loggerheads with Cazeneuve.

According to French news reports, Fredou had Cazeneuve under suspicion since the police commissioner's days as Cherbourg police «commissaire». Cazeneuve has been mayor of the town of Cherbourg-Octeville since 2001 and it was during his time as police commissioner that Fredou first became aware of Cazeneuve's links with Mossad and his relationship with Bougrab and her cabal of anti-Muslim provocateurs.

The re-introduction of Gladio on the European political scene is in response to growing hostility to the European Union and austerity dictates by European central bankers. The corporatists and fascists who have steered Europe into bankruptcy are now using their media assets to morph their favorite threat over the last two decades - Islamist terrorism - to a combined menace of Islamist terrorists teamed up with an international network of anarchists. In Greece, Italy, Turkey, and Spain there are signs that the paradigm shift from Islamist terrorism to leftist anarchism is already occurring, with highly-suspicious and likely false flag bombings taking place at embassies and other facilities. The media will step up planted stories designed to link «anarchists» to «Jihadists».

After the Thalys train incident in Brussels, Cazeneuve and his friend, the anti-Muslim and right-wing Socialist French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, are calling for airport-style security checks at European train stations. The end-game is for the European Union to exercise increased political and social control over the peoples of the continent.

It is noteworthy that the rise of previously unknown «anarchist» groups is occurring in the very same countries where Gladio's operations were most extensive: Italy, Turkey, and Greece. Italy was the nexus for «Organazzizione Gladio», the Italian branch of the pan-European CIA-led terrorist operations. In Turkey, Gladio was known as «Ergenekon» and in Greece, the Gladio operations were known as «Operation Sheepskin».

As long as Gladio is back in operation in Europe, the people of the continent should be afraid, in fact, they should be very afraid.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I have now been able to track down the McClatchy article that connected the two Charlie Hebdo shooters to a French intelligence operative.


Videos show Paris gunmen were calm as they executed police officer, fled scene

By Mitchell Prothero
McClatchy Foreign StaffJanuary 7, 2015
[Image: 1gD2at.AuSt.91.jpeg]
People hold signs reading "I am Charlie" in French during a silent gathering honoring victims of the Jan. 7 attack on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Jan. 7, 2015 at the "Place du Nombre D'or" in Bordeaux, France. JEAN MICHEL MART TNS

IRBIL, Iraq The gunmen who attacked the Paris editorial offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday appeared to be focused professionals who'd carefully prepared the assault.
Video showing two of the assailants suggests they were well trained, striking their target during its weekly editorial meeting, when most of the publication's journalists would be gathered in one place.
Other evidence suggests they could be linked to a top French al Qaida operative, David Drugeon, who's been the target at least twice of U.S. airstrikes in Syria over the last four months.
Witnesses inside the magazine's offices told the French newspaper L'Humanité that both attackers spoke perfect French and claimed to be members of al Qaida.
Drugeon, who many experts believe was a French intelligence asset before defecting to al Qaida, is alleged to have masterminded a 2012 "lone wolf" attack on French soldiers and Jewish targets in the southern French city of Toulouse. That attack killed seven people before the perpetrator, a French citizen named Mohammed Merah, who French intelligence believes had been trained by Drugeon, was killed by a police sniper after a long, violent standoff with security forces.
Wednesday's attack killed at least 10 journalists and two policemen, who'd apparently been assigned to guard the magazine because of previous threats made against the publication, including a firebombing in 2011.

The gunmen escaped and were still at large hours after the attack. French authorities said they were seeking three people in the attack.
Witnesses speaking to French television reporters described the attackers as calmly entering the editorial offices of the magazine during its weekly editorial meeting, shooting the victims before declaring "Allahu Akbar" and "We have avenged the prophet," before quickly and calmly departing the scene before police could respond.
In three videos of the aftermath posted on the Internet by witnesses, two masked gunmen can be seen exiting the building with military efficiency, making coordinated and precise movements indicative of extensive experience and training. Commonly referred to by military professionals as "muscle memory," the movements reflect the kind of repetitive training that allows someone to efficiently execute tactical movements and maintain fire discipline and accurate marksmanship under the stress of combat.
In one series of photographs, a French police vehicle can be seen with its windshield riddled with bullets in a fairly tight cluster, a pattern that would be nearly impossible for a casually trained beginner to produce with the assault rifles the gunmen were carrying. Though simple to use, the rifles, a variant of the Russian AK-47, tend to be difficult to control when fired on full automatic. But the impact pattern on the police vehicle indicates not just a familiarity with the weapon, but at least a competent degree of marksmanship.
Another video underscores the likelihood that the two were experienced fighters. In it, two gunmen exit the building to board a waiting hatchback sedan when they notice a policeman down the block attempting to engage them as they escape. Without hesitation, the two gunmen shoot the officer, then calmly close on the wounded man as he lies in the street before one of the shooters fires a round into his head from pointblank range.
Again, the calm manner in which the wounded man is murdered before the pair return to the car suggests combat experience or at least extensive training. Both men move quickly but in a very controlled manner. At one point, the lead gunman appears to use a common infantry hand signal to summon his accomplice to his side.
The pair then drive away from the scene, but not before one of the gunmen picks up an object possibly a shoe that had fallen from the car as the door opened.
Prothero is a McClatchy special correspondent based in Irbil, Iraq.; Twitter: [email=@mitchprothero]@mitchprothero[/email]

Read more here:

Copied from Infognomonpolitics.blogspot and also from McClatchy (albeit under an altogether different URL to the original)

The following picture is of the police car with a bullet riddled windscreen referenced in the article:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7382&stc=1]

So, we have some really suspicious aspects to the Charlie Hedbo affair. A senior policeman with links to Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, apparently suicided on the night of the Hedbo attack as he was working on certain aspects of this case that might have connected to Cazeneuve himself? Reports that Cazeneuve had links to the apparent anti-Islamic/Pro-Israel girlfriend of a Hedbo journalist, and she in turn apparently had connections to Cazeneuve. And not least that both the alleged Charlie Hedbo shooters were connected to a former French intelligence agent with a military background and a specialist knowledge on "western intelligence tradecraft" including bomb-making ---- for which I read agent provocateur.

What should we make of it all?

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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:What should we make of it all?

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:What should we make of it all?


Quite possibly a US/Europe/Israel Gladio too...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
This episode of Guns & Butter featuring Kevin Barrett has a lot of useful info in it:
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
War Waged Against Russia Now Being Waged Against China - Russian ex-Spy

Quote:An ex-Russian spy who worked in the United States for more than 20 years shares his forecast for Russia and its closest allies, from where should we expect the next "Orange revolution", to what the relationship between Europe and the US is going to look like.

For many years, Donald Heathfield was a model American citizen. He owned a successful company specializing in strategic forecasting, held a Harvard degree, and had a wife and two kids.

It couldn't have occurred to any of his friends or colleagues that his real name was Andrei Bezrukov and that he was the head of a Russian spy network.

Since the end of the last century until several years ago, Bezurkov worked as a covert Russian agent abroad and during that time, did not utter a single word in Russian.

He returned to Russia several years ago, following a scandal that exposed his true identity. He now works in Russia under his real name and recently he, as a co-author, published a geopolitical analysis of what Russia and the world will look like in 2020.

The following is his forecast for Russia and its closest allies, which he shared in his interview with the Rossiya 1 TV show "Vesti on Saturday" and its host Sergei Brilev.

First He Predicted What Would Become of China

US Overestimates China's 'Threat': Beijing Not Stepping Outside Rules

Bezurkov predicts that the next orange revolution will take place on the periphery of China, most likely in Myanmar.
"Myanmar for the Chinese is a direct route towards crude oil, bypassing the Strait of Malacca," he says. "They have their strategic pipeline there. And of course, whoever their competitor is, would try to do two things:

first, they would try to pit India against China and prevent the union of Russia, India and China [from becoming] a reality.

And second, pit China's neighbors against it. This is all classic. Not because someone likes or does not like someone. This is geopolitics and it is being dictated by intense rival interests."

With regards to the Sino-Russian relationship, Bezrukov stresses that the Chinese, first of all, are our partners and one shouldn't talk about any affection between the two.

"Very often a marriage of convenience lasts a lot longer than that of love. Because both sides clearly understand why they are doing it."

"Separately from each other, Russia and China are vulnerable. Russia and China together are invulnerable."

"Russia and China are residing in one and the same home Eurasia. [Former US security advisor] Brzezinski used to call it the major continent. We found ourselves in a situation where peace in Eurasia and its growth not only guarantee growth in Russia and in China, it is the guarantee of security across the continent, it is the guarantee of the security of our borders."
"And our rivals, including the Americans, have a completely different vision. In order to keep someone's position, he should divide and rule. This is exactly what they are doing."

A War is Always Waged With The means at Hand

For Bezrukov, this situation very much resembles the one at the beginning of the last century: 1914, right before the start of the First World War.

US Continues to Pay Exorbitant Price to Project Power Despite New Realities

"What are we witnessing right now? The remapping of the world. There is a dominating power, or a group of powers, and a so-called challenger. What will these powers do to the challenger as they see how their monopoly is being washed away?" he questions.

Surely, he admits, since that time the major powers have acquired nuclear weapons. A war between nuclear states is probably something that can be ruled out. However, a war is always waged with the means at hand.

"And now these are the means of informational pressure, the means of economic pressure, the means of technological pressure, work through proxies, through third countries, disruption from inside, national problems. The means always match the moment. And such a war is already underway," he says.

It has been underway for a long time already. The war which has been waged against Russia is now being waged against China.

"There is the same propaganda regarding the Chinese market meltdown. It strictly followed the models and curves of the anti-Russian propaganda.

The purpose to scare everyone, ward everyone off from China, especially Europe and to demonstrate that China is an incapable, unstable partner with a slowing economy. There is nothing to hunt for there. Yet this is completely untrue."

The Forecast for Europe

Bezrukov explains that after the war, Europe rests on two principles: first, to move the border between the Atlantic world and Russia as far as possible to the East.

Second, it is European economic growth. Both factors are not working right now, he says. Do you see what is going on with the migrants? Do you see what is going on with the European budgets? Thus, the notion that Russia is not a mortal enemy is penetrating deeper and deeper [into Europe].

The generation of European politicians who were brought up on the ideas of Atlanticism is living its last years. For them, Atlanticism was the solution to a great number of problems. They are part of the same councils, the same funds as the Americans. They are friends.

"The new generation has been brought up on different ideas. The new generation sees a different America. It sees an America which is not that positive and is sometimes even negative. It is a rival," he says.

If Russia withstands the economic and political pressure it is experiencing right now, let's say, until 2020, the politics will change drastically, Bezrukov finally states.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
A recent Wayne Madsen report discusses the recent explosions in China and concludes that now there has been a third one of these it's clear it's sabotage that is taking place. Read the report HERE.

I'm never quite sure about Madsen, so perceptions from others would be good.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:A recent Wayne Madsen report discusses the recent explosions in China and concludes that now there has been a third one of these it's clear it's sabotage that is taking place. Read the report HERE.

I'm never quite sure about Madsen, so perceptions from others would be good.

Gladio C(hina).
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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